The Story
Based on true events, Behind Closed Doors tells the story of Sarah; a woman trapped in a violent and abusive relationship with her husband, Michael.
After her abusive husband attacks her and threatens to kill her, Sarah must seek help in escaping the dangerous relationship she is in before it's too late.
The film will be an intimate look into the experiences and emotions of a victim of domestic violence. Not only will the story portray the dangers and damage that domestic violence can cause both physically and emotionally, but it will also identify the issues victims face when trying to leave these tragic situations.
The story also touches upon substance abuse and drug addiction, highlighting the effects they can have not only on the user but also on those around them.
There are some very intense, powerful and heartbreaking moments in this story that we feel must be shared with everyone in order to promote the messages of our film.
The Background
In 2018, it was reported that 4.2% of men and 7.9% of women in the UK are victims of domestic abuse. This equates to about 685,000 male victims and 1,300,000 female victims (unreported abuse could mean the actual figures are likely to be much higher). Unfortunately, if unreported, domestic abuse can develop very quickly into domestic violence.
It is increasingly worrying that, even though 16% of violent crimes occur in the home, domestic violence is the least likely crime to be reported to the authorities. Sometimes the fear of repercussions or even the hope that their abuser might change their behavior is enough for a victim to not report their situation. Many victims, specifically female, will experience extra barriers when it comes to reporting the abuse and receiving help, in many cases, if they have children with their abuser, marital commitments and/or they are reliant on their abuser for money.
This is one of the reasons why, on average, 2 women are murdered every week due to domestic violence.
This terrifying statistic, along with all the issues surrounding domestic abuse, became the driving force when it came to writing and piecing together this film. We were also fortunate enough to personally speak to former victims of domestic abuse who were generous enough to share their experiences with us. The knowledge we gained from hearing these stories, which covered not only the realities of living with domestic abuse but also the challenges one must face during the recovery process, have played a huge part in the creation of this film.
We, as a production, have tried to approach this subject matter with emotional sensitivity, conscious of all the complexities and forces that are at play in an abusive relationship, in order to ensure a sense of intimacy and truthfulness to the film. As filmmakers, we understand our responsibility to identify and challenge the issues that lie in our society with morality and meaningfulness; especially when discussing an issue with such concealed prevalence as domestic abuse.
The Impact
- We hope our film can act as a voice for former and current victims of domestic abuse everywhere; a voice for those who, too often, are forced into silence.
- We aim to spread awareness of the dangers regarding domestic abuse as well as presenting the options victims have when it comes to seeking help.
- We intend to touch on the current issue residing in the legal system that can make a victim's severance from their abuser more difficult than it needs to be.
- We wish to inspire young people, as they begin to form and discover the joys of relationships, to realise their self worth and help them identify what love should and shouldn't look like.
Moreover, 50% of all the donations we receive after we reach our target, as well as any potential profits generated from the release of our film, will go to Women's Aid; a brilliant organisation that provides life-saving services to victims and survivors of domestic violence as well actively campaigning for a world where domestic violence will not be tolerated.
The Writer/Director
Alex is an aspiring director, currently living and studying in London. His introduction to the role came through a music video he directed in 2018, followed by a short comedy called 'EGG' which was shot in 2019 and is currently in post-production. Fascinated by people and relationships, Alex loves writing and directing films that portray his characters in a personal, deeply human manner; displaying and celebrating the unique characteristics and imperfections that his characters possess to reflect and relate to how we as, people in a society, behave and interact on an intimate level.
Alex has worked in many different roles while honing his skills as a director (camera assistant, production assistant, cinematographer and editor just to name a few), learning as much as he can about every department involved in making a film and understand what all these roles entail so that, when it comes to directing his films, he has a deep respect and appreciation for all members of his crew.
Behind Closed Doors is set to be his most intricate and mature work to date, using all the skills he has developed over the course of his career to create a raw and emotional look into the life of someone recovering from years of domestic abuse and violence.
"This project has been a long time coming. I remember tearing my hair out over the summer while trying to write this film; it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I was fortunate enough to speak to some survivors of domestic violence before embarking on this script and I wouldn't have the film I do without them. These women have not only become personal heroes of mine, but also a collective inspiration for my main character, Sarah. I was humbled and inspired by all the stories and experiences that were shared so generously with me by these incredible people. Directing is an amazing experience, one that I am so grateful for, and I cannot wait to direct this one. I want to dedicate Behind Closed Doors to all the victims and survivors of domestic abuse around the world; it is clear that attitudes need to change and I believe that cinema is the best tool for inciting this change."