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Being Canadian

What does it actually mean to be Canadian? This humorous documentary, featuring interviews with a who's-who of famous Canadians, hopes to find the answer!

Caret Left
Caret Right

Being Canadian

Being Canadian

Being Canadian

Being Canadian

Being Canadian

What does it actually mean to be Canadian? This humorous documentary, featuring interviews with a who's-who of famous Canadians, hopes to find the answer!

What does it actually mean to be Canadian? This humorous documentary, featuring interviews with a who's-who of famous Canadians, hopes to find the answer!

What does it actually mean to be Canadian? This humorous documentary, featuring interviews with a who's-who of famous Canadians, hopes to find the answer!

What does it actually mean to be Canadian? This humorous documentary, featuring interviews with a who's-who of famous Canadians, hopes to find the answer!

Rob Cohen
Rob Cohen
Rob Cohen
Rob Cohen
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$22,758 USD $22,758 USD 185 backers
34% of $66,422 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Cross-Canada Trip

Our 10 day cross-Canada trip was a HUGE SUCCESS!  Meetups, press, and interviews with many fantastic Canadians all leading to an amazing Canada Day celebration in Vancouver.  We're exhausted, but it's not over yet!

Now is the final push to get much needed funds to complete this film!

So we're releasing all kinds of new perks and incentives to show our appreciation and help us reach our goal!  Take a look below.


If we raise $30,000, we will release a special behind-the-scenes clip showing Mike Myers' musical side! ***DONE! Check out the Updates tab to see this video!***

If we raise $40,000, we will release a video clip of some hilarious antics, compliments of Russell Peters.

If we raise $50,000, we will release a clip of Howie Mandel doing something Canadians do best!

If we raise $65,000, Producer Colin Gray will film our Director Rob sashaying down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills wearing nothing but Canada flag tighty-whiteys.

If we raise $75, 000, our camera-operator Tyler will shave his beard he has been growing for years, while singing "Oh Canada".

If we raise $85, 000, Director Rob will get Producer Colin back by forcing him to get a maple leaf tattooed on his butt, with footage to prove it.


Thank you for visiting this page!  With your help, we hope to raise enough money to finish our feature length documentary called Being Canadian.  But first:


Being Canadian finally gets to the bottom of the question everyone around the world wants answered…

Who will win Dancing With The Stars?

But until that is solved, we’re going to keep making this film, which is a humorous, slightly-tongue-in-cheek, yet genuine documentation of how I, Robert Cohen, go on a personal quest to find out what it really means…to be Canadian.  As politely as possible.

And the good news?  Much of this documentary has already been filmed!  Below is just a sample of some of the amazing folks we have ALREADY interviewed:
  • Mike Myers
  • Michael J. Fox
  • Conan O’Brien
  • Ben Stiller
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Dan Aykroyd
  • Will Arnett
  • Rick Mercer
  • Dave Foley
  • William Shatner
  • Martin Short
  • Rich Little
  • The Royal Canadian Air Farce
  • The Barenaked Ladies
  • Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell
  • Morley Safer
  • David Steinberg
  • Paul Shaffer
  • Russell Peters
  • Jason Priestley
  • Alan Thicke
  • Alex Trebek
  • Luc Robitaille
  • Bernie Brillstein
  • Alanis Morrisette
  • Malcolm Gladwell
  • Caroline Rhea
  • Howie Mandel
  • The Commissioner to the CFL
  • The Trailer Park Boys
  • The head of the CBC
  • 40 Mounties on horseback
  • Brewery workers on the line
  • Dog sledders in Quebec
  • My Parents
  • Miss Canada

And we have MANY MORE AMAZING potential interviews pending!

That's our project in a nutshell.  But we need YOUR HELP to finish this film! Below is a breakdown of what we need.

Money Spent So Far

To date, we've raised $100K which we used to shoot 75+ interviews, capture over 100 hours of footage, visit various Canadian and US cities for shoots, and remote Man-on-the-Street interviews in India, Kenya, Pakistan, and the U.K.   

We've managed to stretch our budget by working deferments for all our core production team (meaning the director, writer, producers, DP and EPs are all working gratis), and then we've spent the money raised to date carefully on the following:

  • Travel - local & intl (airfare, car, etc) --- $22K
  • Accommodation - local & intl --- $8K
  • Crew costs --- $20K
  • Production Equipment (cameras, lenses, lights, etc.) --- $13K
  • Transcriptions --- $3K
  • Editor --- $14K
  • Post Equipment --- $10K
  • Research/ Archive --- $6K
  • Legal --- $4K 

What We Need

We now urgently need to raise another $95,000 to actually finish the film, including a final round of amazing interviews, and then all the editing and post production needed to finish the film.  Just like we've done with production, no one on our team will take a penny, until we get our film across the finish line!  

Specifically, here's where we plan to spend the $95K: 

  • Cross Canada Shoot (Travel & Crew Costs) --- $15K
  • Additional Interview Crew costs --- $10K
  • Production Equipment (cameras, lenses, lights, etc.) --- $4K
  • Transcriptions --- $1K
  • Editor --- $15K
  • Post Equipment --- $9K
  • Graphic Design --- $5K
  • Music Composing/ Licensing --- $8K
  • Research/ Archive --- $4K
  • Footage Licensing (Festival Use) --- $15K
  • Legal --- $4K
  • Micellaneous (like Indiegogo prizes) --- $5K


Our Film Marketing & Release Plans

Once the documentary is finished and edited, our plan is to submit BEING CANADIAN to a bunch of high profile film festivals like the Toronto Film Festival (TIFF), Just For Laughs, Berlin, Sundance, Tribeca, etc.

We understand that you're not going to give your money away to just anyone, so here is a bit of background on who's involved in BEING CANADIAN:

Robert Cohen

The pride of the Canadian Rockies, Emmy Award winner and multiple Cable Ace Award nominee Robert Cohen is an established television and feature writer/producer, and director, who has been successfully working in every format over the last 20 years, including sitcoms, sketch, variety, animation and major motion pictures.

Some of his TV writing and producing credits include The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live, Just Shoot Me, The Big Bang Theory and The Ben Stiller Show.  Film work includes Austin Powers 2 & 3, Tropic Thunder, Shrek 2 and 3, and The Campaign.

As a director, Rob has filmed a series of shorts for MTV and HBO, music videos for artists such as Aimee Mann, multiple TV commercials, and various TV episodes and pilots for some very nice people at Comedy Central, Funny or Die, and IFC.  

His turn-ons are honesty and short bios.


Colin Keith Gray and Megan Raney Aarons, better known as The Sibs, are an award winning brother/sister writing, directing & producing team with over 20 years experience as cross-platform storytellers and filmmakers.  

Recent credits include Meena, a scripted short film based on Nicolas Kristof's novel, "Half The Sky" (2013); Google's interactive web series ThinkB4U (2012); the action sports branded web series Clean Break (Sony Crackle 2010); Redlight, a TV doc about child sex trafficking (Showtime 2010); and Freedom's Fury, the acclaimed feature doc about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.  

The Sibs launched GRAiNEY PICTURES, their full service transmedia production company, in 2003.  

Amaze Film + TV

Amaze Film + Television is an award-winning production company based in Toronto.  It was founded in 2000 by writers/producers Michael Souther and Teza Lawrence.  Amaze partners with companies across Canada and around the world to produce market-driven films and television, with strong ties in Los Angeles, New York and Europe.  Credits include Call Me Fitz, an award winning half-hour comedy series airing its fourth season this fall on HBO Canada and the Audience Network in the US; Finn on the Fly (2009), starring Ana Gasteyer and Ryan Belleville; and Saint Ralph (2004), which received a Genie nomination for Best Feature Film.

Becky Hutner

Becky's adventure in post production began with an internship transcribing interview footage for one of her all-time favourite filmmakers, Michel Gondry.  She's since edited hundreds of segments for cable, network, and interactive web campaigns, as well as numerous doc features and web series. Credits include Robert Stewart's multiple award winning environmental doc Revolution; Ondi Timoner's ground breaking web portal A Total Disruption; the short film Meena directed by Lucy Liu and The Sibs; Clean Break for Schick Hydro & Sony; an LA Emmy nomination for NBC's Your LA; and work for a diverse range of entertainment clients including Current TV, Katalyst Media, Verizon, Nestle and GRAiNEY PICTURES.

Becky also writes about being a Canadian in Los Angeles for online travel mag, Matador.


Founder & Principle of Foundation Films, Michael LaFetra has produced numerous feature docs and narrative films including Robert Williams Mr Bitchin' (2013), Kevorkian (2010), Night Train (2009), Bart Got a Room (2008), and What We Do Is Secret (2007).  

We understand that not everyone can contribute, but if you're interested in Canada, Canadians, and funny people in general, there are other ways you can help!

You can join our Facebook Fan Page: Being Canadian Movie, and encourage other people to join!

You can follow us on Twitter: @becanadianmovie

You can visit our website:

You can make your own flyers at home and force them on people at bus stops!

You can tell your friends.


Thank you for reading our pitch!  We can't do it without your help, so just remember: every little bit counts!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

The Pamela Anderson Award

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
We dub thee an Honorary Canadian! (or reinforce you being an actual Canadian) For your generous contribution, we will give you a super-polite and enthusiastic shout out on our Facebook page!
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
7 claimed

The Beer and Donuts Award

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
We dub thee a Cool Canadian! For your generous contribution, we want to send you a "thank you" email, and sing a silent heroic song about you in our heart from high atop the Rockies. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
19 claimed

The Pierre Trudeau Award

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
We dub thee a Wonderful Canadian! You either call Toronto “Toronno” or you don't understand where the "T" went. But we don't care, because we'd like to thank you for your generous contribution with a fancy thank you certificate of achievement! Suitable for framing... or more-public accusations of guilt. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, and the THANK-YOU EMAIL.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
30 claimed

Trans-Canada Digital Scrapbook

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For your donation, we will send you a Being Canadian-themed digital scrapbook filled with postcards of the team's cross-Canada journey, funny captions, and insights.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 claimed

Cross-Canada Tee (Women's M)

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For your donation, you will receive a LIMITED EDITION Being Canadian t-shirt that has visited every province with us along our cross-Canada journey. As an added bonus, we promise this t-shirt has never been worn by Rob. Please note the size is WOMEN'S MEDIUM.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
4 out of 23 of claimed

Cross-Canada Tee (Women's L)

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For your donation, you will receive a LIMITED EDITION Being Canadian t-shirt that has visited every province with us along our cross-Canada journey. As an added bonus, we promise this t-shirt has never been worn by Rob. Please note the size is WOMEN'S LARGE.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
0 out of 24 of claimed

Cross-Canada Tee (Men's M)

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For your donation, you will receive a LIMITED EDITION Being Canadian t-shirt that has visited every province with us along our cross-Canada journey. As an added bonus, we promise this t-shirt has never been worn by Rob. Please note the size is MEN'S MEDIUM.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
1 out of 23 of claimed

Cross-Canada Tee (Men's L)

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For your donation, you will receive a LIMITED EDITION Being Canadian t-shirt that has visited every province with us along our cross-Canada journey. As an added bonus, we promise this t-shirt has never been worn by Rob. Please note the size is MEN'S LARGE.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
2 out of 20 of claimed

The Dudley Do-Right Award

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
We dub thee an Incredible Canadian! Maple syrup flows through your veins. You should probably see a doctor about that. It’s donations like yours that bring us closer to completing "BEING CANADIAN". For your generosity, we will send you an awesome "BEING CANADIAN" movie poster, signed by as many of the "cast" as we can shake a Sharpie at. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, and the THANK-YOU EMAIL and the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
26 claimed

The Loverboy Award

Currency Conversion $52 USD
$75 CAD
We dub thee an Amazing Canadian! Not only do you know who Loverboy is, they signed a part of your body. In multiple decades. Your contribution is a significant one, and for it, we would like to send you a "thank you" video from one of our mystery Canadian celebrities, as well as a thank you credit on our website. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, and the THANK-YOU EMAIL and the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE and the SIGNED POSTER.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
8 claimed

The Great White North Award

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
We dub thee a Wicked Canadian! For your awesome contribution, we're going to send you a "BEING CANADIAN" t-shirt (in your size) designed by Robert Cohen himself! (and guaranteed to not be worn by Rob himself) . --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, and the THANK-YOU EMAIL and the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE and the SIGNED MOVIE POSTER and the THANK YOU VIDEO from one of our mystery CANADIAN CELEBRITIES.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
27 claimed

The Moose on the Loose Award

Currency Conversion $140 USD
$200 CAD
We dub thee a Major Canadian! You eat poutine 24/7. Again, your doctor is concerned, but his office is backed up with Great White North Award winners. We adore you, and want to send you a signed DVD when it’s made. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, and the THANK-YOU EMAIL and the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE and the SIGNED MOVIE POSTER and the THANK YOU VIDEO from one of our mystery CANADIAN CELEBRITIES and the CUSTOM T-SHIRT.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
12 out of 1000 of claimed

Canadian Comedy Compilation

Currency Conversion $175 USD
$250 CAD
*LIMITED EDITION* For those that love and admire Canadian comedy, we will send you a limited edition (password protected) Vimeo link filled with hilarious behind-the-scenes clips from many of the great Canadian personalities we interviewed. These clips won't be in the film, so this is a one-time only opportunity to get your hands on some rare comedy gold!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
0 claimed

The John Candy Award

Currency Conversion $350 USD
$500 CAD
We dub thee an Awesome Canadian! You’ve built a family of beavers their dam, AND installed a roof of weather-proof Loonies. Your contribution to "BEING CANADIAN" is huge, so we want to give you an on-screen thank you credit in the film. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, the THANK-YOU EMAIL, the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE, the SIGNED POSTER, the THANK YOU VIDEO from one of our CANADIAN CELEBRITIES, the CUSTOM T-SHIRT and SIGNED DVD.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
8 out of 400 of claimed

Space Shuttle Canada Arm Award

Currency Conversion $699 USD
$1,000 CAD
We dub thee an Uber Canadian! You're out of this world! But space travel makes you thirsty, so upon re-entry, please accept a case of customized "BEING CANADIAN" beer, with your name on the label. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, the THANK-YOU EMAIL, the THANK YOU CERTIFICATE, the SIGNED POSTER, the THANK YOU VIDEO from one of our CANADIAN CELEBRITIES, the CUSTOM T-SHIRT, the SIGNED DVD, and an ONSCREEN THANK YOU CREDIT.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
1 out of 50 of claimed

The Celine-Shania Duet Award

Currency Conversion $1,748 USD
$2,500 CAD
We dub thee a Super Canadian! Your kindness is heroic. You'll get two tickets to the world premiere of "BEING CANADIAN" (transportation not included) and Director Robert Cohen will host dinner in your honour the night before. --------------------------------------------------------------- This PLUS the FACEBOOK SHOUT-OUT, THANK-YOU EMAIL and CERTIFICATE, the SIGNED POSTER, THANK YOU VIDEO from a CANADIAN CELEB, the T-SHIRT, the SIGNED DVD, an ONSCREEN THANK YOU, and THE CASE OF "B.C." BEER.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

The Great Gretzky Award

Currency Conversion $3,496 USD
$5,000 CAD
We dub thee a Kick-Ass Canadian! For your brain-blowing generosity, which blows our brains, we will also FLY YOU to the World Premiere (one coach ticket), and give you 2 tickets to the VIP party after! -------------------------------------------------------------- PLUS the F.B. SHOUT-OUT, THANK-YOU EMAIL, and CERTIFICATE, the SIGNED POSTER, the celeb THANK YOU VIDEO, the T-SHIRT and SIGNED DVD and an ONSCREEN THANK YOU CREDIT, the CASE OF BEER, and TICKETS TO THE WORLD PREMIERE with DINNER.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
0 out of 4 of claimed

The Captain Canada Award

Currency Conversion $6,992 USD
$10,000 CAD
The nicest of all super heroes! Your origin story? Rocketed to Earth in a flannel spaceship, and discovered on an igloo’s doorstep by two Mounties named McKenzie, you become the ULTIMATE CANADIAN! For your INCREDIBLE contribution, we will fly YOU to L.A. (one person/coach) put you up for 2 nights, and interview YOU for the film! --------------------------------------------------------------- PLUS ALL OF THE OTHER PERKS LISTED ABOVE, wrapped in a rose-scented bow called eternal appreciation.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed
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