Big Bernie needs to be in Philadelphia
You may know me as Big Bernie or you may know me as Alex Schaefer the plein air painter... and either way, you know why I want to to to Philadelphia. I want to make a BIG SCENE! I want to get out there and spread the LOVE as the crowd pleasing Big Bernie, hit all the sites like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell and of course run up the steps at the Museum of Art! The Democratic Convention, the City, the Nation, and the World all need to see first hand that the energy and passion and devotion of the People behind the Bernie Revolution is alive and well and strong as ever
Then I want to go to all the same place with my art supplies and paint my heart out capturing the sights and color and energy and people of the great City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection!
What I Need & What You Get
I am running the crowdfunding campaign to help cover expenses for the trip: airfare, ground transport, food and incidentals. I will be offering the following perks:
Contributions of $20 get a personalized postcard from Philly signed and with a self portrait sketch
Contributions of $50 get a postcard and Bankers Behind Bars t-shirt
Contributions of $300 get an 8 by 10 plein air cityscape oil painting made in Philadelphia and Bankers Behind Bars t-shirt (2 available)
Drop the whole enchilada and $1600 gets the whole enchilada. This special contributor gets a 20 by 16 plein air oil painting of Independance Hall made in Philadelphia, a personalized postcard and Bankers Behind Bars t-shirt (1 available)