''Bir Şarkı Bir Orman / One Song One Forest'' projemizde sadece 2 dolara bir ağaç dikip yepyeni bir şarkı kazanıyorsunuz daha fazla bağışlarınız için daha büyük hediyelerimiz aşşağıdaki linkte.
"Insaniz Ayibi Yok" klibimizi bu linke tıklayarak yada yukarıdaki Gallery Tabına basarak izliyebilirsiniz. // You can watch our music video for "Insaniz Ayibi Yok" by clicking the link below or in the gallery tab of our project page.
Melike 18 gibi çok erken bir yaşta savaşını kaybetti. Ailesi Melike nin anısına gezegenimize hayat ve nefes vermek icin 1000 ağaçlık bir koru hazırladı. O zamandan beri bu sayıyı 2350 e çıkarabildiler.
Bizde burda devreye girdik.
Melike nin ufak korusunu 10000 ağaçlık bir ormana dönüştürmek istiyoruz. melike yi onurlandırmak ve ailesinin başlattığı bu görevi sonuçlandırmak için öz abisi Ozan Turgut un yazdığı Caner Anar ın besteleyip seslendirdiği şarkımızla müziğin ve doğanın gücünü birleştirmek istiyoruz.
Sadece 2 dolarlık bağışınızla bir ağaç dikerek bu çabamızın bir parçası olabilirsiniz.
Melikes biggest wish was to travel around the world. Sadly at the early age of 17 doctors discovered that she had a brain tumor. During her fight with cancer her family had their friends from around the world shoot short positive energy filled messages for Melike.(Video girls noktası) Unfortunately due to the cancer advancing through the vision center of brain, Melike wasn’t able to see the video. In 2012 at the young age of 18 she lost her battle. In an effort to give life and oxygen back to the planet in her memory, her family started the Melike Woods made up of 1000 trees. Since then able to raise that number to 2350. .
This is where we came in our dream and goal is to raise that number to 10,000 and turn the little Melike Woods into an official Melike Forest. With lyrics written by her own brother Ozan Turgut and a song composed and performed by Caner Anar we hope to combine the beauty of nature and music, to help honor Melike by completing the mission her family started.
With a simple donation of $2.00 you can plant your very own tree and take part in our efforts to give the world a forest back.
$1 Raindrop
Your simple $1 donation will go towards helping us raise the necessary amount to plant one tree. You will receive our song download as a thank you fro your donations.
$2 One Song One Tree
With this small donation you get to plant your very own tree. You will receive a download of our song and give the world one more life and breath.
$20 Musical Touch
For your $20 donation you will plant 10 trees and will be emailed via wetransfer the 12 album discography and all future works of Playjoy, the musician behind Our project song "Insaniz Ayibi Yok", along with all previous perks.
$50 Personal Thank You e-Card
For your donation of 25 trees we will send a personalised thank you e-card with the picture of the tree you planted and a message written just for you.
$100 50 Breath Angels
When you plant 50 trees you get to add 50 breaths to our world, and get the naming rights for a small section of the forest to be named in honour of your own loved ones. With a simple sign your loved ones name will forever be a part of this forest.
$200 Music and Nature
For your help in planting 100 trees, we will live stream a concert with songs in English and Turkish, with several known musicians. You will be mailed the airing date and the password required through email and receive all the perks previously listed.
$1000 Picture Worth a Thousand Words
With a donation of $1000 you will plant 500 trees and receive a personalised illustration on a 50cm x 30cm (20' x 12') canvas, by our talented artist. Infusing the picture of your loved one with the beauty of nature to create an everlasting memory. You will also receive all gifts listed in previous perks as a thank you for your vast donation and help. All shipping costs will be handled by us no matter your location.
$2000 One Forest One Concert
For your incredible donation of $2000 we will arrange a live concert in the forest you have greatly helped create or at a venue to be selected by you and the musicians. We wanna show our appreciation by giving you and any number of your friends an unforgettable experience to thank you for your generous donation. *(Due to travel costs, only available to those residing in Turkey or those who can pay their own travel costs.) Will also include all gifts from the previous perks.
Melike' ye,
"Kısa sürsede misafirliğin bu illüzyonda,sonsuzluğa inanıyoruz ya biz. Güzel insanların, güzel dostları olur sonsuzluğa inanan. Bak ne kadar kalabalığız. Dünya'nın her yerinden binlerce güzel insan..." Ozan Turgut
Sonsuzluğa yolcu ettiğimiz bütün sevdiklerimiz anısına gezegenimize binlerce nefes kazandırmak istiyoruz. Baska hiç bir amacımız yok.
Geleceğimiz için, Çocuklarımız için, Dünyamız için desteklerinizi bekliyoruz.
Hedeflediğimiz tutara ulaşamasak bile, yapacağınız her bağış ağaç olarak değerlendirilicektir. Hedefimizi aşarsak 25000 ağaçlık bölgeyi ağaçlarla kaplayana kadar durmayacağız.
Yakında klibimizi olabildiği kadar kişiye ulaştırabilmek içim, klibimizin İngilizce alt yazılısını ve Türkçe İşaret Dili ile hazırlanmış olan versiyonlarını yayına koyacağız.
Ekstra bilgiler ve güncel haberlerler çok yakında hem Indiegogo proje sayfamızdan, Facebook sayfamız https://www.facebook.com/onesongoneforest' tan ve internet sitemiz www.onesongoneforest.com' dan yayınlanacaktır. Vaktiniz için teşekkürler bağışlarınızı ve paylaşımlarınızı heyecan mesajımızı yayabilmek için bekliyoruz.
Yan tarafta bulunan İngilizce hediye listemizin Türkçe çevirmesini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
To Melike.
"Even though your visit was short lived in this illusion, we believe in the forever. Beautiful people have beautiful friends who believe in the forever. Look how many we are, thousands of kind hearted people from all over the world." Ozan Turgut
For the memory of all those we have loved and sent on their way to eternal rest. We want the add thousands of breaths to our planet. We have no other purpose.
For our future, for our children, for our Earth, we are waiting for your support.
If we are unable to reach our original goal, all your donations will still be used to plant trees on the way to our final destination. If we hopefully exceed our expectations we will continue to plant trees, till we cover the whole 25,000 tree area with new life.
We will soon be posting our music video with English Subtitles, Turkish Sign Language to help our song be understood across the planet by all.
Stay posted for more information and new updates coming very soon. In the meantime feel free to check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/onesongoneforest and our website at www.onesongoneforest.com. Thank You for your time and we appreciate your donations and shares to help spread the word.
Fotoğraf ve video indirme linki // Photo and video download link: