**The only perk available for order is Cover A**
All other perks were taken down on November 1st, 2024
TOTAL RAISED: $15,038 (107%)
Total Backers: 250
The Funding Goal is a total across both Alterna's site and Indiegogo.
Dimensions Collide in this Alterna Crossover!
Trapped in a strange dimension on an alien world, KING CRYPTID must join forces with KYRON MORVEL to stop a cosmic threat in the epic sci-fi fantasy crossover adventure... BLOOD MOON!
Pictured here: BLOOD MOON (Cover A). Art by Keir Covington. Colors by Kristian Rossi. Design by Peter Simeti.
The Creature of Night & the Warrior of Light!
BLOOD MOON marks the first time that KING CRYPTID (New England's Cursed Immortal Supernatural Man-Monster) meets KYRON MORVEL (Leader of the Iron Wolves and one of the last bastions of good on the brutal Lands of Mhordrin)!
This in-continuity crossover takes place after BLOOD REALM #18 and KING CRYPTID #9. While this is a crossover, BLOOD MOON will provide a great introduction for readers that are new to the characters and worlds featured in the story. If you're already reading BLOOD REALM and/or KING CRYPTID -- the added context will provide even more depth to the story. No matter what, there will be a long-lasting impact on both titles as the result of this crossover -- nothing is being reset, rebooted, or retconned -- and no punches are being pulled!
Pictured here: BLOOD MOON 11x17 poster featuring KING CRYPTID and KYRON MORVEL. Art by Keir Covington.
The Creative Team
- Featuring a 66 page story by Peter Simeti and Robert Geronimo with art by Keir Covington, colors by Kristian Rossi (6 pages), and colors by Robert Geronimo (60 pages). Letters, logo, and graphic design by Peter Simeti.
- Peter is the creator, writer, and letterer of KING CRYPTID.
- Robert is the creator, writer, artist, and letterer of BLOOD REALM.
- Keir and Kristian are both very familiar with the worlds of KING CRYPTID and BLOOD REALM having worked on issues of both titles.
Pictured here: VARGORE Trading Card (Alterna Series #23) This card is a bonus for all physical perk backers but can also be purchased separately. Art by Keir Covington.
Book & Cover Information
BLOOD MOON has 4 different covers to choose from and they all feature the same interior.
- 66 pages of story; 70 pages in total
- Perfect for most readers ages 12 and up
- Standard Comic Book Size
- Perfect Bound (square bounding on the spine; no staples)
- Interior paper stock: 80# silk-coated (high quality paper with little to no glare)
- Cover stock: 12pt premium cardstock
- Books will all be numbered on the inside front cover. Backers will receive their numbered editions that correspond to the order in which they are purchased.
- Print runs for covers B, C, and D will be limited. Only a small amount of extras will be printed.
- Cover A - 200
- Cover B - 50
- Cover C - 50
- Cover D - 50
- All Over Print Shirt - 20
- Glow-in-the-Dark Shirt - 20
- Sketch Cards - 50
- 6x9 Print Sets - 15
- 11x17 Poster Sets - 10
Cover A) Standard Wraparound
- (Premium Cardstock Cover)
Cover B) Art-Only Wraparound
- (Premium Cardstock Cover)
Cover C) Sketch Cover Blank Variant
- (Uncoated Cardstock Cover)
Cover D) Glow-in-the-Dark Wraparound
- (Image glows on both front and back cover)