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BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

Since new BLTouch alternate with the former one, PLEASE DISCARD THE YELLOW ONE to avoid confusion.

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BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

BLTouch : Auto Leveling Sensor for 3D Printers

Since new BLTouch alternate with the former one, PLEASE DISCARD THE YELLOW ONE to avoid confusion.

Since new BLTouch alternate with the former one, PLEASE DISCARD THE YELLOW ONE to avoid confusion.

Since new BLTouch alternate with the former one, PLEASE DISCARD THE YELLOW ONE to avoid confusion.

Since new BLTouch alternate with the former one, PLEASE DISCARD THE YELLOW ONE to avoid confusion.

Paris K. Lee
Paris K. Lee
Paris K. Lee
Paris K. Lee
2 Campaigns |
SEOUL, Korea, Republic of
$11,195 USD 185 backers
55% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects



New campaign began on April 25th. 2016!
Please click the link below to enter the campaign :

  New BLTouch Here  ☜



























BLTouch CAD Dimension




BLTouch uses the same servo signal which used in previous servo line.

■ Solenoid Push-pin Up ➡ servo signal 90Degree(ex : M280 P0 S90 ) 

■ Solenoid Push-pin Down  ➡ servo signal 10Degree(ex : M280 P0 S10 )

■  Manual Self-test ➡ servo signal 120Degree(ex :  M280 P0 S120)

■ Alarm Release ➡ servo signal 160Degree(ex : M280 P0 S160)


※  BLTouch can be operated in the following condition.

  - One I/O (PWM or Software PWM) for control 

  - One I/O for Zmin

  - GND and +5V  power

However, Firmware updating might be needed on a case.


Packaging List

1 X BLTouch (BLTouch-WS)


Wiring (e.g. RAMPS 1.4)



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