Blue Dust is a fantasy short film which incorporates thriller elements. The protagonist, Carter is the manufacturer and inventor of Blue Dust, a drug that allows its users to speak to their own conscience. Blue Dust has made Carter wildly rich, but the more he makes, the closer he comes to succumbing to its deadly side effects. As the police are on their way, Carter is thrown into the world of his own mind where he must decide whether to turn himself in, or burn his empire to the ground and escape.
My name is Tom, I'm the producer of Blue Dust. This is a project that I'm very excited for. I have experience of working as a producer on a few shorts, as well as experience as an Assistant Director on various major motion pictures. This is a project that myself and my team are extremely passionate about.
All of the money raised by our crowdfund will go directly into making the film. We have a wide range of tiers available to our backers, ranging from social media shout-outs, BTS packages, a mention in the credits all the way up to an executive producer credit. We are aiming to raise £650, this would cover all of our expenses as well as our plans for distribution.
We would be incredibly grateful for any donations we receive and they will be used to tell this amazing and unique story.
The Impact
Your contributions will make the world of difference to our production. Our crew is made up of young film makers hungry to break into the film industry. My crew is extremely passionate, skilled and hard working. By making this film I can help to give us a platform to break into industry that we all love.
Myself as well as my crew have extensive experience working on short narrative films. I myself have also worked on various feature films including Netflix productions and other major franchise films. Myself and my team have an understanding of the industry and will stretch out every penny in order complete Blue Dust to the best possible standard.
Risks & Challenges
Film making is risky by nature. The main challenge we face is completing our Set Build. We will be using a studio space to house a custom built set for this production. This set will be Carters Lab and also double for where begins to loose his mind. With your help we can afford the materials to complete this set and build it to the quality that this script deserves.
Other Ways You Can Help
I understand that some people won't be able to contribute, and that's fine! If you would still like to be involved, we'd appreciate it if you could spread awareness of the campaign and share it to others that may be interested.