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BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

A unique anti-theft lock, integrated in a fast and beautiful city bike.

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BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

BluLocks - The first bike with an integrated lock

A unique anti-theft lock, integrated in a fast and beautiful city bike.

A unique anti-theft lock, integrated in a fast and beautiful city bike.

A unique anti-theft lock, integrated in a fast and beautiful city bike.

A unique anti-theft lock, integrated in a fast and beautiful city bike.

Maurits Korthals Altes
Maurits Korthals Altes
Maurits Korthals Altes
Maurits Korthals Altes
1 Campaign |
Delft, Netherlands
$10,285 USD 42 backers
51% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

For the first time ever it's possible to have an extremely safe lock that won't compromise the beauty of the bike

BluLocks is an elegant lock, which is neatly integrated in the BluLocks bike. Get a fast & fun city bike with the lock you’ve always wanted. No more stress about leaving your bike alone. The lock has two main functions; blocking the pedals and locking the plug-in chain. 

The mechanism blocks the pedals and locks the plug-in chain in one smooth turn of the key. With the plug-in chain you can attach the bike to external objects like trees, poles or other bikes. To access the lock you would have to breach the frame, making the bicycle worthless.

We’ve integrated the lock inside a fast and beautiful city bike. Normally you would have to buy a bike, and a separate lock. Now you get a beautiful bike with an exceptional lock.

The bottom bracket lock

Can’t touch this
As badly as thieves might want to lay a hand on this lock, it remains untouchable unless they were to breach the frame, making bike theft useless. 

Safety without compromise
For the first time it’s possible to have an extremely safe lock that won’t compromise the beauty of the bike.

Swift and smooth
Lock your chain and crank in one smooth turn of the key, taking you about two seconds tops

The plug-in chain

Taking flexibility to the next level
The plug-in chain allows you to secure your bike to any object, anywhere, anytime.

Safe and sound
The chain is made of high class steel. It’s covered with a good looking protective sleeve.

Defy bike thieves
Even if a thief were to cut through the chain, there would still be a piece of chain dangling out of the side of the frame, making it very unattractive to sell.

The flip-flop hub

Double the fun
The rear wheel’s flip-flop hub gives you the freedom to ride the way you want. A quick flip of the wheel switches between Fixed Gear and Single Speed.

Fixed gear
The direct transmission gives you a greater feel of the road and more control over your speed. Riding fixed will help you develop your own rhythm and style.

Single speed
Enjoy your bike the way you’re used to. The gear is set to a very pleasant speed, ensuring you a relaxing and comfortable ride, at all times.

How do I submit my colour preference?
We will contact you after you've selected your perk. Then you'll be given the opportunity to submit the colours of your choice. 

What frame sizes are available? 
The frames come in the sizes 56 cm and 60 cm. When you submit your colour preference you can also submit  your frame size. 

What is Liggi?
Liggi are Dutch strap-on bikelights with an innovative design, also originated from Delft. The straps prevent theft or loss. They are designed by Studio Hikari x AXA.

Which mudguard will I get?
The clever emergency bicycle mudguards that's there when you need it, gone when you don't. Easy to install, no tools required. The 'ass-savers' are designed by 5 Swedes from Göteborg. 

We are two mechanical engineers. We like to dream about finding solutions, but our real joy comes from really solving the problem. As we are from the Netherlands we naturally have a passion for bicycles. We complement each other with different skill sets, making us a good team. However, our company couldn’t be a success without the help of our partners and of course all of our BluLocks friends.

When one of us had his sixth bike stolen in less than a year, we decided it was time for a change. Bike theft is huge problem In Holland. We did some research and found some shocking statistics. Each year about 900 thousand bikes get stolen. That is 90% of the 1 million bikes that are sold. But the problem isn’t limited to The Netherlands. Worldwide 15 million bicycles are stolen each year.

We also took a closer look at bike locks, and found that they had hardly changed over the past 50 years. All locks on the market are bulky, ugly and inconvenient and most of all, not secure. They can all be cut with simple bolt cutters or a grinder. Even a hacksaw will do the trick.

That’s why we wanted to create something different. We wanted to create a lock that would make bike theft as unrewarding as possible. We thought about many different ways to do this. Ranging from frame tubes that could be used as chain locks, to entire foldable frames. After months of hard work and multiple prototypes, we finally had what we wanted. A slim lock that is integrated within the bicycle frame.

We partnered up with CEAD, a prototyping company, to help us create the lock we want. Together we’re testing and finalizing the final product. We used the latest technology, including laser cutting and 3D printing to make sure we can start producing as soon as possible. We also started working with Birota, an experienced bike manufacturer, to guarantee a high quality bike with premium components. With the help of YES!Delft, the largest tech incubator from Europe, we made sure we can realize our product. 

What exactly is a BluLocks bike?

The BluLocks bike is a light, agile city bike which can be configured as single-speed or fixed gear. The simplistic and clean look make you stand out of any crowd. A fast Dutch no nonsense bike with a lock integrated in the seat tube, making it beautiful, easy to lock and especially secure. With the plug in chain you can easily lock your bike to anything you want. The steel frame is decked out in top quality components. A great bike, you’ll never have to worry about.

How does the thief know the bicycle is locked?

Because the bicycle is locked to a pole, or a tree with the plug-in chain lock. The thief can't take the bicycle without inspecting it first. Thieves specialize in a single type of lock, for instance a chain or U-lock. Our lock is new and unusual, so a thief will always choose an easier target.

Will I be able to build this lock inside the bicycle I currently own?

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. A few adjustments have to be made to the frame in order to make the lock as secure as possible. But no need to worry, we are full of surprises.

What happens if I lose my keys?

If you claim a BluLocks frame or complete bike, we will register the keys as soon they arrive in our assembly line in the Netherlands. If you happen to lose all of your keys you will be able to request a new set of keys online. On request we can send you as much spare keys if you want, but we will have to charge you for the extra production and shipping costs.  

What happens if the lock would fail?

Our biggest priority is making the lock highly reliable. However, every product is prone to failure. We designed the system to make it replaceable, but only if you have possession of the keys. So no worries, the bike won't be useless in the highly unlikely event of failure. 

Is the lock resilient against dust and moisture?

Because the lock is placed rather low, it is prone to dirt and water. We are aware of this problem and are therefore only working with materials that can withstand more extreme environments. But like any bike or lock it is not immune to wear. It's always a wise idea to take good care of your bike and it's lock. 

Can I lock the pedals in more than one position?

The lock is designed in such a way you can lock the pedals in almost any position. You don't have to struggle to get your pedals in a certain position when locking your bike. 

What colour combinations can I make?

We offer you two main different perks. You can choose between receiving just the BluLocks frame and the frame with all the extra parts. The frame is available in two colour options; black & white. The sets with parts are available in the options anodized red & blue. When you select the full bicycle you will be able to make all 4 colour combinations; white/red, white/blue, black/red, black/blue. The price is not affected by the colours you choose.

What frame sizes are available? 
The frames come in the sizes 57 cm and 60 cm. When you submit your colour preference you can also submit  your frame size. 

When can I expect my BluLocks bike?

Our plan is to start production in January. Of course we are not immune to set backs, but we’ve put a lot of effort in our planning and expect no major delays. Depending on your location you will receive your perk in February. As soon as we are ready to ship we can deliver orders from the Netherlands within a week. The Benelux and other adjacent countries will take a maximum of two weeks. The rest of Europe and the world can be subject to customs and different shipping companies. Therefore shipping can take up to a month.

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs depend on your location. If you live in the Netherlands or Belgium the shipping costs are included. Every other locations outside the Netherlands are specified for each perk. The costs cover the shipping costs only. Any other tax, import or custom costs are not covered. Those depend heavily on your location and can't be taken account of by us. Make sure you are up to date with your countries custom rules before ordering a perk! 

I've claimed a discount coupon, how do I receive my discount?

If you've claimed your discount coupon you received a verification email from us. If you didn't please contact us, so we can make sure you don't miss out on your discount. You might also qualify for the discounted bike if you're a member of a certain community. To claim your discount you have to select the 359$ 'discounted bike' perk. If you want the deluxe discounted bike add 30$ to your contribution manually (making 389$). The discount is only applicable to the regular and the deluxe BluLocks bike and is not usable for the 'double the fun' or the 'collectors package'. If there is any misunderstanding about your qualification of the discount of other issues, please contact us. We're happy to help!

What retail price do you expect?

Our current plan is not to do any retail selling. The BluLocks bike can solely be claimed during the Indiegogo campaign. After that we might remain In-demand, but only for a certain period of time. We want to focus on continuous development of the product, so we can make our lock available for all kinds of different frame types. We can also maintain a full focus on the customer care of all our backers.

We are excited to launch our first ever crowdfunding campaign to introduce a secure, fun and beautiful bike with an innovative locking technology.

BluLocks has developed an innovative product and fully functioning prototype with technology that's unique in the bicycle market. We’re confident that BluLocks will be produced with the highest quality materials and manufacturing available.

We are committed to keeping our campaign transparent and will openly communicate with our supporters on our project, as well as any obstacles that might arise.

We are preparing for future challenges that could impact our planned production timeline, including  adjustments that might be made during production to improve the final product. We will prepare for any delays this may cause in order to deliver the best quality product with a timely delivery for your benefit.

Our priority is to deliver a product that will exceed your expectations . We’re grateful for all your support and promise to provide you with the best version of our product.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Early bird bike

$399 USD
Be the first to receive a beautiful BluLocks bike, against a reduced early bird price. You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes the plug-in chain. Keep in mind there are in total 30 normal & deluxe early birds available, not 30 each.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
6 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
If you love what we're doing and want keep up-to-date with everything we're doing, then select this perk. We will love you forever!
22 claimed

Thank you package

$40 USD
Help us get started! To show our gratitude we will send you a personal thank you note, with Liggi, the Dutch strap-on bike lights.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$150 USD
Reserve your 450$ BluLocks bike with this downpayment. You will have until the end of the campaign to pay the remaining 300$. We will send you reminders, so you don't miss out on your BluLocks bike.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Frame only

$199 USD
Do you want to customize your own bike? Receive the frame with the integrated lock, without the wheel set, crank and handlebar. Available for full customization. You can choose between the black and white frame. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. The plug-in chain is included.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Remainder downpayment

$300 USD
This is the remaining part of your down payment. Only select this perk if you've already made the 150$ payment! You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This packages includes the plug-in chain.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Discounted bike

$315 USD
Only select this perk if you qualify for the discount via subscription or other promotions. This reduced price is valid throughout the campaign. You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes the plug-in chain. If you want a deluxe version with mudguard and Liggi, you have to manually add 30$ to this contribution (making it 345$).
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Early bird deluxe package

$430 USD
The deluxe package does not only include the BluLocks bike, but will come with a handy mudguard and the Dutch strap-on bike lights Liggi. All against an early bird price. You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes the plug-in chain. Keep in mind there are in total 30 normal & deluxe early birds available, not 30 each.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
1 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The bike

$449 USD
Claim your own exclusive BluLocks bike. You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes the plug-in chain.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Deluxe package

$480 USD
The deluxe package does not only include the BluLocks bike, but will come with a handy mudguard and the Dutch strap-on bike lights Liggi! You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This packages includes the plug-in chain.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Double the fun

$799 USD
Receive a double deluxe package against a reduced price! The package includes two BluLocks bikes, two mudguards and two sets of the Dutch strap-on bike lights Liggi! You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes two plug-in chains.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Collectors package

$1,499 USD
Receive four deluxe packages against the cheapest price we can offer! Make all the combinations possible and share BluLocks with your friends or family. The package includes four BluLocks bikes, four mudguards and four sets of the Dutch strap-on bike lights Liggi! You can choose between the white or black frame and the blue or red parts. We will contact you about your size & colour preferences. This package includes four plug-in chains.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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