my name is Igor Galic. I come from Zagreb, Croatia, and by proffesion I'm a music teacher. :)
Main goal of this project is to achieve my goal, to make this board game alive and so can all enjoy it one day.
Mostly, I need money just to pay all the designers/crafters to make all the parts for the game. Then I could maybe intrigue some people who would like to distribute it.
As you can see in pictures, that's all I could make atm, but it is playable game and it is super fun!
About the game:
I made a strategic/economy/train based game that I call atm "Trains". The game is for 2-4 players and the main goal is to finish your main objective.
Game it self lasts about 1:30 - 2:30 mins. There is shorter version, for about an hour, if you set the goal to complete the mini objective or maybe treasure hunt objective.
My brothers/friends and me already played it over dozen times and its really great! There is needed some fine detailing in balance goods/costs.
Each player starts from his corner ( each corner produces different basic goods, such as lumber/wool/milk/cow or so), get random mini objective and some $.
Before you take at random hero (mechanic, economist, smugler....) you gotta buy your first train, either to go with fast/but less wagons or slow/more wagons train.
The journey starts and from there it's unpredictable!
There are weather effects vs roll, engine breaks vs roll, lottery tickets and traps.
It's ment for pve playing style, but also you can buy in auction house, mine or oil deposits (which costs ofc, and its bid based, so you can end giving alot of money if other players all the time outbids) and then you get half the income for every delivery in that mine/oil deposits! Pvp part would also be traps.
Some other heroes/stuff will be implemented if the goal is achieved and then the journey can start! :)