This campaign is closed
Silvana Denker, the initiator of this campaign, is a nationally and internationally know plus size model and photographer from the Westerwald. She has already been working for well-known fashion Labels, magazines and designers for years. By numberless appearances in TV and other media, she has become one of the most famous faces in german plus size industry.
With this publicity she stands up for a realistic image of women, for more acceptance and tolerance and that plus size modeling is taken more serious in Germany.
Besides her work she campaigns for the german breast cancer awareness association with her charity-calendar CURVeveS with curvy women.
Currently she is working on a series of photos named „Bodylove“, where she photographs naked (genitals and breasts covered) people of every sex, age, different sizes, with or without tattoos, disabled people and many more to show how beautiful and versatile we are and the the perfect body, which is propagandized by the media, does not exist.
In context of this series she had the idea to take pictures in different cities, where 8 women or 4 women and 4 men are being photographed in their underwear, with the letters of the word bodylove on their bellies, while walking through shopping streets or other distinktive points of the city.
Until now the shootings took place in Siegen, Hamburg, Koblenz, Cologne and Berlin. More events are planned in cities like Stuttgart, Leipzig, Munich and Rostock.
Beyond that there are plans to expand this campaign internationally. A special destination would be London, since there is a group of people spreading flyers with messages of hate targeting overweight people.
With the campaign she promotes more love and acceptance, for the fact that we all are beautiful underneath our alleged imperfection. We should all love ourselves a bit more and not be intimidated by the ideal of beauty spread by the media. She also hopes for more tolerance towards people that look different. Especially in a time where it is almost fashionable to start a „shitstorm“ and bully people due to their difference.
With regard to the terrorist attacks, Silvana Denker want’s to make a statement for solidarity and love. Different people, men, women, with tattoos, different ages, different colors etc. stand together for one love.
The feedback on the campaign is unexpectedly high in Germany and even worldwide. Currently the Cosmopolitan US, french Marie Claire, Cosmo in Germany and the Netherlands are reporting and even in China, Poland, Mexiko, Italy and Spain first articles appeared.
For Silvana Denker it is important to call a lot of attention to the campaign. She want’s to move and get people to rethink.
She already received countless messages from women and men, that have been encouraged to love and accept themselves more as well as enquiries to come to many more cities.
In order to finance the tour through the cities, she has now started this crowd funding campaign. It should cover the travel and accommodation costs, communal fees for the permissions, catering for the models etc. which are currently paid out of her own pocket. Unfortunately this is not possible anymore.
It would be great, if everybody could contribute a small amount and make it possible to continue the tour. The more money we collect, the more cities we will be able to visit.
Thank you very much!