Until now.
The BONX Grip enables group conversations between outdoor athletes. It was built for the places we go. For the performance we need. For the way we talk.![]()
Combining a rugged Bluetooth earpiece and innovative group-talk app, the BONX Grip was custom-designed to out-perform, out-comfort and outlast any VoIP app or standard Bluetooth headset. It goes anywhere your phone has reception, with completely unlimited range.
That makes it perfect for:
BONX Grip offers the most robust group-talk system designed especially for outdoor sports enthusiasts. All you have to do is speak. Within a fraction of a second, the earpiece picks up your voice with built-in dual microphones, passes it to the smartphone app via Bluetooth, and the app sends the voice data to everybody in your group via cellular network.
Because wherever you go—terrain parks, 14ers, Class IV rapids, open roads—you’ve been there. You’ve had that moment, of total outdoor sports exhilaration, when you wanted to talk to your buddies. But the technology was inadequate. Or your friends were out of range. Or you didn’t want to get your phone (maybe because you were racing down moguls).
That all changes here. With your help, that is.![]()
We did. We love outdoor sports. We love the exhilaration and the freedom. But what we love most is the community—bonding with our friends on the mountain or river or road. We developed the BONX Grip because we wanted a product like it.
We were founded in 2014 by Takahiro Miyasaka, a Japanese entrepreneur and passionate snowboarder. He had the idea for the BONX Grip one day on the slopes in Nagano, and started building our team of veteran hardware and software rockstars.
After spending a year on development, we completed one of the biggest ever crowdfunding campaigns in Japan raising upwards of $200,000 on GreenFunding.jp—and produced and shipped units to 1,344 backers in early 2016.
We’ve since made steady progress fine-tuning the product and are now ready to bring the BONX Grip to the rest of the world. Come join us!![]()
BONX Gripはアウドドアスポーツをしながら仲間と会話することを可能にする。リアルなフィールドのために、求めるパフォーマンスのために、そして自分たちが気持ちよく話すために、BONX Gripは作られている。
BONX GripはタフなBluetoothイヤフォンと革新的なグループ通話アプリを
BONX Gripの頑強なグループトークシステムは様々なシーンで使えますが、アウトドアスポーツには特にピッタリです。とにかく話せばいいだけ。瞬時に本体内臓のデュアルマイクがあなたの声を拾い、Bluetoothでスマホアプリに送信。そしてアプリが3G/4G経由でグループ内の全員にあなたの声を届けます。
アウトドアスポーツへの情熱を共有する私たちがBONX Gripを作りました。
2014年、日本人のスノーボーダーで起業家の宮坂貴大が当社を設立。宮坂は長野の雪山でBONX Gripのアイデアを思いつき、熟練ハードウェアエンジニアやスーパーソフトウェアエンジニアを集めてチームを作りました。
その後、地道にプロダクトの改善を重ね、ついにBONX Gripを世界に発信する準備が整いました。さあ、BONXコミュニティに加わろう!