In 1899, across the Atlantic Ocean, Hurricane San Ciriaco devastated the island of Puerto Rico. Thousands of people from the island were left without food, clean water, homes and crops. Devastation to the sugar cane crops led to worldwide shortage of sugar.
Hawaiian sugar plantation owners were in great need of
experienced labor workers from Puerto Rico. They needed experienced laborers
who could work the land for growing and harvesting sugar cane. Over five thousand five hundred workers and their families left their home for the promise of better living
conditions, and higher wages in Hawaii.
“Boricuas De Hawaii” is a documentary that shares the
history and culture of the first migration of Puerto Ricans to Hawaii.
Through archival footage, photographs, candid interviews with historians,
and fifth generation families currently living in Hawaii, we learn an important
part of Puerto Rican culture and history.
This story explores how the first migrate workers survived the long perilous journey to reach their new land and those who abandoned their dreams and settle in the San Francisco area. How did they adapt to their new land and how did the Puerto Rican culture survive and thrive in Hawaii?
“Boricuas de Hawaii” is a moving story that needs to be told. Five generations of Puerto Ricans have enjoyed the good and bad of migrating to Hawaii. Currently, there are over 30,000 Hawaiian-Puerto Ricans living in Hawaii and the Puerto Rican culture, foods, and traditions are very strong amongst them. Along with the culture, food and traditions, one of Puerto Rico's most recognized symbols, the coqui frog, has also made its way to Hawaii. The coqui is known for its' enchanting sound and loved by Puerto Ricans. In the 1980’s the Puerto Rican coqui frog was accidentally transported in plants to Hawaii and since there arrival, they have not been welcomed.
We need your help to complete the
film! Funds raised will be used to:
Cover travel and accommodation
expenses like flights, car rentals, and hotel stays across Hawaii, California and Puerto
Produce DVD copies and submit it to
the film festivals.
- Create a website for the documentary.
As a thank you for
your generous contribution, you will receive some awesome perks!!!
In 2006, Javier Vargas co-founded
J&J Video Productions LLC. and helped produced three award-wining documentaries.
Javier enjoys producing
documentaries that are about the Latino culture and have never been told or
somehow forgotten; this will continue in the film “Boricuas de Hawaii” as in
his past works.
"Hecho En Paracho," a documentary highlighting famous guitars produced in the mountains of Mexico.
"Flying With Emilio," documents the life of a little known, but highly regarded Mexican aviator, Emilio Carranza.
"Jayuya Tierra Taina," a documentary that highlight the Tainos tribe of Puerto Rico and the 1950 revolt against the United States government.
All three documentaries aired on PBS, won awards and were showcased in a number of Festivals. In Puerto Rico Jayuya Tierra Taina won Directors choice, Best Puerto Rican Film.
Please, share our campaign-page with your friends and family by tweet, facebook, blog and email! This will help ensure our success in completing the
fundraising goal of our campaign.
Our team is truly grateful to you for helping us share
this incredible story with the world. It would not be possible without
your help and we will work tirelessly to make the best film possible. Thank you very much for your support.