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'Both Loves' Music Album

Help fund "Both Loves," the debut album of A Sensitive Person (Shani Chabansky)

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'Both Loves' Music Album

'Both Loves' Music Album

'Both Loves' Music Album

'Both Loves' Music Album

'Both Loves' Music Album

Help fund "Both Loves," the debut album of A Sensitive Person (Shani Chabansky)

Help fund "Both Loves," the debut album of A Sensitive Person (Shani Chabansky)

Help fund "Both Loves," the debut album of A Sensitive Person (Shani Chabansky)

Help fund "Both Loves," the debut album of A Sensitive Person (Shani Chabansky)

Shani Chabansky
Shani Chabansky
Shani Chabansky
Shani Chabansky
1 Campaign |
Prague, Czech Republic
$1,491 USD 38 backers
124% of $1,200 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Hello. My name is Shani Chabansky, and I am:
A Sensitive Person
I am a Californian folk singer-songwriter living in Prague, the Czech Republic. After visiting home this summer, I began recording an album of original songs inspired by the pain of leaving home. But unlike my previous albums, I felt like my music needed a new direction.
Songwriting has always been a part of my everyday life. Something bad would happen (usually heartbreak) and people would say "Don't be so sensitive, Shani." Well, I'm over two decades old now, and I still haven't been able to take that advice. So instead of trying to be someone I'm not, I've chosen to embrace my sensitivity. That's how my band--A Sensitive Person--was born.
Both Loves
A Sensitive Person is currently in the process of recording a debut album. It's called "Both Loves." I'm recording it in my Prague home, nicknamed the "Nusle Home Studio." Although A Sensitive Person is officially a one-man band, the album will feature several guest musicians that I met at a local weekly jam session, including orchestral cellist Pavel Barnáš and bluegrass violinist Jan Kubát. The 8-track album is scheduled for release by the beginning of next year.
"Both Loves" will be sold at A Sensitive Person's concerts to raise money for a music tour in summer 2015.
When I first started recording, I decided that money would not play a part in my process. As the weeks ticked by, I realized that this decision was naive and unrealistic. But most of all, it was not helpful to the music. 
Until today, there has only been one cost: the album cover artwork, by the talented Jessica Serran. However, if "Both Loves" is to see the light of day, there are still several costs* that remain unaccounted for, including:
  • printing
  • international mailing
  • professional mastering
  • remaining album artwork
  • pick-up for my guitar is perfect for the "Both Love" crowd funding campaign because it allows the goal to be flexible. That way, if I only receive enough funding to cover the cost of printing, I'll do all the production myself. On the other hand, if I receive more funding than I anticipated, I'll use that money to find more professional producers.
What will A Sensitive Person accomplish?
  • use folk music to get more people singing
  • help create a safe space for us to reconnect express our feelings
  • reclaim American folk music as a feminist and queer-friendly genre
Links to the music that came before A Sensitive Person:

*More information about costs:
300 albums with T.A. Print = $620
Remaining album artwork = $200
Administrative and 3rd party fees (indiegogo, paypal, currency exchange rate, etc.) = $180
International shipping = $200
Estimated cost per CD = $4.00
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"Both Loves"

$10 USD
Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves"
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
7 out of 30 of claimed

"Both Loves," mp3-format

$5 USD
Download codes for an mp3-format version of "Both Loves"
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
5 out of 30 of claimed

"Both Loves" + Postcard

$25 USD
- Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves" - Handwritten postcard
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
10 out of 15 of claimed

"Both Loves" + Concert

$50 USD
- Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves" - Invitation to a Skype-friendly private concert (date TBA)
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
3 out of 10 of claimed

"Both Loves" + Original Song

$100 USD
- Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves" - Invitation to a Skype-friendly private concert (date TBA) - Commission an original song, written and recorded by A Sensitive Person
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

"Both Loves" + Original Songs

$200 USD
- Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves" - Invitation to a Skype-friendly private concert (date TBA) - Commission 3 original songs, written and recorded by A Sensitive Person
0 out of 3 of claimed

"Both Loves" + A Conversation

$500 USD
- Signed, physical copy of "Both Loves" - Invitation to a Skype-friendly private concert (date TBA) - Let's discuss A Sensitive Person's future, via Skype or over lunch
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
1 out of 2 of claimed
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