System for Optimizing Brain Performance
Proven HEG technology
Tablet, headband and earphones
Virtual coach
How It Works
Brain Advantage uses patented HEG (hemoencephalography) technology to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood that's flowing to the prefrontal cortex of your brain. The prefrontal cortex is nicknamed the Executive Center of your brain because it helps to manage all all the various emotions and thoughts that can be going on at once. And the better you manage things here, the better your brain performs.
At the core of Brain Advantage are tiny HEG sensors embedded in the headband directly against your prefrontal cortex. These sensors help determine how focused you are by measuring the oxygen in the blood as it flows to that part of the brain– and that information is instantly fed back to you through the visuals on the tablet, as well as audio cues. Before long, your brain figures out how to increase the amount of oxygenated blood flowing to this region of the brain. The greater the flow of oxygenated blood, the better that portion of your brain performs. The improvements, which can be dramatic, are there to stay.
We know our system works and will work for you. But we want you to know it’s working, too. In order to do this, we’re including a robust assessment tool that allows you to measure just how well your brain’s Executive Center is working.
Why HEG is better than EEG-based systems
The patented HEG technology in Brain Advantage is what makes it superior to
other EEG-based training systems. As opposed to measuring oxygen, EEG-based systems rely on tiny electrical signals for biofeedback. This means they are very prone to mistaking muscle movement, twitching, and even eye blinking for brain activity. In addition, most EEG-based systems require many hours of training to master and are often difficult to perform by yourself– all of which is very different from the accuracy and intuitive ease of Brain Advantage.
Brain Advantage can be used to help mitigate memory loss and stay sharp
Brain Advantage is a great tool to help professionals stay sharp
and increase their ability to focus
Brain Advantage is ideally suited to help children with attention issues learn how to focus and stay focused, offering many benefits for school and family life
What people are saying
“Our daughter was failing in school and angry all the time. After Brain Advantage, she’s doing great. She’s able to focus and concentrate– and even comes home and does her homework without being told! Her behavior issues are gone. She’s like a whole new girl!” -Mother of K.B age 12
“I wish I’d known about this sooner. After years of going to neuropsychologists and doctors who told me my brain was like an Alzheimer’s patient, no one ever told me there was actually something I could do about my memory loss. Thank you so much”
-M.T. age 47
“My wife has been through many other therapies including stem cell therapy and nothing has helped as much as Brain Advantage. Last night my wife sat down and wrote letters to family members. That’s the first time she’s been able to do that in years. Seeing that meant everything– I sat down and cried.”
-Husband of P.B. age 68, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
“I was worried I might be showing early signs of Alzheimer’s– I couldn’t make decisions, I was always forgetting things. But after going through your program I’m doing much better. I’m off all medications and sleeping at night again. I’m remembering things and thinking much more clearly.” -M.I.-age 40
Our Story:
Dr. Randall Evans President and Chief Medical Officer, Don Barrett CEO
Revolutionizing Brain Health
When we first began this journey, the idea that a brain could effectively change itself was not widely accepted by the mainstream medical world. The basic assumption had always been that brains were STATIC systems, incapable of generating new neurons
or altering its internal neuronal wiring to any appreciable degree. However, these two characteristics– neurogenesis and neuroplasticity– have since become more widely accepted. We’ve always felt that the brain is actually primed to respond to a variety of stimuli by generating new neurons and improving existing neuronal connections. Furthermore, we believed that it would be possible to identify underperforming areas of the brain and then, by providing the appropriate stimulus, utilize the brain’s inherent ability to “heal” itself.
With this goal in mind, we set out to find the most effective, non-invasive methods to optimize brain function. To be very clear– we never attempted to diagnose or treat specific disease states. Rather, we were looking to identify the best non-invasive technologies designed to optimize brain function. We undertook an exhaustive review of all of the existing technologies. We studied the purported mechanisms of action, as well as the effectiveness of each approach. We identified a number of therapies, some of which were well accepted by professionals while others were more obscure.
Ultimately, we identified several technologies that each target different aspects of brain function. Working with these technologies, we found we could integrate therapies together to create customized training for each individual’s needs. Using this system, we found we could change brain function, processing issues, neuromotor skills deficits, cognitive and memory issues all at once. We were excited to discover that our results far exceeded our wildest hopes.
In 2008, Brain Advantage opened its first integrated neurotherapy practice in Scottsdale, Arizona and then immediately following, one on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We continued to see tremendous improvements across nearly every aspect of brain dysfunction. That year, we also adopted a personal trainer model to guide and motivate clients. They were assessed, provided a brain-exercise program and then proceeded to work in person with a brain trainer.
Why change what’s working?
Even with the positive results, we felt we could improve our approach. While we had successfully integrated a number of disparate technologies, the process was somewhat cumbersome, required clients to be on-site for training sessions and the hardware was pricey. So we re-engineered the entire system to minimize barriers to access, with the goal of bringing optimal brain function to as many people as possible.
This is where you come in. Our vision is to create an affordable system that provides all of the robust benefits of our original process, while also being portable, and Wi-Fi enabled so users, trainers and professionals can access the data remotely.
What exactly is Neurofeedback
and what can it do for me?
The term biofeedback is broadly defined as a process whereby physiological signals are measured and fed back to the user. The intent of the feedback is to teach one how to gain control over these signals. Biofeedback has a long history of helping people manage troublesome physiological and emotional conditions. The term neurofeedback refers to a distinctive subset of biofeedback. It makes use of physiological signals that originate within the brain. The measured brain waves produce a signal that can be used as feedback to teach self-regulation of brain function– with positive feedback for desired brain activity and negative feedback for undesirable activity.
Historically, electrical activity of the brain has been recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG). While we initially opted to utilize this approach, we found it to be less than optimal for what we envisioned. In addition to being expensive, time consuming and messy, our results were not nearly as robust as we had hoped. We also had difficulty measuring signals from the frontal lobe of the brain, which is absolutely critical for a brain to function at its best. These findings led us to a different kind of technology, Hemoencephalography.
We were incredibly fortunate to have met and worked extensively with Dr. Herschel Toomim, a giant in the field of biofeedback. Dr. Toomin recognized the limitations of EEG based neurofeedback and ultimately identified a novel approach for measuring brain activity by measuring the oxygen content in the blood flowing into specific regions of the brain. Neurovascular coupling refers to the relationship between local neural activity and subsequent changes in cerebral blood flow. The magnitude and spatial location of blood flow changes are tightly linked to changes in neural activity. Many vascular-based functional brain imaging techniques, such as fMRI rely on this coupling to infer changes in neural activity. HEG is also readily utilized for measuring frontal lobe activity. We have successfully integrated HEG into our existing training system and are excited to be able to provide this modality as the first ever in a portable system.
Mental Health Practitioners!
While our system is designed to be utilized by individuals, we are also looking to work with professionals in the field. We can provide the technology and the training necessary to successfully integrate our system into the management of your clients. In addition to providing a truly unique and highly effective aspect to your existing practice, our system also provides an independent source of cash flow. Please contact us to discuss this exciting opportunity.
Where do we go from here
and how do we get there?
It’s been an amazing journey thus far, and now we’re asking for your help to fund the final push needed to accomplish our goal of providing optimal brain health in a cost effective, readily accessible manner.