To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Victoria Leveque, I am a current student at the
University of Miami majoring in Economics and minoring in French and finance. I
am writing you today because Mikaila Ulmer’s beverage company has inspired me
to come up with my own company. You see I am from Haiti and ever since I could
remember, I always wanted to do something that would make people explore the
Haitian culture and also bring some kind of positivity in Haiti, so I came up
with a perfect idea. In our culture there is this Jam in Haiti we call it
“Confiture”. The confiture is a 100 percent organic made with the pulp of a
grapefruit and other tropical fruits mix with other ingredients. I want to
build my company by exporting this product from Haiti to the United States and
hopefully around the world. My mother and I came up with this idea and we have
not only one flavor but also multiple. I looked all over supermarkets and have
not yet seen this product. In the future I see my product in wholefood and many
more grocery stores. With my company, people will have a taste of the Haitian
culture and the Haitian people will have a place to work. Please let me know
what you think about my idea. I will love to have a meeting with you so you can
also have taste of the “Confitures”. You will not be disappointed.
The product will be created in Haiti. The reason behind is that the more jobs that Haiti can provide the better for the people because they can stop focusing on creating violence in the country and start focus on making money to take care of their love ones. The factory will only have Haitians that knows how to cook and that are in need of a job. Like I said before my goal is to open people's eyes to the Haitian culture and try to put more Haitian product out there in the US.
With that being said I believe that Haitian confiture is something that people outside of Haiti have yet tasted. Yes it is similar to american Jam but it's made out of completely different ingredients. I honestly feel like it is better than most Jams at the grocery stores.
I believe to start this campaign, I will need 10,000 dollars for the startup because I need to build a factory to make the Jams. Right now we have people making it manually which makes this process very slow. I think the factory will allow us to sell the product in big quantity to different states in aAmerica. Help me turn this idea into an accomplishment. This product can become the new peanut butter and jelly but instead of jelly it will have Confiture Chadeque.