My plan is to present this concert reading pay-what-you-can. Certainly, that is the spirit of the Occupy Movement but also, I’ve watched so many wonderful productions in NYC close because their audience couldn’t afford to see them. Hopefully, I can reach a larger audience pay-what-you-can, perhaps people who wouldn’t normally budget the time or resources to see live theatre.
I’ve been a member the BMI advanced musical theatre writers workshop since 2006. I received their award for artistic accomplishments in my first year. My full bio and resume and credits are on my website ( - I’ve worked extensively as an actor in NYC and across the country doing everything from Greek Tragedy to musicals to Law and Order. My writing and compositions have been presented in various theatrical venues across the country. Bringing Fire (Prometheus of Wall Street) was first presented as a part of the Golden Fleece New Works series in 2011 and received a Tyrone Guthrie award from the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Canada which I used to record the score.
The White Box theatre at 440 Broadway is $50 an hour, so the total for 4 hours on 2 days is $400. I’d also love to guarantee the 7 actors and djembe player $100 each for their long rehearsal hours to present this piece. Grand total: $1200
Paul Pontrelli, Prometheus; Shauna Goodgold Io/Hermes/Bia; Steven Hajar, Hephaestus; Kelly Morris, Ebonee Noel, Rebecca Odorisio, Oceanids; Arthur Rowan, Kratos/Oceanus. Steele Kratt (djembe)
Can you help me spread the word about this event? It will be May 30 and June 6 at 7. Rowan and the Rose will begin the program with 3 songs of social unrest and someone from the Occupy Movement will lead a discussion afterwards. My long term goal is to present this concert on a regular basis, moving towards a full production meanwhile inspiring discussion and actual change. All in the pay-what-you-can format...
Addendum (4/30/2013) If you notice, we've reached our goal. If you still want to give, go right ahead. Whatever we get over the $1200 will go straight to the amazing actors and musicians. Your name will go in the program, or whatever the perk is. Go right on giving.