The Boston Teen Acting Troupe was founded in January
of 2011 with the goal of bringing enriching, engaging and edgy theatre to
teens, as well as providing an outlet for Boston teenagers who are serious
about their craft, whether that is acting, directing or design. The Boston Teen
Acting Troupe’s goal is to eliminate the cliché of “bad high school theatre” by
producing challenging plays not normally seen performed by young actors. Since
2011, The Boston Teen Acting Troupe has produced ten completely teen run shows
in a variety of Boston and Cambridge theaters. Coverage in The New York Times
and on National Public Radio have created a fan following for the fledgling
theatre group.
"You know that one kid in every high school drama club that just blows everyone away? All the members of The Boston Teen Acting Troupe are those kids." - The Boston MetroThe Impact
Your donations and support are vital! This money helps us provide a professional environment for our young actors, designers and directors to produce great theatre in. This money will directly effect production values (set, lights, costumes, etc) but, more importantly it helps us keep our ticket prices low so great teen theatre can be accessible to other money-strapped teens!
More specificly your money will produce the following productions (the remainder of our 2014 season).
The Dream of The Burning Boy by David West Read
-A Stage Reading of
Annie Doesn't Live Here by local playwright MJ Halberstadt
The Visit by Friedrich Duerrenmatt
Other Ways You Can Help
Strapped for cash? We know that feeling! Consider helping us out in some other ways!
- Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
- Send our information around, you might know someone that can help us!
- And most importantly, come see one of our shows!
And that’s all there is to it.