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Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Let’s provide skilled young athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the opportunities they deserve!

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Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Fondacija Budućnost sporta - The Future of Sport

Let’s provide skilled young athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the opportunities they deserve!

Let’s provide skilled young athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the opportunities they deserve!

Let’s provide skilled young athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the opportunities they deserve!

Let’s provide skilled young athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the opportunities they deserve!

Harun Mahmutovic
Harun Mahmutovic
Harun Mahmutovic
Harun Mahmutovic
1 Campaign |
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
$4,235 USD 60 backers
0% of $1,000,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Snažna sportska zajednica u BiH u kojoj se mladi sportisti razvijaju, imaju potpun i jednak pristup mogućnostima, koja se brine za njihovo dobro i blagostanje, gdje svako ima slobodu da definiše djelokrug svog života i svoje budućnosti te da ostvare svoj puni potencijal. Naša vizija nije samo da poboljšamo život pojedinih igrača, već da služimo zajednici.

To develop  strong sports community in BIH, where young players can thrive, have full and equal access to the opportunities, which will ensure their health and well-being, provide them with the freedom to define their ultimate future goals, and to achieve their full potential. Our vision is not only to improve the lives of individual players, but also to serve the entire communities.


Omogućiti mladim sportistima alate, sredstva i resurse koji će im pomoći da se razviju u vrhunske igrače, pomažući im pri tome da načine ispravne životne izbore koji će im omogućiti da svoj sportski potencijal razviju do maksimuma. Nadamo se da ćemo kroz ekonomsku podršku, obrazovanje i pozitivnu promociju sporta među mladima dalje razviti i produbiti njihov interes i poboljšati rezultate u bh. sportu, što će svijetu poslati ljepšu sliku o BiH.

To provide highly skilled youth interested in sports with the tools, funds and
resources to develop into great players.  To assist them in making positive life choices that would enable them to maximize their sports potential. We hope that through the economic empowerment, education and positive promotion of sports among the youth, we will further develop and strengthen their interest and results in the world of BIH sports, which will also promote positive BIH image in the world.


„Budućnost Sporta" ima za cilj da poboljša živote mladih sportista u potrebi. Kroz naše inicijative, mi ćemo podržati razvoj igrača, njihovo zdravlje, obrazovanje i time pozitivno uticati na našu cjelokupnu zajednicu.  Naši projekti se bave nedostatkom institucionalne podrške države talentovanim igračima i omladini, a fokusirani su na obrazovanje, razvoj i zdravlje mladih igrača.

Currently, the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina does not provide any funds for the support of its talented, young athletes.  The goal of this initiative is to close this gap, and provide our skilled youth with the programs that will support the overall athletic education, enable young player’s development and welness.


Povećati uticaj sporta kroz društveno-odgovorne projekte koji prenose pozitivne vrijednosti i iskustva bivših i sadašnjih igrača, trenera, menadžera i sportskih radnika na buduće generacije naših sportista.

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General Sponsor BFBiH

$100,000 USD
Players of the national team under 16 are champions of Europe in Eurobasket 2015, which was held in Lithuania. Players of the national team under 18 are fourth in Europe in Eurobasket 2015, which took place in Greece. Basketball (girls) national team under 20 years are champions of Division B Eurobasket 2015, which was held in Montenegro and they participate in next year's Eurobasket. Let's help these children!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Dres reprezentacije BiH

$60 USD
Dres reprezentacije BiH
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
9 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Dres sa vašim imenom

$100 USD
Dres sa vašim imenom
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Dres sa potpisom svih igrača

$100 USD
Dres sa potpisom svih igrača reprezentacije BiH
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Lopta sa potpisom svih igrača

$200 USD
Lopta sa potpisom svih reprezentativaca
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Trenerka, dres, lopta, vecera

$1,000 USD
- Trenerka reprezentacije BiH - Dres sa vašim prezimenom na ledjima sa potpisima svih igrača i večeru sa ekipom. - Lopta sa potpisom svih reprezentativaca.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Gost reprezentacije na EP

$10,000 USD
Gost reprezentacije na Eurobasketu - Francuska (Montpelier) od 5.9. do 11.9. Plaćen hotel, ulaznice, trenerka, dres sa potpisom svih igraca, lopta sa potpisom svih igraca i druženje sa ekipom.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed

Reklama na šorcu

$50,000 USD
- Logo vaše kompanije na šorcu reprezentacije BiH na Eurobasketu u Francuskoj - Trenerka - Dres sa vašim imenom i potpisom reprezentativaca - Lopta sa potpisom reprezentativaca - Večera sa reprezentativcima
0 claimed

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