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Build a School in Burma

For poor Burmese children, education means access to a school in their own village

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Build a School in Burma

Build a School in Burma

Build a School in Burma

Build a School in Burma

Build a School in Burma

For poor Burmese children, education means access to a school in their own village

For poor Burmese children, education means access to a school in their own village

For poor Burmese children, education means access to a school in their own village

For poor Burmese children, education means access to a school in their own village

2 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$12,512 USD 87 backers
64% of $19,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds opportunity. The students of Htone-Gyi Primary School need a middle school. Will you help build it for them?


We are asking you to help us fund a middle school in Htone Gyi village, located about an hour and a half by car from Yangon. Htone Gyi had an overcrowded and derelict primary school that didn’t even come close to meeting the village’s education needs.

In 2013, Build a School in Burma (BSB) and our partner, the Karen Women’s Empowerment Group, renovated the existing primary school and constructed an entirely new building also for primary grades. Together, these accommodate 200 students from the 200 households that comprise the village.

The students now need a middle school in order to continue their education. Neither Htone Gyi nor the surrounding villages have ever had a middle school, so most children have not advanced beyond the 5th grade. Our goal of $19,500 (half of the projected cost) will be DOUBLED by promised matching funds, so your donation has twice the impact. The Myanmar government has made a commitment that, once built, the middle school will be officially recognized and teachers will be provided.


While traveling in rural Burma in 2010, founder Bob Cornwell observed an abundance of children and a paucity of schools, and was inspired to act on Gandhi’s teaching to “be the change you want to see in the world.” In short order, he engaged with local NGO Rural Development Society and, back in the US, brought in close friend Andrew Lederer to help. Together they created Build a School in Burma in alliance with One World Children’s Fund (OWCF) and raised enough money to build their first school, Nan Auw Primary School, just a year later.

Since 2011, BSB has built nine schools with a 10th in the process of construction. Photos, video and more information are here To ensure its projects are self-sustainable, BSB carefully selects communities that show a willingness to contribute “sweat equity” during construction and have viable means to keep the schools in operation afterward.


According to the United Nations, Myanmar (Burma) is among the poorest countries in the world.

  • The average adult has only about four years of formal education.
  • Annual per capita income is about $1,150, on a par with Central Africa.  
  • Myanmar ranks 150th of 187 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index – the lowest in South and Southeast Asia.  
  • Rural Burmese villages typically do not have running water, electricity, or internet connections.
  • The roads that connect them are often impassable in the rainy season, leaving them isolated part of the year.
  • Food is cooked over wood or charcoal fires and almost everyone is a subsistence farmer.
  • Formalized health care is either not available or not affordable.

Because many villages lack schools, children often have limited or no access to education, condemning them to the uncertain fate of survival through subsistence farming or, more alarming, to human trafficking.


The impact of Build a School in Burma’s program can be quantified by the numbers of children currently attending (approximately 600) and number of schools built (10 and counting). The most lasting effect, though, is the empowerment that comes with collective and individual accomplishment.

In addition to educational instruction, we are observing that schools are agents of change for the entire community. Not only does the community have clean, safe, well equipped and staffed schools, villagers have learned that through partnerships and working together they can change their futures. An example is the project we are asking YOU to help fund:  the community saw the tremendous impact of the primary school, wanted their kids to be able to continue their education and advocated for it. The people of Htone Gyi have demonstrated that they will do their part -- will you pitch in, too, to help them build their school?


Apart from Indiegogo’s fees, 100% of EVERY DOLLAR donated goes to build schools in Burma. THERE IS NO ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD for BSB or OWCF. In this Indiegogo campaign, each dollar you donate will be MORE THAN DOUBLED by matching funds AND the contributions provided by the Htone Gyi village community.

The cost of a school and its fixtures varies from location to location, but $25,000 per school is our rule of thumb when projecting total cost. While each school is different, we require that all schools be well-built with concrete foundations, windows that provide good airflow, desks/tables and chairs/benches, chalk- or whiteboards, a water source and a sanitary toilet. In areas where typhoons are common, they’re built to withstand them. Ongoing operating expenses -- such as teachers’ salaries -- are guaranteed through available government funding.

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Choose your Perk

Brick Layers

$10 USD
We truly appreciate your support! BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
2 claimed

Foundation Builders

$25 USD
You are the best! A packet of five note cards featuring original photos of scenes of Burma will be sent. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
9 claimed

Hall Monitors

$50 USD
School helpers! We will give you access to the BSB downloadable-photo website featuring professional quality photos of Burma and BSB projects and students,. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
4 claimed

Classroom Monitors

$100 USD
Teachers’ best students! You will receive three, 8” X 10”, original, professional quality, photographic prints depicting scenes of Burma and may include BSB school sites and students. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
2 claimed

Teachers' Support Staff

$150 USD
We are grateful! You will receive a collectible CD of master saung gauk (Burmese harp) player and vocalist, Su Wai, featuring songs that are a deep part of Burma’s culture. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 claimed

Teachers' Classroom Assistants

$250 USD
Teacher’s Pets! You will receive a custom-made, 20 page album featuring pictures of BSB schools, staff and students and scenes of Burma. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
1 claimed

School Principals

$500 USD
Schools’ special supporters! You will receive the truly wonderful gift of “Daybreak in Myanmar” – a soft cover, photo book by renowned photographer Geoffrey Hiller, 192 pages with 170 color photographs. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

Senior, School Principals

$1,000 USD
This level of commitment is impressive! In addition to the hard cover edition of “Daybreak in Myanmar” (see above), and you can have direct contact via phone or e-mail with one of BSB’s leadership team to learn more about BSB plus its schools and, if interested, get Burma travel tips. BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
2 claimed

Superintendents of Schools

$5,000 USD
Serious money deserves serious recognition! We will send you the hard cover edition of Geoffrey Hiller’s “Daybreak in Myanmar” plus a Hiller original 8” X10” print. In addition, you can have direct contact via phone or e-mail with one of BSB’s leadership team to learn more about the program (and get some Burma travel tips). BSB will acknowledge you, plus you will receive a thank you e-postcard.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 claimed

School Builders

$10,000 USD
Ready to visit a BSB school Burma? A BSB partner will take you and your small group to a BSB school in the Yangon area and advise you on other travel of interest in Burma. Date(s) will require mutual agreement, travel expenses will be self-paid and a liability waiver will be required. In addition, will have direct, on-going access to BSB’s leadership team – via phone or e-mail – to learn more about BSB plus its schools. You will be acknowledged by BSB, plus receive a personal thank you letter.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed

Master School Builders

$25,000 USD
A senior BSB board member will escort you and your small group on a one-week trip in Burma, including a visit to a BSB school in the Yangon area. Date(s) will require mutual agreement, travel expenses will be self-paid, and a liability waiver will be required. In addition, will have direct, on-going access to BSB’s leadership team – via phone or e-mail – to learn more about BSB plus its schools. You will be acknowledged by BSB, plus receive a personal thank you letter.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed

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