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UPDATE: The campaign has ended. Funding goal was not reached. Refunds issued. However we are keeping in touch with all pledgers and new interested parties. Please join our mailing list to be notified when we re-launch the campaign in 1-2 months. Thank you.
Do you want your own YouTube Network but can't get approval from Google? Or do you wish that YouTube was more like TV?
We have a solution for you, and it can be 35,600% more profitable than YouTube's ad revenue system.
Update #1: Carey will be attending VidCon June 26-28 and performing demos of the prototype. He will be available for meetings.
Update #3: The Freedom network (12th largest official YouTube MCN) supports our campaign!
Update #4: Stephanie Carrie (LA Weekly, Tangled Web We Watch) published an article about our project! We've also EXTENDED the project until the end of August, meaning pledges will be delivered in November now.
Update #7: Get a custom website + a Premium Station for $300. Details here.
NOTICE: When you pledge to a level higher than $10, you get ALL the perks below that dollar threshold. So if you pledge $100 for a Basic Station, you ALSO get all the rewards from $50, $35, $25, and $10. This is how ALL Indiegogo campaigns work. The only exception is $200 is an upgrade from a Basic Station to a Premium Station; you still have only one Station. The Station Bundle tiers are also upgrades as well, giving you the amount of Stations specified in that tier reward.
Become a media tycoon by using Martell TV to customize your own channel, placing viral videos and advertising any way you want! Easy for YouTubers and faster for Bloggers to embed a library of content.
My name is Carey Martell and I am the CEO and founder of Martell Broadcasting Systems, Inc. I launched my YouTube multichannel network, Power Up TV in March '14 and grew it to over 800 channels, 140 million views and 1,000,000 subscribers in four months, spending only $35 in marketing costs. (Proof)
Today I'm an expert in the web TV space but I wasn't born with the know-how. I started out like most people do; running my own personal YouTube channel where I produced all the content myself. That's script-writing, editing, filming, even acting -- I did it all myself, spending at least 6 hours of time producing each episode of my show. And I learned something along the way; the business of web TV isn't the same as the business of professional broadcast television.
Using YouTube I can't even use *ANY* of the broadcast strategies I learned in film school, like hammocking or counter-programming. And that's a major disadvantage for web TV creators; all of the multi-billion dollar TV stations use these strategies to increase viewership and guarantee high audience retention.
So I got to thinking; what if there was a way I could keep all my content on YouTube to take advantage of the free hosting but still organize my content the way the major networks do? And what if I could provide this service to other web series creators, so they could start their own TV stations, too?
Concept for what the channel guide will look like on tablets
After investing my own time and money into designing a cloud-based system, my company built the prototype you see on Power Up TV. For the first time ever, YouTubers can transform their websites into a TV station with hourly programming so they can use all the same broadcast strategies the big boys do but without having to sacrifice all the great stuff about YouTube.
And this prototype system is just 20% of the full vision I have for Martell TV. I want to turn this website plugin into an entire platform -- a virtual cable-box of web stations -- that can allow any serious web creator the ability to run their own "YouTube network" without actually needing any special "CMS" account from YouTube.
Through this Indiegogo and ONLY through this Indiegogo, you can obtain your own web TV Station at a heavily discounted price that will never again be this low in the future. Through this Indiegogo you can buy a Basic Station for $100 and a Premium Station for $200; after this Indiegogo ends, you'd need to pay those prices every month to keep your service intact. Purchasing a Station today through this Indiegogo will save you thousands of dollars in the future and start you on the journey of becoming your own media mogul (if that's what you'd like to do).
Basically we've made a cloud based cable TV system, but using Stations that play YouTube videos. Station owners can sell their own ads and set the price at the rate they want, rather than on YouTube where you have no control and are essentially gambling.
You can embed your Stations into your own websites, and focus on marketing your website rather than a YouTube channel where the viewer's attention is going to drift to to the Related Video feed -- and someone else's content.
But your Stations also appear in our mobile app, where users can search and subscribe to Stations, adding the ones they like to their personal channel guide. This allows for cross-programming strategies to be utilized, which cannot be done with dedicated brand video apps.
Martell TV not only helps creators make more money, it also helps users find higher quality shows and watch them regularly by filtering out a lot of the garbage (like re-uploaded videos). This is because users search only for Shows and Stations, not individual videos. This is the same way professional TV networks operate.
Using our 'Episode Container' system, it's quick and easy to build a schedule lineup for your Station! Build an episode one time and then reschedule it for playing on multiple days!
Instantly generate an iframe code to embed your Station's hourly schedule feed into ANY website, as many websites as you want! No coding required!
Example of the prototype embedded Station feed on our own YouTube network site, Power Up TV.
Why Start Your Own Web TV Network?
The TV industry is a $171 BILLION dollar industry; and $61 billion of that comes from advertising revenue (Source). And traditional methods of TV watching are in decline; people are "cord-cutting". They want to watch everything on their laptops, tablets and smart phones.
While the major cable networks are slow to embrace web TV distribution technologies this is leaving a vacuum for a new generation of TV networks to fill, allowing them an opportunity to usurp the major networks. Sure, there are big web TV companies like Netflix but there are also startups like Maker Studios and Machinima who are building big names for themselves by starting networks on YouTube. But these days it's nearly impossible to obtain YouTube's permission to start a network. You need approval.
But more importantly, if you want to grab some of that $171 billion dollar industry for yourself you *NEED* to have the same business model that the major TV stations have. That means you need to *CONTROL* the price of the ads that play on your videos, which you just can't do with YouTube. Not only does YouTube take 49% of your ad money, but they decide how much the ads sell for on your videos. Are you content with making a couple dollars for every thousand views? Are you happy about getting only a few thousand dollars for a million views (if that)?
If you were getting a million views to an episode as a local TV station then you'd be making tens of thousands dollars or more in ad revenue from just that one episode alone. Don't you want a slice of that pie?
If you are serious about starting a web TV network of your own and want to position yourself to become a major player then you need to invest into acquiring a web TV station that can support hosting many shows. You need a system to sell your own ads on videos so your creators can recoup the costs of producing content for your audience. You also need your content to load on mobile devices like Apple iOS tablets and Android smartphones.
Building your own professional web TV platform from scratch will cost you upwards of $100K or more. But you can have access to one for just $100 for a basic Station, or upgrade to a $200 Premium station that has all the bangs and whistles you could ever want.
Do you already sell integrated ad sponsor-ships on your YouTube channel?
If so, use our calculator and see how much more profitable you'd be if you sold your own recyclable ads using our system. With Martell TV you can be up to 35,600% more profitable than using YouTube alone.
Why Indiegogo?
We need money to turn our prototype app into a finished product with support for Android devices. For this reason we are offering exclusive Indiegogo discounts on the price of purchasing a Station in our system. It will be much more expensive to purchase a Station after this Indiegogo has ended. Buy one today to guarantee access and become a media tycoon using our software.
By pledging to this project you are supporting our work, and making it possible for us to spend all our efforts revolutionizing the internet TV industry so that anyone can make their own TV stations. We can't do it without you.
Do You Want Promotion For Your Show?
We have access to an email list of over 15,000 YouTube channel creators. Anyone who purchases a Station from us will get spotlighted in our newsletter to these creators!
Many creators spend money purchasing bot subscribers or fake views for their YouTube channels. If you do this, ask yourself a serious question: does it really work? Does this really help you grow your channel? The answer is no because the subscribers and views are fake. Martell TV offers a real tool to genuinely grow your audience and see a profitable return on your investment.
As the saying goes, fortune favors the bold. Pledge today to lock-in your Station at the lowest price it will ever be.
Viewers. Creators. Advertisers. Martell TV Is A Better Way To Connect
You Call The Shots With 100% Ad Revenue Control: YouTube is entitled to half your ad revenue simply for being a video hosting service. It's your content. Shouldn't you decide the value of it? Martell TV station owners are entitled to control 100% of their ad revenue.
Got Great Content? Grow Your Audience: Our platform provides a cable-quality channel guide. This allows millions of viewers to easily browse station categories and find your high-quality content. Unlike the YouTube search engine and Vimeo storage models, Martell TV makes your content easy to find with station guides--just like broadcast television. Our platform gives viewers access to the highest quality interviews, music programs, filmmakers, comedy sketches and documentaries that they might otherwise miss.
A TV Station Beats Apps and Uploads. (By A Lot): Our team believes that internet television is still in its infancy. Part of our mission is creating the future of web content curation and distribution. The channel guide and our focus on hourly programming is what sets us apart.
Martell TV is not an app marketplace (Roku), hosting container (YouTube) or plug-in (AppleTV). We offer a broadcast-ready TV station that loads onto any device, anywhere in the world: We're proud to offer content creators absolute control of value, distribution, hosting and audience size for their work.
Search for TV Stations and Shows, not Videos. YouTube's search results are often flooded with dozens of videos made by the same creator, and sometimes re-uploaded versions of the same video. When a Martell TV user performs a search for something like "horror" the results page displays Stations and Shows that have horror themes, as just one example. This improved user experience also translates into more exposure for more creators. Users can also search for Stations ran by people who live in their local community, so they can do things like find a local news show.
Why Having a Martell TV Station + YouTube Channel is Smart
There are a lot of really great web series on sites like YouTube which are free to watch, but it's hard for the average person to find these shows. YouTube is a search engine, and most people don't go past the first few pages of results. Worse, the subscription feed is a confusing mess and 'highlights for feeds' hides a lot of updates. Most YouTube users don't even realize they aren't seeing all the updates from the channels they follow. YouTube is also very keyword centric; if your web series doesn't appear on the first page of results for highly searched keywords you probably won't get many views.
We think internet TV is still in its infancy and there needs to be better ways to curate the content. One of these ways is a channel guide with hourly programming that works similar to a cable TV guide, and that's what Martell TV is. We're not a marketplace of apps like Roku or Apple TV; we're a TV guide that loads on any device, anywhere in the world. You can even embed your TV Station into your own websites using our web version.
How Are We Different Than
There is a service similar to us called that is aimed at enterprise level companies. Martell TV is similar in scope and function, except we have a few features they do not have.
1. Embeddable Stations. As a Station owner you can embed your Station into any website you want, similar to how you can embed YouTube videos. This means you can directly grow your Station audience from your own website without needing to advertise our main website. Your fans can also embed these Stations into their own fansites or blogs, helping you virally build an audience the same way you would embedding a single YouTube video; but now you can embed your entire 24 hour lineup.
2. Build your own Station: Unlike we allow YouTube creators to access the Station builder software so they can curate their own lists of programmed content. You can mix in station identifying "bumps" and teasers of upcoming shows. You can also cross-promote with your friends' web series, using time-proven programming strategies like "hammocking" common to the TV broadcast industry.
In traditional broadcasting, network scheduling is a full-time position. The user friendly interface helps you create an episodic programming guide in minutes. Our proprietary algorithm utilizes 15+ data points including ratings, keywords and broadcast time to organize your content into Episode Containers designed to keep your audience engaged. The end result is a simple process with minimal learning curve and low maintenance time.
3. Sell your own ad inventory: Also unlike we allow the Station owner to set the price of their ads and sell them directly to sponsors. You could even sell hour long timeslots to other YouTube creators, allowing them to reach into your website's audience.
Do you already sell sponsorships on your YouTube channel? If so, use our calculator and see how much more profitable you'd be if you sold your own ads using our system.
You as the Station owner will know who is bidding, and you're able to communicate with that advertiser and have the opportunity to explore a deeper relationship. With YouTube you have no idea who is advertising on your videos, and YouTube does that on purpose to control the ad inventory.
4. Built-in email lists: Anyone who subscribes to your Station will be added to your mailing list, so you can notify them of upcoming episodes or changes in your schedule.
5. Station page: On our website and in our app, each Station has a special page that is similar to a YouTube channel. Major differences are that the hourly programming feed will appear at the top of your Station, and users can click on "Show" playlists that will allow for "binge-watching" of episodes. There is also a feed for RSS blog updates from your website, and you control what content appears in the "related video" feed. Unlike YouTube we don't advertise other people's content on your Station or episodes.
Martell TV offers station owners several types of revenue streams:
Brokered programming:
Also known as time-buy, this model allows a show's producer to purchase 'air time' on a Station. This is usually done in order for the show's producer to control their own advertising while still getting the benefits of audience development associated with having a timeslot on the Station. Record companies often use this tactic when promoting through radio stations, ensuring new singles get heard by massive audiences. Now with Martell TV you can sell 'air time' to other YouTubers who want to tap into your audience.
In-stream advertising:
You can sell your own commercials to advertisers. A lot of YouTube have sponsors they work with, and this tool is made for them to transform the sponsor process into a turn-key operation. Optionally, as a Station owner you can automatically list your ad inventory for Martell Broadcasting Systems, Inc. to sell on your behalf using a web portal similar to Project Wonderful. Station owners will be able to set the starting price for ads to be bid at, and advertisers will be able to search and bid on that space.
Basically to use in-stream advertising through Martell TV all you need to do is decide where in an episode container you want ads to appear and then set the price you wish to sell ads at, and the system will do all rest for you. Easy and simple.
Paid member subscriptions:
Want to run an operation like HBO or ESPN where subscribers need to pay a monthly fee to access premium content? Martell TV supports it.
Concept for what the channel guide will look like on tablets
Station Pages! Subscribe to the Stations you like and they'll appear in your customized channel guide!We also have optimized layouts for mobile phone watching!
Martell TV's platform helps YouTube Multi-channel networks (MCNs) and individual creators provide the user experience of traditional television channels (personalized user guide vs search based). Station owners can create customized genre channels with hourly programming and monetize advertisement slots like conventional broadcasters.
Current Development & Why We Need Your Help
We have spent several months developing a working prototype of the site, which you can access at
The trick to getting content providers to operate internet TV Stations is to make the software easy for them to learn and use, and ensure it will load on any device anywhere in the world. We believe we have achieved that through our innovative 'episode container' design and choice of HTML5. Our system is also 100% compatible with Google Chromecast, allowing any mobile device or laptop to become your new cable box.
However, currently the application has problems loading on certain mobile devices and doesn't look that pretty. We have already spent $35K to build the current protype app, and we need to get another $40K to finish the first version in three months. All of the money raised goes directly to the salaries of the developers so they can work full time on completing the app by September '14.
PS: I should point out, that at the $300 tier you also get a website. You just cannot get custom website design for that cheap of price. For an idea of what kind of site can be created, check out which we're currently working on putting together as a gaming hub for Power Up TV.
What Will the "Finished App" Have?
1. Ad Display System - Direct sales tools with credit card payment processing. Advertisers will be able to access a page embedded into a website and purchase available ad spots during programming at the price set by the Station owner.
2. Native mobile client app for Android users - Offers more functionality for viewers than the HTML5 app, such as customized channel guides and episode watch pages.
*We estimate that we can also create an iOS app for Apple devices if we raise $60K through this project.
3. Improved episode scheduling - a more efficient "scheduling wizard" that allows an entire year of programmed content to be scheduled in 10 minutes, and allows for easy changes to be made to the lineups. We'll also be able to create our own 'playlist code' and not rely on YouTube's API for playlists, allowing us to load videos more efficiently.
Any additional money raised over the $40K goal will be spent to add additional features to the app, such as different skin layouts and support for other video sites like, and Vimeo.
What Stations Can You Watch?
In addition to the Stations ran by our users, our network Power Up TV currently operates a Music Station designed to emulate the feel of old-school MTV, back when it was a 24/7 music video station.
Carey Martell is the Chief Executive Officer of Martell Broadcasting Systems Inc. and Power Up TV, a multi-channel network. He is also the host of The RPG Fanatic Show, an internet television show which has accumulated over 3.7 million views across all channels. Prior to his role at Martell Broadcasting Systems, and his career as a video game developer and journalist, Carey served in the US Army for 5 years, including one tour of duty during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Carey is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Extended FAQ
Q1. You say I can become a media tycoon using your system? What's that claim based in?
A1: It's based in the fact our system allows web series creators to use the exact same business plan that major TV networks use. This is a very different than the kind of plan that YouTube creators use; please watch the following video for an in-depth explanation of the differences and why our system can actually be more profitable than the current systems major TV networks use.
Q2. Once Martell TV is funded, future Station owners need to pay a monthly fee of $100-$200 but those who buy a Station right now will be exempt from this monthly fee?
A2: Yes. Only those who obtain a Station through this Kickstarter will be exempt from the monthly fee subscription that will later be implemented for future Station owners. If you buy a Station today you will have a life-time membership requiring no future payments to access the Station, although if you wish to upgrade from a Basic Station to a Premium Station you will need to pay an upgrade fee.
The reason there will be a monthly fee for late adopters is because we have to pay for bandwidth costs associated with people using our platform, along with hiring of tech support staff and future development. You could consider the monthly fee similar to that you'd need to pay if you become a franchisee of another company like uHaul or McDonalds.
Q3. YouTube doesn't require me to pay anything to have an account. Why do you?
A3: Although working in the same industry, we are a completely different type of business than YouTube. YouTube is a video-sharing site, whereas Martell TV is a tool that adds an additional layer of services ontop of YouTube, aimed at people who are serious about running a web TV station. We're hyper-focused on this area alone.
Furthermore Google pays for the YouTube bandwidth by controlling the price of the advertising and taking a 49% cut of any money made. Martell TV does not set the price of advertising nor do we take a huge cut of it.
Also unlike YouTube, our startup is not funded by former Paypal founders who were able to invest several million dollars into operating YouTube before they sold the company to Google. Martell TV is a very lean company that needs to charge a membership fee so the service can thrive.
Q4: What type of TV stations can I make? Music? History? Gaming? Cars?
A4: You can make any kind of Station you want, so long as the content is available on YouTube. In the future we will support other platforms like Vimeo and, in addition to self-hosted videos.
Q5: Could I make an adult film station? Like my own version of Playboy Channel?
A5: Right now we only support YouTube for scheduling, and adult themed content is not allowed to be hosted on YouTube. However in the future we will support self-hosted videos and you can use age restrictions + paid user subscription system to make such a Station. If you purchase a Station today and want to do this please let us know and we'll try to find a solution for you.
Q6: You'll allow porn channels? Ew. I don't want my Station listed next to porn.
A6: Your current cable and satellite services already provide the option to watch adult movies through premium channels, and they handle the matter by not listing adult programming around family friendly parts of the guide and allowing parental controls. Martell TV will have the same kinds of parental controls.
Our system will actually be better. Unless your account passes an ID age verification system and credit card check you cannot even search for and find adult programming, and nobody can watch adult programming without having gone through those steps.
At any rate adult channels are not the focus on this app, but only one kind of content that Station owners might want to buy.
Q7: How many Stations can I make?
A7: If you pledge for $100 Basic or $200 Premium you will only be able to have 1 Station. If you wish to have additional Stations then you'll need to pledge for the $500 deal that gives you the ability to make 4 Premium Stations. If you wish for more Stations please contact us and we will allow you to add an additional Station for the cost of $100 each. This deal is exclusive to Indiegogo pledgers only.
Q8: Can I schedule live-streams into my Station?
A8: Yes. Currently our system supports YouTube Live Events and we plan to support in the next version update.
Q9: I don't know anything about broadcast TV practices. Can you guys help me learn?
A9: Absolutely. We will have many video tutorials taking Station owners through the process of creating a station; an example of what these videos will look like below.
You can also take the pledge reward for personalized monthly consulting and website development services, where our team will help you set everything up.
Q10: I don't like the graphics on the app. Will there be other skins?
A10: Yes we will have other skins for the app GUI. What is shown in the concept art is the "Classic Silver" theme, which is modeled after a 1980s Sylvania brand television. There will be another theme designed in the modern "flat" aesthetic, and we will periodically add more such as holiday and special event themes.
Q11. Will it always load in full-screen mode?
A11. In the finished app you will be able to watch in a "tabbed" mode and a full-screen mode, and switch between them. "Tabbed viewing" will also be supported in the HTML5 website / embedded Station apps.
Q12: I don't know. $200 is a lot of money for a life-time premium Station...
A12: Are you serious? Did you use our calculator to see how much more profitable you will be using Martell TV to sell your own ads? You can be up to 35,600% more profitable than you are right now.
Let's look at an example of what that really means.
Suppose your average video receives 100,000 views, and you currently sell integrated brand sponsorships in your new videos for $1,000, which is a CPV (cost per view) of $0.0100.
Instead of doing a product placement in your video (which is what you'd have to do on YouTube, and wouldn't allow you to recycle the ad inventory), you could instead just insert an empty 'ad segment' at the start of your episode and the Martell TV system would sell that ad spot at $1,000 to each advertiser who wants to advertise on your video. And because it's easy for the advertiser to see all your ad inventory available through our website, it's easier for them to make the transactions. You don't have to constantly hustle and send ad decks to a 1,000+ agencies every day. They can just go to your website (or our website) and buy the ad stock they want.
And that is just one video you've made $1,000 with. Your Station will obviously have a lot of videos in it, and all of them selling ad revenue this way.
BTW- YouTube's average CPV is $0.002, meaning you'd have only made $200 from YouTube's ad revenue system. You wouldn't even be able to buy a Playstation 4.
To put this into perspective;
A brand new Playstation 4 costs $399.
For 199$ less than the cost of a PS4, you get access to a Martell TV station that will let you buy a lot of PS4s.
This decision should be easy.
Q13: Are you sure advertisers will use a system like this? Buying ads from a website?
A13: Yes, they already do. Google AdWords system displays all the ads on YouTube videos this way. The difference is advertisers are bidding on keywords your video happens to rank for, rather than bidding on specific shows the advertiser wants to advertise on (which is how Martell TV will work).
Advertisers will always prefer a system that gives them control over where their ads are seen, rather than a system that gives them no control beyond "someone put the keyword 'makeup tutorial' in their video" which is a pretty big gamble.
The problem right now is no such system exists for web video; all of YouTube's competitors are just imitating AdWords. Martell TV will offer advertisers the ability to do what they really want to do; focused advertising. And that means individual creators will make more money.
Q14. I'm interested in the private labeling pledge. What is some of the technology behind Martell TV?
A14. The web app is built in HTML5 using Twitter Bootstrap as a front-end framework. The back-end is built on the Microsoft .Net Framework with SQL Server 2008 for the database. There are several things in the technology stack, such as Modernizr library and jQuery. The software is designed to handle millions of simultaneous views through the platform and load very quickly. The architecture is designed to scale.
We've noticed some engineers scoff at our use of .NET but many large sites utilize it, such as Stack Overflow and Amazon. We found it to be suitable for our needs.
Risks and Challenges
As with any startup, there are some risks involved. We have a very talented development team that has done an excellent job to date, but we are working with APIs created by third-parties like YouTube. Because we do not control the third party APIs, it can cause delays in completing development when companies like Google change their API structures.
To produce pledge rewards like VIP wrist bracelets, we must also rely on third-parties and depending on them we may be a few weeks late in shipping out rewards.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Your station will have access to advanced features such as the ad display system, paid member subscriptions and mailing list integration. Additionally, our sales team will assist with the sale of ads in your station. We'll also offer a personalized training session for your team in the operation of your Station.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$10 USD
Your name will be included in a list of Indiegogo pledgers on a special 'Credits' page within the mobile app and on our website, allowing everyone to know you helped make the app possible. You'll also be added to our mailing list and notified when the app is ready for download.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$25 USD
Make a 10 to 30 second video advertising your YouTube channel and send us the link. We'll stick it into the rotation of bumps that play before and after every Show on our Power Up TV Stations. We'll also spotlight your channel in our email newsletter that will reach over 15,000 YouTube users. Your video can advertise anything, even commercial products!
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$35 USD
For just $35 you can come and party with us at ALL of our future events. With free entry and VIP treatment for you and two friends, you will receive an exclusive VIP events wristband only available through our Indiegogo campaign. (What kind of events? Any kind of SXSW / VidCon / Playlist Live etc event, plus any special parties we throw for new version updates and/or functions in relation to our Stations. If we throw a summer beach party, you'll be there!)
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$50 USD
All of the above plus; you'll get your very own featured timeslot in a Featured Station in our channel guide. Please let us know what genre your channel is so we know which type of station to feature you in. (i.e. Gaming, Cooking, Music, etc). *Featured Stations are either Stations ran by us or another pledger. All are embedded into the website and receive additional promotion within our app.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$100 USD
You will get your very own Featured Station in our channel guide listing, along with the ability to embed your Station into any website you want. You'll be able to schedule episodes every day of the week, up to a year in advance. Additionally you get access to a library of video tutorials on how to use the software and manage your Station.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$140 USD
You will get all of the above plus; we'll ship you a brand new Google Chromecast so you'll be able to watch your Station on your home TV and use your mobile device as a cable box / remote controller.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$155 USD
Your Featured Station will be embedded into our website at letting you tap into the audience of the Power Up TV YouTube network. Anyone who comes to our website will be able to discover your Station.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$185 USD
For one year your Featured Station will be spotlighted in a monthly email newsletter to all Martell TV users plus our Power Up TV newsletter. We'll include news about your upcoming lineups, interviews with your cast and crew, press releases, etc. This is a great way to continue getting promotion as the userbase grows.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$250 USD
For one year our team will provide 12 monthly hour-long consulting sessions on how to improve performance for your Station. These sessions can be in person at our offices in Los Angeles or streamed via the web using Skype or Google Hangouts.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$300 USD
Don't have a website for your Station, or your current website sucks? No problem, we will design a website for your Station to be embedded into or improve an existing website. The website will be built in Wordpress and be optimized for viewing on multiple devices. This type of service would normally cost $700 to $1,300.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$400 USD
Your account will be able to create 4 Premium Stations. You can make a Music Station, or a History Station, or whatever else you want! This would normally be an $800 value. If you wish for additional Stations please contact us.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
$600 USD
Your account will be able to create six Premium Stations. You will also receive 3 additional VIP event access bracelets. If you wish for additional Stations please contact us.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 claimed
Deluxe Partnership
$1,200 USD
You get 10 Premium stations, plus your Stations will be included in printed promotional brochures we produce and distribute at all major events we plan to attend (SXSW, VidCon, Playlist Live, etc) for the next two years. We will distribute them in grab bags at our cost. Your company will also be able to share our booth space at these events for two years to host events, give-aways, etc. You will receive 30 VIP bracelets to all our events.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
0 out of 40 of claimed
$10,000 USD
Want to use our source code to start your own version of Martell TV? Choose this pledge and you'll get a royalty free, non-transferable private label license allowing you to rebrand our system as your own. You'll also get access to all future software updates. After this Indiegogo ends it will cost a $100K annual recurring fee to private label; take advantage today!