About me and my campaign:
I’m just a young kid from San Bruno with big dreams. Dreams to travel, see the world… maybe even change the world. My parents had me when they were young, so they weren’t able to really travel or explore other countries… they were busy taking care of me. They told me I could do anything I put my mind to. They told me if I work hard, then I can make my dreams come true.
I’ve been learning a lot about the Japan in school, and something about the food, its culture, technology, and their eclectic lifestyles has put visiting Japan at the top of my list to visit some day. Crazy thing is, “Someday” became an opportunity sooner than I expected. This past fall, I was chosen to represent my school and city in the People to People Ambassador Program, a program that brings international cultures together to experience each others' lifestyles and traditions. This year, they are going to Japan to become immersed into Japanese culture and live the life of some of the most healthiest and colorful people in the world. I’m excited to embark on this adventure, and my parents want so much for me to take advantage of every opportunity I build for myself, but in order to make THIS happen, I’ll need your support. My parents are working hard to help meet this dream, but we won’t be able to afford this on our own.
Hopefully this is when you come in! With your donation, I will be able to afford my tuition to become a People to People Ambassador and travel to Japan representing you, my city, and my school. This will be the first step to increasing my global awareness and experiencing different cultures and customs… but most of all, provide me a real world experience that will allow me to shape my own future and the relationships I decide to nourish.
Tuition pays for:
- Airfare
- Living Costs
- Activities
Help get the word out:
If you are not able to contribute at this time, no worries, you can show your support by sharing my campaign with others.
Post it to your facebook wall. Share it with people you know, colleagues, friends and family. Copy the campaign URL and paste it into an email or social media update.
To find out more about the People to People Ambassador Program, please visit:
Thank you for your support!