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Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Help 260 artists from 24 countries exhibit their work as a response to the bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic literary nexus of Baghdad

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Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Building a Literary Bridge: A Response to the Bombing of Iraq's Cultural Center

Help 260 artists from 24 countries exhibit their work as a response to the bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic literary nexus of Baghdad

Help 260 artists from 24 countries exhibit their work as a response to the bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic literary nexus of Baghdad

Help 260 artists from 24 countries exhibit their work as a response to the bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic literary nexus of Baghdad

Help 260 artists from 24 countries exhibit their work as a response to the bombing of al-Mutanabbi Street, the historic literary nexus of Baghdad

AlMutanabbi Project
AlMutanabbi Project
AlMutanabbi Project
AlMutanabbi Project
2 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$13,042 USD 166 backers
108% of $12,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Keep Alive the Spirit of Al-Mutanabbi Street!

Welcome to the al-Mutanabbi Street Project, a lament and a commemoration of the singular power of words, seeking to make visible the literary bridge that connects us all across continents, across cultures and the passage of time. We ask what it means when any powerful group tries to erase culture, attack writers and artists, and control the free exchange of ideas. 

On March 5, 2007, a car bomb exploded in Baghdad's historic literary and intellectual community, named for the famed tenth century Arab poet Al-Mutanabbi. Thirty people were killed; more than a hundred were wounded.

Along with the deeply felt human loss, Baghdad also grieved the attack on its cultural center, a place of lively cafes and thoughtful bookstores, of conversations in tea and tobacco shops. The inventory of al-Mutanabbi Street was as diverse as the Iraqi population, including literature of Iraq and the Middle East, history, political theory, popular novels, scholarly works, religious tracts, technical books, poetry, and mysteries; stationery and blank school notebooks could be purchased on this street, along with children’s books, comics, and magazines. While Arabic was the predominate language, books in Persian, French, German, and English were also represented.

In response to the bombing, Beau Beausoleil, a poet and bookseller in San Francisco, put out a worldwide call to artists to respond to this human tragedy and attack on culture. Two hundred and sixty artists from twenty-four countries answered the call, creating original books, some of which you can see in our video: works that reflect both the strength and fragility of printed matter and show the endurance of the ideas within them.

We, artists and friends of the project, now need to raise $12,000 in order to:
- Ship these artists’ books to destinations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East to hold simultaneous exhibitions from 2013 through 2014.
- Send 260 Artists’ Books and 130 Letterpress Broadsides to the National Library of Baghdad to be part of their permanent collection.

Please contribute and help affirm the commonality of al-Mutanabbi Street with any street, anywhere, that holds a bookstore or cultural institution, a place where ideas are disseminated, debated and discussed. Even a small amount will help affirm a connection between this small street in Baghdad and our own cultural centers, and denounce this attack that was an attack on us all.

If you would like to more information about the Al-Mutanabbi Street Coalition Project, visit

Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here!  And you are a part of it!

Exhibition Schedule for Artists‚ Books 2012-2014
The Westminster Reference Library, Westminster, U.K. - February 27 - March 17, 2012*
The Powell Library Rotunda, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, March 5 - April 30, 2012 *
Salt & Cedar Letterpress Studio, Detroit, Michigan - August 8 -October 1, 2012

The Cambridge Arts Council, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February - July 2013****
The Santa Fe University of Art and Design, New Mexico -January 25 - March 30, 2013 ***
The John Rylands Library, Manchester, UK.- February 6 - July 29, 2013 ****
The San Francisco Center for the Book, SF, California - February 1 - April 26, 2013 *
Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, California, March 15 - April 21, 2013 *
Grafisch Museum, Gorningen, The Netherlands - October 2013- January 2014 *
Center for Book Arts, New York City, in collaboration with Poets House, New York City - July 10 - September 14, 2013 ****
Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington - August 19 - October 31, 2013
Newark Public Library, Newark, New Jersey, October - December 2013 **
Newark Public Library, Newark, New Jersey, October - December 2013 **

The Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon- January - March 2014**
The Museum of Contemporary Craft - Portland, Oregon - January - March 2014**
Kate Chappell '83 Center for Book Arts at the University Of Southern Maine -Jan 27 - May 1, 2014**
American University in Cairo, Egypt - March 5, 2014 - (ending date to be determined)
Central Library of Rochester, and Monroe County, New York- June-September 2014
Jaffe Center For the Books Arts, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida - October 2014- January 2015

* designates exhibits of 50 or fewer artists‚ books
** designates exhibits of between 100 and 50 artists‚ books
*** designates exhibits of between 100 and 200 artists‚ books
**** designates exhibits of the complete collection (approximately 260 artists‚ books) of an Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street

Great thanks for their willing assistance to:
Claudine Jordan,
video filming
Jacquelene Ambrose,
video editing and original music

Jesseca Ferguson, Mary Laird, Mike Mandel, Lisa Olson, Greg Shattenberg, Elly Simmons, Stephanie Stigliano, Renee Ugrin, Dan Wood, Amanda Williams, Chantal Zakari, artist donations

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Choose your Perk

Our undying gratitude!

$10 USD
Even a small amount will help affirm commonality between this small street in Baghdad and our own cultural centers.
21 claimed

Exclusive Media Information

$25 USD
Receive exclusive links to the exhibitions of the 120 letterpress broadsides and 260 artists’ books.
42 claimed

Artist Gift

$50 USD
Receive a unique gift from one of the book artists in the Al-Mutanabbi Coalition Project.
43 out of 100 of claimed

CD and Artist Gift

$100 USD
Receive a CD of images of 25 of the artists’ books made for the Al-Mutanabbi Coalition Project PLUS a gift from one of the book artists.
18 out of 55 of claimed

Special Letterpress Gift!

$200 USD
Special donation by Annette Disslin, an artist in Germany: An issue of MANARAH, a limited edition bookarts magazine printed letterpress. “Manarah” is an Arabic word for lighthouse or in general a place shedding light. The writings of poets over the centuries have always given guidance to people. Each issue presents poems: one is on war, one on time and one on love.
0 out of 9 of claimed

CD & Signed Copy of Anthology

$250 USD
Receive CD of images of 25 of the Artists’ Books made for the Al-Mutanabbi Coalition Project PLUS a signed copy of Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, an anthology of poets and writers responding to the tragedy of the bombing (edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema Shehabi, PM Press, 2012).
5 claimed

Original Letterpress Broadside

$500 USD
Receive a signed copy of Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here, an anthology of poets and writers responding to the tragedy of the bombing (edited by Beau Beausoleil and Deema Shehabi, PM Press, 2012) PLUS a catalog of the artists’ books featured in the San Francisco Center For the Book Exhibit. First 10 donors will also receive an original letterpress broadside from Al-Mutanabbi Coalition. (Catalog from SF Center For the Book Exhibition will be shipped out during the first week of February, 2013).
2 claimed

Artist Book & Tour of Exhibit

$1,000 USD
Copies of the above PLUS a personal tour of the Artists’ Books Exhibit at the San Francisco Center for the Book by project founder, Beau Beausoleil. First 5 donors will also receive an Original Artist Book and/or a large etching created for this project.
2 claimed
sold out

A Single Special Offer!

$200 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
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