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Burning Child

A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.

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Burning Child

Burning Child

Burning Child

Burning Child

Burning Child

A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.

A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.

A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.

A surreal narrative about grief, denial, and learning to let go of what you can't live without.

Kelsey Brewer
Kelsey Brewer
Kelsey Brewer
Kelsey Brewer
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$5,336 USD 58 backers
100% of $5,325 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

All donations are completely tax deductible! Scroll down for details.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Burning Child! I've taken my time putting this film together, and it has been a labor of love every step of the way. 
Now that BC is in post-production, I am reaching out to you in order to be able to complete my vision. Filmmaking is a collaborative art, and having people who believe in your art enough to support it are vital to any project's survival - I cannot thank you enough for your faith.

          - Kelsey S Brewer

The Story

Burning Child follows Theodore on the night of his son's death. Upon the discovery of his son's broken wind up doll, he becomes possessed with the desire to fix the toy, and therein "fix" his situation. As he tries, his world becomes increasingly surreal, forcing him to confront himself. (Inspired by a passage from Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud's essay "The Uncanny," and E.T.A. Hoffmann's short story, "The Sandman.")

Our Goal

 We want to be able to make a gorgeous and meaningful film and share it far and wide. Below are a few specs to give an idea of what contributions will be helping with, but you can also click here to see our full actualized budget. All contributions will go directly back into the project!

Production Costs:

  • Equipment - $900 for camera gear, $200 for lights = $1100
  • Transportation - $600 for truck, $200 for minivan = $800
  • Location - $200 per night for 3 nights, plus $200 security = $800
  • Production Design - $150 for props, $950 for set dressing = $1100
  • Craft Services - $350 for meals, $200 for craft = $550

Post-Production Work:
  • Sound mixing - $200
  • Coloring - approx. $200
Festival Fees (just to give an idea):
  • Sundance - $55
  • Slamdance - $45
  • AFI Fest - $50
  • Vail - $40
  • Cinequest - $40
  • Atlanta - $25

    Our Cast

    Kurt Benjamin Smith (Theodore) and Trae Tellam (Theo) make up our brilliant cast. Kurt has just wrapped up three months of acting for The Williamsburg Foundation in DC,  playing a vagabond actor by day and Scapin of Moliere's Scapin by night.  

    This fall, Kurt is shooting an independent feature called Reverie Lane, playing opposite his wife Michelle, and acting in a new series called Ringer$. Trae is a confident, multi-talented teen who's great attitude and constant perseverance make him a dream to work with. Burning Child was his first acting gig, and he turned out a fantastic performance. He also gained a little internet fame this spring via Humans of New York!  We are so proud of them both. 

    Trae says: "I had an awesome time working on this movie!  Kelsey is totally amazing and the whole crew was really cool -- I am dying to see the finished film!"
    Kurt says: "Burning Child was one of those projects that just clicked. I was drawn into the character when I first read the script; luckily, Kelsey was brave enough to hand Theodore over to me. She was very giving in the freedom she allowed within our journey with these characters.  I'd roll with her on any future production! " 

    Our Team

    Kelsey Brewer - Writer/ Director

    Kelsey is interested in a character's subjective experience and how that can be related to an audience dynamically through strong, often surreal visuals, plot, and great acting. Things she's done in her life include building the mechanical doll prop for Burning Child, winning awards for her artwork starting at age 5, and lugging a red leather armchair through multiple NY boroughs, in and out of subway stations, and up/ down a total of seven flights of stairs over the course of nine months.

    Adrian Anaya - Assistant Director/ Producer
    Adrian is a Junior at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts studying Film and Television and minoring in Business of Entertainment, Media & Technology. During his time at Tisch, Adrian has participated in over 50 different film productions, accumulating more than 2,000 hours on set. Adrian’s quick and decisive mind helps him produce and assistant direct films like Burning Child. 

    Bernard Zeiger - Cinematographer
    Bernard is a recent graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts with a double major in Film and Television and Economics. He likes painting with light, but is terrible at painting with anything else. Burning Child provided him with another chance to explore his undying love of storytelling, and his bottomless need to ratchet strap large objects to the roofs of vans.

    Matthew Puccini - Editor

    Matthew is a New York-based filmmaker with a strong passion for editing. Recent editing projects have included music videos for Cibo Matto and Kiah Victoria, an industrial video for Google, a behind-the-scenes video for Saturday Night Live, and a multitude of NYU student films. He currently works in script development at 20th Century Fox. In his spare time, Matthew enjoys watching horror films and catching up on much-needed sleep. Sometimes those two interests are at odds with each other.

      How Tax-Deductable Donations Work

      Through Burning Child's partnership with NYWIFT, all donations to our campaign are completely tax deductible! Here's how to receive your tax deduction:

      • For contributions over $250: NYWIFT will personally send you a thank you not on our behalf, in addition to all of your perks. This thank you note will include all the information you need to be able to get your tax deduction.
      • For contributions under $250: We love you, too! Although NYWIFT can't send out thank yous to every one of our contributors, as a part of BC's thank you to you, we will make sure you have the information you need to get your tax deduction. Basically, just keep a record of the email confirmation you get from Paypal for your donation, and submit it with your taxes.
      • You can also donate directly by sending a check made out to NYWIFT to: 6 East 39th Street, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10016. Just put Burning Child in the memo line.
      If you have any further questions on this process, do not hesitate to reach out via the questions section on this campaign page, or check out NYWIFT

        Burning Child's Bright Future

        Burning Child has already secured:
        • A place in The Film Maker's Cooperative's archive - the largest archive of independent and avant-garde films in the world.  
        • A screening hosted by Italian film critic Giovanni Bogani in Florence, Italy.
        • A screening at Reed College hosted by April Kaplowitz.
        Early praise for Burning Child:

        "I'm impressed with how beautiful it looks - casting, location, doll, lighting, camera - all terrific. Out of that emerges a powerful mood around grief and denial… It is beautiful. Will be strong mediation on loss.” – Nick Tanis

        "I felt your inspirations from Tarkovsky in the dream sequences...Very strong."          - Chitra Neogy

        "To come across the "found object" in which I can glimpse the familiar yet unfamiliar mirror image of myself, is a rarity... Burning Child, is that found object."   - Andrew Moon

        Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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        Choose your Perk

        Karma and Thanks

        $1 USD
        A Facebook shout out thanking you for your support! Plus buckets of good karma - just big, messy heaps of it.
        Estimated Shipping
        October 2014
        3 claimed

        Personal Praise

        $5 USD
        For just $2 more, you will get personalized Facebook praise, praising your many wonderful qualities and promoting your causes!
        Estimated Shipping
        October 2014
        5 claimed

        Credits & Link

        $15 USD
        We will send you a private link to the film and you will be thanked in the film's credits. You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        January 2015
        6 claimed

        Handwritten Thanks

        $20 USD
        Kelsey will send you a handwritten thank you note complete with an original sketch! You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        October 2014
        2 claimed

        Burning Box

        $40 USD
        Get our custom crafted Burning Box! Includes a treat for each of the five stages of grief - Denial "Eternal Flame" Candle, Bargaining Brownie, Angry Spice Rub, Depression Cocoa Mix, Acceptance "I love me" stickers. You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        November 2014
        2 claimed

        Own the Film

        $50 USD
        Get a DVD copy of the film! You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        January 2015
        3 claimed

        Premiere Party Invitation

        $65 USD
        You're invited to our rooftop premiere party! This is an opportunity to see the film before its official release and to network with people who support independent cinema, like you! This $65 is not only a donation, its an all-inclusive ticket to food and festivities. Tell your friends!
        Estimated Shipping
        December 2014
        4 claimed

        Special Thanks Credit & Poster

        $100 USD
        You'll get a special thanks credit in the film and a movie poster with original artwork by the director, signed by Kelsey and Kurt. You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        December 2014
        3 claimed

        Director's Commentary (Live)

        $250 USD
        You'll be one of the very first people to see the film as soon as it's finished, in a very special setting - via a private link viewed during a live google hangout session with the director. You'll get her comments on the film and be able to ask her anything about BC and the process of making it. You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        January 2015
        0 claimed

        Private Party (up to 4)

        $500 USD
        We're going to host a dinner party for you and up to three friends. Collaborate with friends to split the donation cost - only $62.5 per person for a really fun and filling evening. To be clear: you don't have to find these friends before donating. Donate $62.5 and we will take care of the rest. Want to party with us but can't find friends to split with? Check out the premiere party perk at $65!
        Estimated Shipping
        January 2015
        0 claimed

        Executive Producer Credit

        $1,000 USD
        You are an instrumental part of this film! You'll be credited as an executive producer. You'll also receive all perks listed above.
        Estimated Shipping
        January 2015
        1 claimed

        Private Party (up to 8)

        $1,200 USD
        Take the $500 perk, double the amount of people invited, and add deluxe food and a bottle of champagne! Split the total cost between friends by donating $150. Want to party with us but can't find friends to split with? Check out the premiere party perk at $65!
        0 claimed
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