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ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

A lightweight and portable whiteboard you can transform to fit your needs, anytime, anywhere.

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ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

ButterflyBoard: The Portable Freestyle Whiteboard

A lightweight and portable whiteboard you can transform to fit your needs, anytime, anywhere.

A lightweight and portable whiteboard you can transform to fit your needs, anytime, anywhere.

A lightweight and portable whiteboard you can transform to fit your needs, anytime, anywhere.

A lightweight and portable whiteboard you can transform to fit your needs, anytime, anywhere.

1 Campaign |
Tokyo, Japan
$40,789 USD by 530 backers
$30,449 USD by 430 backers on Dec 26, 2016
The project team has a working demo, not the final product. Their ability to begin production may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Check Wrench Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping
Whiteboards are a great tool for brainstorming and problem-solving, but today's whiteboards are big and heavy with limited portability. Great ideas can come anywhere, anytime, not just during your scheduled brainstorm meetings. With that in mind, ButterflyBoard Project set out in 2013 to solve this problem. After countless prototypes and trials, today's ButterflyBoard is a carefully designed, portable, and flexible tool that enables users to be creative anytime, anywhere.
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