Short Summary
Hi! I'm Caleb Blackwell. I'm a 22 year old trans* barista in Seattle. I make zines, publish books, and make lots of videos.
On October 18th, 2012 I had a $9,000 double-maestectomy with Dr. Brownstein in San Francisco, as a part of my medical transition from female to male. I also started hormones on January 3, 2013.
My spouse loaned me the money for surgery, and I have been unable to keep up with my payments to her on my salary.
Also, testosterone alters your body fat, and redistrubtes it to more "masculine" areas. As a result, most of my clothes don't fit anymore, and I don't have the money to buy new ones.
This campaign is an attempt to get back on my feet, and get back to a point where I can continue to give back to the community.
Thank you for reading
What I Need & What You Get
I am asking for two things:
- The ability to start paying back my debt
- The ability to purchase clothes that fit my new body.
You will get:
- The reward you qualify for, because of your much appreciated donation.
- The satisfaction of knowing you helped someone, who will in turn help others.
Note: Estimated delivery dates are the LATEST date you should expect to get your item(s).
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot donate, that's 100% ok. The fact that you're even reading this means the world to me, truly.
If you're strapped for cash at the moment, please still consider doing the following:
- Sharing the link to this campaign on all of your social networks.
- Making a video/post/flyer/message about my campaign, and share it with everyone you know.
Thank you again for reading this, and for helping me spread the word about my campaign.