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Captain's Ball 2015

This year, Pushkarasha is focusing all fundraising efforts towards building water wells.

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Captain's Ball 2015

Captain's Ball 2015

Captain's Ball 2015

Captain's Ball 2015

Captain's Ball 2015

This year, Pushkarasha is focusing all fundraising efforts towards building water wells.

This year, Pushkarasha is focusing all fundraising efforts towards building water wells.

This year, Pushkarasha is focusing all fundraising efforts towards building water wells.

This year, Pushkarasha is focusing all fundraising efforts towards building water wells.

1 Campaign |
Singapore, Singapore
$120 USD 4 backers
2% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Here’s the truth: we care very little about water. It’s easy to take water for granted when we get it at a twist of a tap. Yet every single day, people in rural communities the world over do not have easy access to clean water.

The water crisis is in fact, the #1 global risk, as announced by the World Economic Forum in 2015. The statistics are staggering:

  • 750 million people around the world lack access to safe water
  • In Asia alone, 366 million people lack access to safe water
  • More than 840, 000 people die each year from a water-related disease
  • 82% of those who lack access to improved water live in rural areas
  • 1 out of 5 deaths under the age of five worldwide is due to a water-related disease
  • Every minute a child dies from a water-related disease, with diarrhea being the 4th leading cause of child death


Without clean water, life simply cannot exist. As the very core of our existence, water SHOULD be a human right, yet statistics reveal otherwise. This doesn’t sit well with us, so this is our bid to help at least one community to alleviate this problem.
Our project revolves around the city of Pushkar, a town in India surrounded by deserts. The town comes to life every November for its famous camel fair.

The glitz of the camel fair often overshadows the fact that the town still consists of many rural villages and communities living in poverty. The average salary of the breadwinner is around SGD$100 a month, and most cannot afford to send their kids to school.

We try our best to make a yearly visit to Pushkar. Firstly, for accountability - so we know for sure where all the fundraising contributions go. Each trip is also a chance for us to re-assess the best needs for the community.

Clean water saves lives.

However, having the wells allows for this less obvious, but no less important, outcome: children, especially girls from impoverished families have a chance at education.

To be precise, these girls:

These girls are all under the care of Fior di Loto India, the very same organisation Pushkarasha partners with. Fior di Loto has been doing wonderful things for Pushkar, consisting of helping poor families so that they are able to send their daughters to school.

The sad reality is that girls under the age of 15 are more likely to be the family member responsible for fetching water. That meant a daily chore that involves walking long distances to collect water, effectively taking these girls out of school. Building wells that are within the community’s reach frees the children from that task.
A tube well costs SGD$1,700 to build. One tube well alone is able to serve 3,000 to 5,000 villagers.

The World Health Organization also stipulated that for every dollar invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 and $34.

Our first ever fundraiser initiative in 2013, had us building a tube well. Personally, we’ve seen first-hand how helpful that first tube well has been. Read the story here. 1959853_757952077550244_1629552655_n 1794624_757952080883577_754638483_n
If we’ve managed to convince you to take action, yay! There are three ways you can help the cause.


Let’s play ball! What better way than to expend all that endorphins and adrenaline towards a good cause. We held our very first tournament last year, and it was a phenomenal success. We aimed for 10 teams, and 12 teams sign up! This year, we’ve decided to be slightly more ambitious and are targeting to have 20 teams sign up.

Here’s how to join in four easy steps:

  1. Go to your friends, family, colleagues, and excitedly tell them about the tournament. Or you can save this image below, and mass-whatsapp them.

  1. Pick ten of your most excited friends to form a team! Minimum 6 persons, maximum 10. 6 players on court, 4 on reserve. Have more than 10 gungho friends? Split in two! Each team needs a minimum of 6 players, maximum 10 players to register.
  1. Using scissors-paper-stone and nominate one person to register on behalf of everyone here:
This link will lead you straight to a registration form, an indemnity form and tournament rules. Registration deadline is 11 September 2015.

  1. On 3 October, show up at the Kallang Netball Centre at 9am, and get ready to HAVE FUN!
Tournament Details in a nutshell: REGISTER NOW

Finally, we would like to re-iterate that EVERY CENT raised from this tournament goes towards the building of water tube wells in Pushkar, India.

Can’t make it for the tournament? Then how about helping us with the expenses of running the event.

Organising a fundraising event is, unfortunately, not always free. As best as we try our best to lower costs, we can't do away with requisites such as umpires, event and equipment rental. Last year, we were fortunate enough to score sponsors and generous individual benefactors. It was challenging but we did our best to make it happen.

So this year, we thought of trying out crowdfunding and raise money to fund the costs of running the event.

Again, we’d like to stress that we’re a registered not-for-profit (UEN No.:T13SS0036F) society in Singapore so all of the money coming in and out is accounted for, for full transparency.

We have an official bank account, give out receipts, keep yearly bookkeeping records, do all that important stuff that the Singaporean government requires.

In short, we make it a priority to be legit.


You can help without contributing financially too, by spreading the word! We wouldn’t be anywhere without your support. Show us some love and share our story!

QUESTIONS? We hope this post covers all of your concerns and tell you more about who we are, what we do and what we hope to achieve.

In case we missed out something, reach out to us at: pushkarasha[at]

We’re the friendliest bunch of people! :)
  1. The Water Project.
  2. World Health Organization.
  4. UNICEF.
  5. United Nations.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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