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Car Helper Project

What you do if your car broke down on middle of nothing and you don't have automotive insurance? We think we can solve that with Car Helper with a free app.

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Car Helper Project

Car Helper Project

Car Helper Project

Car Helper Project

Car Helper Project

What you do if your car broke down on middle of nothing and you don't have automotive insurance? We think we can solve that with Car Helper with a free app.

What you do if your car broke down on middle of nothing and you don't have automotive insurance? We think we can solve that with Car Helper with a free app.

What you do if your car broke down on middle of nothing and you don't have automotive insurance? We think we can solve that with Car Helper with a free app.

What you do if your car broke down on middle of nothing and you don't have automotive insurance? We think we can solve that with Car Helper with a free app.

Diego Rafael Wiprich
Diego Rafael Wiprich
Diego Rafael Wiprich
Diego Rafael Wiprich
1 Campaign |
Horizontina, Brazil
$30 USD 2 backers
0% of $1,000,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Just imagine ...

... you are traveling with your family to a place you never go before or an unknown place, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, your car breaks down, or sticking a tire, or runs out of fuel? 

And now, what do you do? You do not know any mechanic, tow, tire-fitter or even know if as a gas station near of you. 

or imagine you are traveling on a country who is not yours, and you need to call for a mechanic, tow, tire fitter or gas station. How you do that if you don't know anyone, or a simple number to call for automotive rescue?

It's a combination that will surely leave you in the road, right ? 

Not if you have the Car Helper.

This situation happens every day, with thousands of people around the world. The person must have signal on the phone but do not know who to call. After all, if you're in an unfamiliar place, you probably will not know who to call for help.

Even worse, if you don't have a automotive insurance?

We want to solve this problem with a simple solution. Offline map application with a off-line catalog of automotive rescuers information. 

No matter where you are, and not matter if you have or not a automotive insurance plan. 

Since you have phone signal, you can call to a automotive rescue by the Car Helper App.

[The images below are the current app that need to be completely rebuilt and implemented new features]

Not Smart Phone???...

Do not have a smartphone

No problem, we think we can solve this problem too. 

Imagine that your old Nokia phone, one her grandmother used to today, and does not fall apart at all. 

Yes, we think we can make the Car Helper "run" on it too. 


Text message

But you must be thinking. They do not have GPS and don't execute moderns maps apps, as they can use the Car Helper and find a automotive rescue?

Triangulation :D 

Mobile Operators (at least in Brazil) offer business plans where you can find the approximate location of a particular person from the text message she sent. 

We do not need to know your exact location with triangulation, only its location of "rough" form is enough. 

It goes something like this: 

  1. You send a Text Message for a number to be defined (eg 9990) 
  2. The operator does his magic and discovers his triangulation and send to Car Helper servers your approximate location. 
  3. The Car Helper servers process our location and locate 5 automotive rescuers near of you and sends these 5 phone numbers back to the operator. 
  4. The operator sends the message containing the numbers for your phone. 
  5. You call, ask for help and done: D 
  6. Car Helper helped you. You must now be happy, The people of automotive rescuer is now happy, i am happy, and everybody is happy :D

All of these steps above, hopefully they are done super fast.

And if you have no phone signal or internet? 

Well, we are sincere to you. We do not know how to solve this problem. If you do not have any phone signal or internet, there is nothing we can do. You will have to walk until you find phone signal.  :(

Maybe later we can launch the "Car Helper Pigeon Rescue" ;)

What We Need & What You Get

Your very help ... 

As you may have read above, all this requires technology . A lots of technology. 

All this costs resources. And we have no resources. Even worse, we live in Brazil, where everything costs lots of money. 

But we're creative (my girlfriend and I), we are excited and believe in our idea. We want our idea help people. 

We need computers, rent servers, some programmers to help to code the mobile systems, web and desktop and so on. We need to translate all the system from the most common languages in the world, etc. It's a lot of work.

How Much it will cost to people/users? 

Nothing, applications are be free for smartphones and tablets.  :D

How Much it will cost for the Helpers? 

Only $ 150.00 / year. 

Just do the math. $150 / 365 day = $0,410  a day. 

Very cheap right?

How Moch to sending messages for help? 

We do not know yet, but we believe that will have the same value as a regular text message.

The Impact

We strongly believe that the impact of our idea is very good. 

You don't need be stuck in a insurance plan for know if where you are have a automotive rescuer when you need one.

Our app do this for you for free.

Who has not stood in the road waiting for help, do not imagine how bad it is. You stand there, standing with his family or sometimes alone. It takes hours to pass anyone so you can ask for help. 

We want to reduce this time with the Car Helper.

Take a look 

We have already started the Car Helper, we have developed a basic website and also basic mobile and web applications. 

However they are far from ideal, precisely because we do not have resources to invest in the total development of the Car Helper. 

Feel free to visit the Car Helper. 

We have two domains: 


The Brazilian one: 

There you can also see and download our app for iOS and Android.

They are in Portuguese.

How your money will be spent:

The values are in Real (BRL). In Dollar is about: US$25.085,66 based on value of day 22/05/2014  (R$2.2121 per US$ 1,00)

In Equipment:

Other Ways You Can Help

You may just can’t contribute. It's ok, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help right?

Why you guys don't make a video?

Well, we tried. But honestly, we just don't have this "video" skills ;)

I just don't know how to make a super fun video that convice you. I just know write and write some byte codes :D

We think the idea is good! If you have any doubts, please ask us!

If you want to skype us, feel free: diegowiprich

Here my picture with my Girlfriend :D

P.S.: Sorry for any English errors.

T-shirts Models:

Cup Model:

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Choose your Perk


Car Helper Cup

$75 USD
A very cool Car Helper cup with logo
0 claimed

Pay me a coffee

$2 USD
Our very Thank You for helping us to make something who also gonna help other people. Your contribution will help our programmer to stay awake making our apps code :D
0 claimed

Thank You! #2

$5 USD
Our very Thank You for helping us to make something who also gonna help other people.
0 claimed

Social Thank You! #1

$10 USD
We will thank and mention your name on our Facebook page
0 claimed

Social Thank You! #2

$15 USD
We will thank and mention your name on our Facebook and Twitter page
2 claimed

10% Discount

$25 USD
If you are or work as a Mechanical, Tow, Tire fitter or have a gas station and want to be part of the Car Helper rescuers team and include your business, we will give you a 10% discount on annual subscription for the Car Helper. After your contribution, send us a email to
0 out of 100 of claimed

35% Discount

$50 USD
If you are or work as a Mechanical, Tow, Tire fitter or have a gas station and want to be part of the Car Helper rescuers team and include your business, we will give you a 35% discount on annual subscription for the Car Helper. After your contribution, send us a email to
0 out of 100 of claimed

Car Helper T-shirt

$125 USD
A very cool Car Helper T-shirt with logo
0 claimed

90% discount + T-Shirt + Cup

$300 USD
A very cool Car Helper T-shirt with logo plus A very cool Car Helper cup with logo plus If you are or work as a Mechanical, Tow, Tire fitter or have a gas station and want to be part of the Car Helper rescuer team and include your business, we will give you a 90% discount on annual subscription for the Car Helper. After your contribution, send us a email to
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Video + 2 Years subscription

$500 USD
Yes. We don't make a video for the campaign, BUT, we gonna lose the shame and make a short video (about 30 seconds) thanking you for the donation. Plus, you won a 2 years subscription of Car Helper. (Only if you are a Helper)
0 out of 1000 of claimed

Forever subscription

$5,000 USD
Win a subscription to Car Helper forever.
0 out of 100 of claimed

1% of my idea.

$10,000 USD
Lets talk about business. May you can be my partner.
0 out of 10 of claimed

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