Discover The Peace Of Never Having To Choose Between Warmth & Safety Again
- NO More Struggling To Take Coats Off And On
- NO More Fighting With Blankets
- NO More Keeping the Coat On, Knowing You Should Take It Off
Buckle Me Baby Coat makes warm car seat safety possible and easy!
So How Does It Work?
Just unsnap the front panel – pull the harness straps over your little love’s arms as usual, then pull the panel clear through the harness.
Buckle Me Baby Coats has been crash tested at an Independent Crash Test Facility where it not only outperformed traditional coats but actually performed almost identically to no coat at all. The back of the coat is thinner and the front panel moves out of the way leaving no slack in life saving harnesses. Watch below as the test "child" with the Buckle Me Baby Coat moves forward almost identically to the test with no coat at all!
NOTE: To maximize safety, there will be no hood in the final design per CPST recommendation.
Our patented car seat safety coat is so much more than an ordinary winter coat - it's a lifestyle choice!
We know kids outgrow everything so fast from diapers to tiny shoes, from stylish slings to exersaucers - and that can be expensive. Buckle Me Baby understands parents’ budgets, so we’ve created a high quality coat that eliminates the need for an extra gear like fleece jackets or tangled blankets for the car. Our coat also ends all the take the coat off, put the coat on struggle, letting kids stay safer in the car seat.
Less gear + more safety = priceless convenience.
Buckle Me Baby Coats are designed with gender neutral colors, so coats can be easily passed down from sibling to sibling - just like their car seat. Starting October 2017, parents will also be able to join our parent marketplace to swap, buy, and resell coats.
Our coats are designed for parents on the go who prioritize safety but love comfort and convenience for themselves and their littlest loves!
We Need Your Help!
Buckle Me Baby Coats has recently completed a successful Kickstarter Campaign (thank you KS Backers!!!) but we want to continue funding our Fall 2017 launch. Manufacturers have large minimums and the more Pre-Orders we collect, the more leverage we have to meet minimums and keep costs down - savings that will be passed on to you as we grow!
Risks and Challenges
Using my background in economics, psychology, marketing, small business and entrepreneurship, Buckle Me Baby's biggest risk, crash testing, has already been overcome. During the design phase I had predicted and planned for many revisions before the coat was expected to pass crash testing. Through careful preparation and design planning only one crash test was needed - which the coat passed with flying colors!
Timelines are often of concern with crowdfunding campaigns, and understandably so. We are currently well ahead of schedule for our September delivery. Our coats are Made in the USA!! We have contracted with a factory in beautiful New England and are excited to be helping local businesses while making our fabulous coats.
Our biggest hurdle is funding - we need startup funds to get our life saving coats out of our hands and into yours. BMBC looks forward to having you join our team and be a part of revolutionizing the children's outerwear industry. BMBC sees a day in the future where ALL children's coats are designed for the lives kids lead. Thank you and welcome to Team BMBC!
Final Note: You will be able choose your size and colors mid July for September delivery!
If you love our project and are passionate about children's safety help spread the word!
Please click on the social sharing buttons to the right and share our project with any parent who would love to learn about car seat safety recommendations, or how to stay safer and warm in the car during the winter!