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Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Her 3 children are raising funds to bury their mother, who they lost to cancer.

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Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Her 3 children are raising funds to bury their mother, who they lost to cancer.

Her 3 children are raising funds to bury their mother, who they lost to cancer.

Her 3 children are raising funds to bury their mother, who they lost to cancer.

Her 3 children are raising funds to bury their mother, who they lost to cancer.

Jeffrey Nordvik
Jeffrey Nordvik
Jeffrey Nordvik
Jeffrey Nordvik
1 Campaign |
Buffalo, United States
$235 USD 7 backers
19% of $1,200 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Caring for Carol - A Grave for our Mother

Carol Nordvik was a single mother raising three children for nearly twenty years, Jeffrey, Kelsey, and Katie. She loved her children so much, that she worked at the school her own kids went to, so she could watch them grow up.

In early 2007 Carol was diagnosed with lung cancer. Devistatingly, life was tough enough for a single parent raising three children, and now there was a mountain of medical bills on top of it. Carol was given 3-6 months to live.

Despite doctor's estimates, Carol fought to survive for her children. By early 2008, it had progressed to the point where she had to quit her job to persue more agressive treatments to survive. By the middle of the year, she was in bed everyday in agonizing pain from extensive chemotherapy treatments.

Surprisingly, the treatments and experimental drugs started working, and the cancer was slowly fading. By the end of the 2008 she was back on her feet, her hair was growing back, and she was counting her blessings. She even became engaged to a new man in her life.

Then, a terrible infection caught up with her, one that all the doctors had somehow missed. The infection attacked her weakened immune system, and made her so weak that the cancer was able to spring back to life, and completely take over her body within days. Carol immedietly went back into the hospital on December 1st. She passed away on December 7th, in the early morning hours with her family around her.

Her children, who were just out of high school themselves, lost her home, vehicle, and everything to pay off the debts and expenses left behind. When it was all said and done, there wasn't enough left to bury her.

She remains cremated in an urn, but her children have no place to visit, no place to pray to and speak to their mother. Her children have no grave to bring flowers to on her birthday.

After a long battle with the life insurance company, they paid out her life insurance policy to a feuding relative, who spent the money on a car instead of helping her children to bury their mother.

What We Need

While her three children struggle to survive on their own in apartments and low-end jobs, every attempt to raise money in efforts to bury her has stalled.

  • Estimates show $1200 would cover all costs and expenses of the burial, grave site, and purchase of the gravestone.
  • Any leftover funds would be donated to Relay For Life, which our mother had walked in for several years in support of her friends and eventually herself.

The Impact

Carol's family extended out past just her three children. there are dozens of family members, cousins, and a fiancee who would love to have a place to share their memories and prayers with their mother.

Our mother loved the outdoors, planting her own gardens yearly, and she deserves more than to be kept inside a vase. Please help us get our mother back outside with nature that she loved, and grant her children and family a place to visit her.

Further Information About Carol

Carol's Obituaries are not difficult to find. She was a resident of Grand Island, New York since her children were born.

An online Obituary can be found at


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