A demonic carnival inhabited with possessed clowns welcomes you...
What is Carnival of horrors?
of horrors is a horror soundtrack like no other. It
will take horror music in a new darker direction that has not been heard
before. This music is designed to be used in games, horror films and
haunts. We guarantee that you will be shocked, suprised and more importantly
scared. The album is a concept album that tells the story of a journey to an evil Carnival. It will take the listener on mint journey to hell. With clowns!
We have released 4 halloween albums so far and each one
has touched on the theme of a dark carnival. This new album will be a
new collection of the darkest, scariest carnival music possible. We want
to push the boundaries of horror music further by experimenting with
soundscapes, samples and new techniques. We will also be collaborating
with other great artists in the UK Horror Scene and looking
to work with local talent to create a mini horror video to accomany
the release. With your help we can make this project happen.
Here are links to some of our carnival themed songs so far:
Why should I back the project?
you love halloween and horror and want to help me take the carnival
theme into new, exciting and dark territory then please support the
project. in return you will get exclusive stuff that will not be
available anywhere else. We have been fortunate enough to receive
excellent reviews fromt he horror haunt community and really want to
deliver something different with this album. My goal is to make the
'Citizen Kane' of carnival music.
What will successful funding mean?
Professionally designed artwork is a must. This album needs to look and sound awesome, and so do the T shirts! We also want to make a great video to support the project and get professionally pressed CD's. Your contributions will also mean we can spend more time during the production and recording process.
How can I help?
can make a huge difference to getting the project completed. The most
important thing you can do to help is to back us, and share this project we have some great
supporter rewards, check them out and grab something special from our list!
Sam Haynes