Catching a crook overseas
Catching a crook overseas
Catching a crook overseas
Catching a crook overseas
Catching a crook overseas
This campaign is closed
Catching a crook overseas
Hi All,
Someone stole my wallet containing some very important papers as well as credit cards while I was visiting India in December.
While I managed to get all cards blocked right away, somehow the crook who stole it managed to get one working and he's been duping multiple stores since the last few days.
I called some of the stores, and they were able to identify and even tell me who the crook is (runs a small shop near my place of stay).
Even though I would personally not bear any loss, it is sad to see him making big purchases from every shop/store that he can lay his hands on, to the loss of the local merchants. He is stacking up on liquor, furniture, fuel and I cant get him arrested unless I am physically there.
I plan to fly back, only for a 2 day visit, and get him punished. Local storeowners have been very helpful in giving me whatever information that they could.
The only money that I am hoping to have covered through this fundraiser, is the cost of the airline tickets. I will pay for my cab, food, miscl expenses and gladly share the flight ticket details here.
I have added here one snapshot of just some of the many bills he has run in a single day. I really really want to teach him a lesson.
I want to fly on this weekend itself, to catch him while the trail is still hot. Worst case scenario, I will fly next weekend.
Thanks for your help !