About us
Astronomical group Sarajevo was founded on May 9, 2014. Currently, the group has over 800 members and continuously promotes astronomy. In the past three years, a lot of projects have been done, and these are some of them:
- Detection of asteroids and estimation of their orbital parameters
- Photometry of variable stars
- Astrophotography (planets, Moon, Sun, comets, deep sky objects: galaxies, nebulae and star clusters)
- Writing educational texts from astronomy, astrophotography, and photometry
- Different “Do It Yourself” projects (custom astro-tracker construction, camera modification (removal of IR filter), binocular stabilization, mount modification, solargraphy etc)
- Open access Astro parties for community
- Facebook page and Facebook group with over 800 members
- Promoting astronomy in media
- Establishing contact with schools, scientific institutions, other astronomical societies and astrophotographers around the world
For more information about our work (Bosnian language): https://alancatovic.files.wordpress.com/2017/01...
Campaign goal
The campaign aims to raise funds for the purchase of a new CCD camera. Namely, we have reached a maximum with our current camera (DSLR) and in order to do more, better equipment is needed, above all a more sensitive camera for astronomy.
With the new CCD camera, the following projects are planned:
- Detection of new asteroids and comets
- Detection of extrasolar planets
- Photometry of stars
- Spectroscopy of stars
- Narrowband Astrophotography
The mentioned projects will contribute to further development of astronomy that has been ravaged in our country since the war from 1995.
Required equipment and costs
To meet these goals, the following equipment is required:
ATIK383L+ 8 Megapixel b/w CCD camera – cooled – low noise – Sensor: Kodak KAF 8300 17.6 x 13.52mm (https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_in...)
Baader Filter Set LRGBC + Narrowband H-alpha/O-III/S-II, 2 inch thread (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
ATIK 2″ motorized filter wheel – USB connection – for 5x 2″ filter (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
Astronomik ASCLSCCD2 – CLS CCD Filter, 2 inch mounted (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
Star Analyser 100 (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
Adapters (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf... i http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
Total costs of equipment (including VAT, Customs costs, and Indigogo provision): 4720 $ (4140 EUR)
More info can be found at (bosnian and english version): https://alancatovic.wordpress.com/2017/07/10/cr...
For more information or further questions, please contact acatovic@gmail.com or jasarevic.dzan@gmail.com
(Bosnian language version)
O nama
Neformalna astronomska grupa Sarajevo nastala je 9. maja 2014. godine. Trenutno grupa broji preko 800 članova i kontinuirano promoviše astronomiju. U protekle tri godine urađeno je dosta projekata, a ovo su neki od njih:
- Detekcija asteroida i procjena njihovih orbitalnih parametara
- Fotometrija varijabilnih zvijezda
- Astrofotografija (planete, Mjesec, Sunce, komete, udaljeni nebeski objekti: galaksije, magline i zvjezdani skupovi)
- Pisanje tekstova iz opšte astronomije, astrofotografije i fotometrije
- Različiti “Do It Yourself” projekti (konstrukcija astro-trackera, modifikacija kamere, stabilizacija dvogleda, modifikacija postolja, solargrafija itd)
- Održavanje „Astro partija“ (posmatranje noćnog neba) za širu javnost
- Facebook stranica i Facebook grupa sa preko 800 članova
- Promovisanje astronomije u medijima
- Upostavljanje kontakta sa školama, naučnim institucijama, drugim astronomskim društvima i astrofotografima širom svijeta
Više informacija o našem radu: https://alancatovic.files.wordpress.com/2017/01...
Cilj kampanje
Cilj kampanje je prikupljanje finansijskih sredstava za kupovinu nove CCD kamere. Naime, iz opreme koju trenutno imamo izvučen je maksimum i da bi se uradile ozbiljnije stvari, potrebna je bolja oprema, prije svega osjetljivija kamera za astronomiju.
Sa novom CCD kamerom planiraju se slijedeći projekti:
- Detekcija novih asteroida i kometa
- Detekcija ekstrasolarnih planeta (planeta oko drugih zvijezda)
- Fotometrija zvijezda
- Spektroskopija zvijezda
- „Narrowband“ astrofotografija
Spomenuti projekti predstavljaju značajan naučni iskorak u BiH i doprinijet će razvoju astronomije koja je u našoj zemlji na koljenima još od završetka rata 1995. godine.
Potrebna oprema i troškovi
Za ispunjenje navedenih ciljeva potrebna je slijedeća oprema:
- ATIK383L+ 8 Megapixel b/w CCD camera - cooled - low noise - Sensor: Kodak KAF 8300 17.6 x 13.52mm (https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_in...)
- Baader Filter Set LRGBC + Narrowband H-alpha/O-III/S-II, 2 inch thread (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
- ATIK 2" motorized filter wheel - USB connection - for 5x 2" filter (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
- Astronomik ASCLSCCD2 - CLS CCD Filter, 2 inch mounted (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
- Star Analyser 100 (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
- Adapteri (http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf... i http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_inf...)
Ukupni troškovi (oprema, PDV, carina, Indigogo servis): 4720 $ (4140 EUR)
Za više informacija ili pitanja, javite se na acatovic@gmail.com ili jasarevic.dzan@gmail.com.