About Me and My Project
As a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute with a BFA in painting, creating art has been the main commitment in my life. I have traveled the path of the esoteric, the mystical and the Goddess with my art.
As an artist and a woman, I was drawn to the Goddess for a variety of reasons. Initially, as a young woman, She spoke to me of my own power, self-worth, self-determination and my/every woman's inherent beauty.
With time my experience of Goddess has deepened. I now see Her in all of Her manifestations. She is in the trees, the mountains, the rivers and the seas. She is the mother from whom we all come and to whom we all return. She is the great and enduring symbol of life itself.
During the past 5 years I have been studying and researching the Goddesses of my own ancestors, the Celts. It has been a fascinating journey through which I have come to understand and respect the ancient Celtic worldview. Celtic mythology reveals their understanding of the mysterious quality of the universe. They recognized that there is a deeper reality just beyond our everyday physical reality.
Though the Celts had a large pantheon of goddesses and gods, they believed that the many comes from the One Source. Each goddess represents a particular aspect of life - some numinous and some practical.
My deck of Celtic Goddess Oracle Cards is a 35 card deck which presents a power image of each goddess covered. The deck is packaged together with a booklet in which I re-tell each goddess’s story and reflect on what her wisdom means for us today. You are invited to draw one card, look that goddess up in the booklet and then read her story, learning the wisdom she has to offer you for that day. Use the deck for healing, guidance and insight into your own personal challenges and questions. Work alone or with a group of friends.
My intention in the creation of this deck and with all of my art is to re-awaken the world to the wisdom of the Goddess; a wisdom which holds all life sacred and recognizes the fact that we are all connected in the web of life.
What I Need - What You Get
The paintings are done; the stories are told; the cards are designed. All I need are the funds for editing and production of the decks. I am working with author/editor extraordinaire, Cait Johnson. She is doing the fine tuning of each story and will be my book midwife guiding me through marketing and distribution. Check out Cait on her website
My $2000 goal will allow me to pay Cait for her help and to publish 100 decks with a US based printer, testing the waters to discover the extent of interest in a deck of Celtic Goddess Oracle cards. If I exceed my goal by $1000 or more then I will publish more decks.
In addition to pre-ordering the deck, I have many other perks available.
- There are prints and greeting cards of some of my work.
- There are downloads of music by my talented singer/songwriter son, Cali Shaw.
- A couple of the prints even include a free downloads of the music.
- One song, Under the Olive Tree, expresses the innocence of childhood from our time living in Greece when he was a boy.
- The other is about the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene.
- Plus some of my original paintings are available through this campaign at a reduced cost from their usual price.
Visit my website to see all of my work. If you see something there that I have not offered, either as a print or an original, shoot me a message and I can add it as a perk. Check back often as I’ll be adding new perks every week for the duration of my campaign.
With the help of credit cards, this deck will be published even if I don’t reach my goal. The printers have assured me of a pretty short turn-around time. The decks should be in my hands and ready for shipment by Thanksgiving. They make great Christmas presents so keep that in mind as you check out the perks.
Other Ways You Can Help
I certainly understand that some people just can’t contribute but if you are inspired by my project then you can help spread the word.
Use the Indiegogo share tools to share my project with your network of friends. The wider this reaches the more chances there are of success.
Be sure to keep scrolling down to view all of the perks!
Thanks so very, very much for your support!
Check out all of the Celtic Goddess you will learn about and learn from with my deck of Celtic Goddess Oracle Cards.