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Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

One of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history, that's nearly been forgotten.

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Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

Charlton Comics: The Movie Production Phase 2

One of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history, that's nearly been forgotten.

One of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history, that's nearly been forgotten.

One of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history, that's nearly been forgotten.

One of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history, that's nearly been forgotten.

Charlton Movie
Charlton Movie
Charlton Movie
Charlton Movie
2 Campaigns |
Hartford, United States
$240 USD 7 backers
2% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
It's been called the 3 legged dog of comics, and the scrappy, street-fighting cousin of Marvel and DC. Maybe you've heard of it? Probably not. But, you do know the industry legends that called it home. This is Charlton Comics.

Charlton Comics: The Movie

The ALL NEW 2016 Movie Trailer! 

Welcome to PHASE 2 of the Charlton Movie crowdfunding campaign! 

Our Phase 1 contributors helped us get these interviews, now Phase 2, your contributions will power the heavy lifting - the awesome team who will put this story together! 

That story is the unique and fascinating slice of comic book history that's nearly been forgotten! Bob Layton didn't start by drawing Iron Man, and Denny O'Neil's first story sure didn't involve the caped crusader! Which Marvel legend started as a fanzine writer and actually threw his comic books into a bonfire at the height of the Comics Code??? 

Contribute, and help us tell the stories that have never been told... until NOW!

You see, the captivating origin story of Charlton and its tragic epilogue are unbelievable! We can't give you spoilers, but in the age of TMS and tabloids, Charlton fits right in. It's positively scandalous!

What We Need & What You Get

Alright, let's break it down real smooth...

  • Your contributions push us into the post-production realm! That's where the real work begins. We'll start cutting apart the interviews and piecing them together to form the story. So while that sounds dry, the real fun of post production comes when we add in the animation and reenactments!

We've got a great team of production people and animators standing by - your contributions will put them into action!

​But that's what we need, but let's talk about you! The Charlton artists, writers, and Charlton Neo publishing team want to see this movie completed as badly as you do. So, out of the love of Charlton, those great talents are teaming up with us!​

  • Our artist friends Bob Layton, Joe Staton, Frank McLaughlin, and Joe Sinnott have all agreed to provide art commissions
  • Then we also included DVDs and digital downloads for you movie buffs.
  • There's the official Charlton Movie t-shirts and buttons.
  • How would you like to go head to head with E-Man? Joe Staton and Nick Cuti can put YOU as a villain in an all new E-Man story - then Charlton Neo will publish it!
  • But wait, there's more! Our friends over at Charlton Neo Media are providing copies of Charlton Arrow #5... which includes our interview with Joe Staton!
  • Don't forget about tickets to the premiere and cocktail hour! You'll get to hang with some of Charlton's legends!

The Impact

Here's the truth about your role in helping to make this movie:

Your contribution to this project is vital.  We're trying to tell a story about one of the most fascinating and unique pieces of comic book history that has nearly been forgotten.  With your help, this film could boost the resurgence interest in Charlton Comics.

If you've heard us on some of our interviews, you know that we're doing this movie to give the creators the recognition they deserve! Charlton IS proof of the importance of creative freedom!

On the flip side - Once we complete the film, we will be donating a percentage of the proceeds to the Hero Initiative ( to assist comic book creators in need!    

Risks & Challenges

Our biggest risk? We only have 30 days to reach our goal! That's why we need YOU!

The length of time it'll take to finish Charlton Comics: The Movie is completely up to you, however if we don't reach our goal, we'll still move forward on our own.

...which means that it could take a few more years, BUT we have the resolve and determination to complete the film project one way or another.  

You aren't contributing to something that will be swept aside!


Can't Donate? No Sweat!

Just by visiting this page, is a step in the right direction! 
If you don't have the means to contribute, use the Indiegogo share tools! Like our Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram! Tell your friends about this campaign! ...or perhaps give us a shout out to other comic book geeks* on Twitter.

* ie, any potential contributors, bloggers, and web publications who would be interested such as Kevin Smith or Nerdist 

Thank you for your support, and remember, Charlton Comics: The Movie needs you!

Up and Atom! ...Captain Atom that is

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Choose your Perk


$1 USD
Be Yang! You are the source of Light and Righteousness! Your name will appear as a "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed

Badge of Justice

$5 USD
The Chief has awarded you with high honors! You are presented with the official Charlton Movie button and your name will appear as a "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed

Nature Boy

$10 USD
All the power of the elements have brought you a digital download of a Charlton Neo comic OF YOUR CHOICE! We'll also send you the official Charlton Movie button and list your name as a "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sue & Sally Flying Nurses

$25 USD
2 sisters of mercy defy danger to bring you this important package! • 2 digital downloads of a Charlton Neo comic OF YOUR CHOICE! • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Atomic Mouse

$50 USD
Those U-235 pills really amped up this prize package! You'll receive a print copy of Charlton Arrow #5 • A digital download of Charlton Comics: The Movie! • A DVD or Blu-Ray copy of the movie • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Captain Atom

$100 USD
This prize package has gone nuclear! Every hero needs a costume to protect him from radiation, so we're sending you an official Charlton Movie baseball jersey t-shirt! (Available in Men's & Women's sizes) (WARNING: t-shirt may not protect you from radiation!) • A print copy of Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download of Charlton Comics: The Movie bundle • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Sarge Steel

$250 USD
Every Special Agent needs insider info to crack the case! So you'll see an online private advance screening of the movie before anyone else to help us with finishing touches! • Charlton Movie baseball jersey t-shirt! (Available in Men's & Women's sizes) • Print copy of Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download of Charlton Comics: The Movie bundle • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website and in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

Blue Beetle

$500 USD
Kaji Dha! Get an autographed black & white original art commission from artist of choice (Frank McLaughlin, Bob Layton, Joe Staton, Joe Sinnott)! • Online private advanced screening of the movie • Charlton Movie baseball jersey t-shirt! (Available in Men's & Women's sizes) • Print copy of Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download of Charlton Comics: The Movie bundle • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website & in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

The Peacemaker

$1,000 USD
You love this prize so much you're willing to fight for it! You get a full color commission from artist of choice (McLaughlin, Layton, Staton & Sinnott) • Online private advanced screening of the movie • Charlton Movie baseball jersey t-shirt! (Available in Men's & Women's sizes) • Print copy of Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download of Charlton Comics: The Movie bundle • An official Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on our website & in the end credits of the movie!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

The Question

$2,500 USD
The question is, do you want to party with Charlton legends? You and a guest will join us for an exclusive screening of Charlton Comics: The Movie & cocktail hour. • Associate Producer credit • Full color commission from artist of choice (McLaughlin, Layton, Staton & Sinnott) • Online private advanced screening • Charlton Movie t-shirt • Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download movie bundle • Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on website & movie end credits!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 13 of claimed
Ships to United States of America


$5,000 USD
Think you can foil E-Man? You will get to star as a villain in a new original E-Man comic AND we'll even publish it for you! • 2 tickets to screening/cocktail hour • Assoc. Producer credit • Full color commission from artist of choice (McLaughlin, Layton, Staton & Sinnott) • Online private advanced screening • Charlton Movie t-shirt • Charlton Arrow #5 • DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download movie bundle • Charlton Movie button! • "Thank You" on website & movie end credits!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

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