Hello, Im Chris! A Believer and Worshiper of Jesus Christ (love You Jesus!), a Husband (love you baby!), a father of 2 girls (love you kiddos!) a Pastor (love you sheep!) Ok you get the idea!
My wife and I have been married for 11 years, we were both raised serving in His house- local church and have been in full time ministry for 11 years. We serve as Worship Pastors at Triumph Church in Southeast Texas w/ Pastors Randy @ Renee Clark and Pastors Randon and Lindsay Clark.Great leaders and a great body of believers! I thank God for all the great leaders God has allowed us to work with.
Born to…
I've loved music and singing as long as i can remember, it moves me, it's in my dna. The beat, a hammond, strings move me, stir me, but…. nothing like His presence. When a tangebelness of His presence arrives it thrills my heart to experience Him. When I see people connecting with Him,moving past their busy schedules, past guilt, and feelings of unworthiness I'm overjoyed that heaven and earth have connected. Too see the lost become found, the wounded and broken restored, the sick healed in the presence of the King is Amazing to me. Great music coming from changed lives and grateful hearts yielding in an encounter with Him-AWESOME!
Everyone was born to do something. A unique calling with a detailed harvest in mind for them to reach for the King. I've accepted the assignment now with joy that this is my calling. Loving God and loving people in this way. I always loved ministry,it's all I ever wanted to do. Seeing people encounter God! Truth shining into darkness and changing the level where people have been living life!
God has a way of taking you through a process…where you feel death is close..the death of a dream of hope of your destiny…you wonder if all is lost and hope seems scarce. What you thought you knew, what you prayed and declared, what use to work and what you use to be passionate about seem… cloudy..distant. I believe I have been through such a process.God has been working on the inside of me- showing me personally His love and the significance of the cross His blood and the reserrection, His forgiveness, and building my character. This time has yielded a closeness to Him,compassion,surrender and a clearer understanding of His plan for my life.He indeed has a process that often times includes what feels like a death but with Him the death has a purpose and there is always a resurrection!!
The Goal
The first step for me is working on an EP. A 3-5 song recording that is an easier goal to achieve than a full album( which will be here eventually-step 2 :). God has spoken clearly and now I'm saying yes lol about the songs He's assigned to me to release. We've already been singing some of these songs in our local church and have been thrilled to see their acceptance by the congregation and the presence of God that rest upon them. Through the years many of you have said "when are you going to make an album,where can I go to hear you/buy your music" and I said "when the time is right, when God says so". I feel that that time has begun! We've been working on this project as we could for about 9 months with a great producer Jeremy Tiege who is also the Music Director of Grace Church of Humble Texas. The music/instrumentation for 3 songs is almost completed! These have not been mastered and are still missing some key components such as horns and auxiliary keyboards but we are well on our way and you can take a listen to what we have so far. Vocals, mastering,duplication, photography, art work,website etc still need to be done.
God has given me and my family a hunger to see lives changed by the undeniable power of Jesus Christ, I'm asking you now to join us in taking what God has called us to do to another level, to help us expand our ability for impact.Indiegogo is a fund raising platform for creative projects.With most projects you only get in on the finished result when you purchase a song or the album- but this way you get to be a part of the journey! It's also unique in the we get to give back to you as you give.To your right you will see several options for you to give each with something in return that I hope will be a blessing to you. To you who know me personally or have seen me leading worship I hope you will find this opportunity to be a part of the journey exciting. To those who I have not had the privilege of meeting I pray this message of reaching people with His presence will ignite your excitement to join with us. As you give I know the father will return, and I am praying and believing that many will be affected by the seed you sow! Thank you again for taking time to stop by and for your interest in our ministry. Please pray, please give,please spread the word!