We are Thai designers intending to highlight and enhance a daily routine's issue that people get used to and overlook them. Our first idea and direction are started by noticing any items or activities around us. However, our product is designed for solving through this issue.
Chubbo has been developed through the idea of "quick and easy trash bag picking up" that people doesn't want to touch anything that stick with the trash even just 2-3 seconds to tie plastic trash bag before throwing away, we saw this problem and took it as our first priority to solve it.
Thai Culture
Thai people always use plastic shopping bag that we get free from Supermarket or any free plastic bag to cover our trash bin before throwing trash because it's easy to clean and make our trash bin doesn't look awful or too dirty. But sometimes handle of plastic bag bin get dirty and make many people suffering from touching the handle, this is a core reason we created "Chubbo".
All dimensions divides by three
All dimensions can be divided by three the reason why because we determine that all numbers can be related and not making any confusion
amount our team members.
Core Function
We separated the bin into two parts which is good Smiley face side and Surely face side. The main part is the Smiley face side consist of the handle of the bin and the plastic holder of the bin which is mostly use.
Plastic Holder
The curved part is like the hook to secure the holder of the bag, also separate the dirty part and
the clean part easily.
Before/After plastic bag
This picture shows how the plastic bag holder holds the bag and how the curve is working.
Smiley Face
This part shows the core function part consists of the holder of the bin, we design like a smiley face and the plastic bag holder.
Purely Face
This part show how smooth and the shape of the body of the bin that we don’t want to decorate too much.
Floating Object and Shadow line
We designed the base of the bin quite smaller than the body to make it feel light or like floating in the air.
Headless Pyramid designed
As we mentioned about the body like the Floating object, we have the inspiration from the geometry of the pyramid and redesign to cut off the top of pyramid part. The Headless Pyramid shape helps to distribute force load from the bin while using.
Intersect Gridline
IIn Every part of Chubbo, we geometrically design base on the simple way, therefore we offset and cross the base line intersect each other to separate the part of the base. The reason why because we need to hide and make the shadow line on the base of the bin.
We started from prototyping through the paper to develop the function by real users' experiences.
After we went through the function, we decided to develop forms of Chubbo and check them by 3D printings to make them look more friendly.
Feel Free To Critics
If you have any suggestion or any feedback feel free to let us know, this will be so grateful to let you be as our team development.
Join Us
Tell us your problems by our e-mail:, We believe that everybody has their own problems and still waiting to be solved.