City of Murals
City of Murals
City of Murals
City of Murals
City of Murals
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
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City of Murals
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Philly's Public Art
Hey! I'm Meredith. I'm an artists and filmmaker who has traveled the world in search for great stories and even found a few. I've worked on hit series for National Geographic, Nat Geo, as well as, not such hit series for TLC, History Channel and Animal Planet. My last project, the iPad app Here on Earth, broke me out of the constraints of film making and into the world of multimedia delight.
Now I'm concentrating on something a bit closer to home in Philadelphia. As an artist and frequent street meanderer I am in constant awe and surprise at the amount of public art at every turn. From Zagar's mosaics to the Mural Arts Program and even the independent pieces that show up over night. I want to know how public art transforms and impacts a city, its people and its artists. I'll explore this through a one hour documentary and a multimedia app that includes a bunch of extras that will really give viewers/readers/participates an interactive and in depth journey into the public art scattered around Philadelphia - the City of Murals.
Art has drawn the short straw. It's being dismissed from schools as an unnecessary elective. Funding for artistic endeavors as been slashed. There's just a general sense that art doesn't help society.
"City of Murals" will tell stories of why art does matter - from the South Street Renaissance and Isiah Zagar's recycled mosaics to Veterans working with Warrior Writers to make a public mural, to a free loving community of artists looking to spread the inspiration. I'll talk to artists, Philadelphians, researchers and visitors to get their take on how art makes Philly what it is.
Beyond the film I'll create a City of Murals app that will include the film but also interviews with local artists, short films on specific pieces, links to self guided tours, and other fun interactive elements that will really get people excited about art and how it improves our lives.
To get this all going I'll need 5000 bucks. This will go towards equipment rental, transportation, editing, a little per diem for the intern and some support to the local artists. If I can't manage to raise all the money the project will continue - just on a prolonged schedule with a release for the film and then the App.
I've got some perks for you art lovers. Check 'em out below!
And hey, if you can't help financially but still dig the concept, give me a hand and help me get the word out!
Follow me on my website project blog:
to use that social networking to get the word out!