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clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

The ClairB is a powerful air purifier but portable enough for users to bring along wherever they go.

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clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

clairB, bring clean air with you everywhere you go

The ClairB is a powerful air purifier but portable enough for users to bring along wherever they go.

The ClairB is a powerful air purifier but portable enough for users to bring along wherever they go.

The ClairB is a powerful air purifier but portable enough for users to bring along wherever they go.

The ClairB is a powerful air purifier but portable enough for users to bring along wherever they go.

Clair America
Clair America
Clair America
Clair America
4 Campaigns |
Seoul, Korea, Republic of
$64,812 USD by 525 backers
$62,052 USD by 505 backers on Dec 16, 2015 with another platform
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Introducing Clean Air, Clair. Clair B, bring clean air with you everywhere you go. Clair B is a portable air purifier that utilizes dual filtration technology. By combining the power of an plasma ionizer and our patented electret film filter, we are able to exceed HEPA standards and achieve 99.97% filtration efficiency and eliminate 0.1 micrometer (?m) sized particles.

180 degree swivel air vent

Clair B's unique swivel vent provides 180 degrees rotation providing fresh and clean air in any direction!  

Running at 5 volts gives you maximum portability. Connect to your computer, the cigar jack in the car, a smartphone charger or a portable power bank.

Our Magnetic Air Filtration (MAF) technology filters micro dust particles as small as 0.1?m, viruses, bacteria, allergens, pollen, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and even harmful chemicals.

magnetic air filter
Electret filter attracting particles through static electricity

Similar to a powerful magnet, Clair B’s unique air filtration system holds an electrostatic charge thereby causing particles to be strongly attracted to it. Harnessing the power of static electricity, the same principle that made your hair stick to a balloon when you rubbed it on your head, Clair B attracts polarized contaminants.

The electret film filter is capable of eliminating ultrafine dust (smaller than 0.1 micrometers ?m), allergens, pollen, mold, cigarette smoke, exhaust gasses and more. The filter is made of an embossed polypropylene film, a self-charging electrostatic material, wrapped in a cylindrical shape, and our patented design allows the polypropylene to hold charged sides. 

The filter’s area is nearly twelve times larger than that of a standard mini-HEPA filter thus, maximizing efficiency. This also gives the filter a longer life span. A single mini-electret filter can last four months, and when it is time for replacement, you simply twist the bottom off and lift the filter out. 

MAF System
Plasma ionizer and Electret filter working in conjunction

While our electret film filter has proven to be highly effective in eliminating germs, viruses, bacteria, carbon monoxide, toluene, benzene, and formaldehyde, we decided to add a preparation stage that uses a plasma ionizer to be sure that we get every last bit of pollutant. As chemical molecules and other biological agents enter the charging section they collide with ions, gaining that ion’s static charge. The now charged particles pass on to the trapping section and are filtered out of your environment. 

This innovative technology was developed in collaboration with the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology and Pusan University through the support of the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning.

Clair B’s attractive design fits with any décor. With its basic two-toned design, Clair B is elegant in its simplicity thereby matching the aesthetic of any environment in which it is placed. Simple, Classic and Portable. That was the emphasis of Clair B's design. 

For the design elements we collaborated with The Korean Institute of Design Promotion. The process was highly iterative with multiple conceptualizations, re-designs and testing before deciding upon a final design.

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Clair B in Black + Shipping

Clair B in Black + Shipping

$138 USD
Buy 1 Clair B now and get 1 free filter set (including 3 filters)
16 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Clair B in White + Shipping

Clair B in White + Shipping

$138 USD
Buy 1 Clair B now and get 1 free filter set (including 3 filters)
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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