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A hot and humorous book of sex positions, inspired by rock climbing.

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A hot and humorous book of sex positions, inspired by rock climbing.

A hot and humorous book of sex positions, inspired by rock climbing.

A hot and humorous book of sex positions, inspired by rock climbing.

A hot and humorous book of sex positions, inspired by rock climbing.

2 Campaigns |
Detroit, United States
$2,895 USD by 94 backers
$2,760 USD by 89 backers on Mar 29, 2016
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

The Sultry Stem

About The Book

Climbing terms sound deliciously dirty. Even the most seasoned climber still giggles when someone compliments their “huge rack” or tells them to “spread their legs and trust the rubber”. The CLIMB-A-SUTRA illustrates the naughty visions that are often conjured during casual chats at the crag

Here is a sneak-peek of a few positions and techniques that the book features:

  • The Overhang Bang

  • The Tenacious Top-Out

  • The Tight Crack

  • The Naughty Kneebar

  • The Full Rack

  • The Figure-Eight Knot

  • And more...

The best part is, this book has something for EVERYONE: women, men, gay partners, straight partners, hardcore lovers, plain vanilla lovers, even solo lovers.

The Tight Crack

What I Need & What You Get

First and foremost, I need a bit of ca$h so that I can hire a real illustrator for the book. I you SEE the mock illustrations I've draw? Lets be real. You deserve better than that.

Plus, self-publishing a book is expensive, so I need pre-orders to help cut the up-front costs of printing. 

$2,000 can bring the CLIMB-A-SUTRA to life. That will be enough to hire an artist to illustrate 20 positions and to print about a hundred copies of the book. But...

I need your support to make it happen.

For $25, you can pre-order your own copy of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA book! The book will be roughly 7"x7" and a minimum of 20 full-color pages. (I say "minimum" of 20 pages because if I surpass my fundraising goal, I can draw and print EVEN MORE sexy climbing positions!) 

See the full list of perks at the bottom of the page.

The Tenacious Top-Out

Sure, this is funny, but why does it MATTER?

Women’s voices and experiences are seriously lacking in both the sex industry AND in the climbing industry. The CLIMB-A-SUTRA puts women on top (figuratively and literally) and pushes back against the prevailing treatment of women as accessories in both climbing and in sex.

The images in this book are inclusive, displaying a diversity of bodies and sexualities. The captions are thoughtful, avoiding both gendered language and assumptions of sexual preferences as much as possible. My hope is that humor will make this book accessible, while progressive content will make it impactful.

Sit in Your Harness

About the Creator

Hi! My name is Ellen. I am a lady climber and a feminist. I am NOT an artist, but I do enjoy being creative, and this is my first time ever crowdfunding a project. At first I was hesitant about publicizing the CLIMB-A-SUTRA, but I chose this path to prove (to myself and to others) that there is nothing shameful about being openly sex-positive.

PLEASE- Help a lady climber promote sex-positivity and gender-diversity in the bedroom, at the crag, and in the world! :-)


$5 - Virtual high five

$15 - A  postcard featuring a drawing of a SURPRISE climbing-inspired sex position.

$20 - A digital version of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA, delivered to your inbox.

$25 -Your very own copy of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA book

$45 - TWO copies of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA book

$100 - Send me a picture and I'll draw you (and/or your naughty bits) into the book

$200 - I'll draw you AND your partner into the book

$500 - Product placement. Let's talk.

$1000 - Support the illustration & printing  of 10 additional positions

$5000 - Get the CLIMB-A-SUTRA printed with a hardback cover

*As an added bonus, if I reach my fundraising goal, EVERYONE who contributes to the campaign will receive a digital copy of the book! 

**If I surpass my fundraising goal, I will be able to draw and print even MORE climbing-inspired positions. That means more climbing, more sex, and more fun.

The Bossy Belay

Even if you can't contribute cash, you can still help make the CLIMB-A-SUTRA  a reality! Please share this page with your friends, lovers, and belay partners. ♥ ♥ ♥

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Choose your Perk



$25 USD
Get your own copy of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA, featuring dozens of hot and hilarious climbing-inspired sex positions.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
24 claimed
Ships to United States of America

A Virtual High Five

$5 USD
You ROCK! Thanks for supporting this campaign. To show you my appreciation, I'll send you a virtual high five.
2 claimed

Sexy Postcard

$15 USD
A hand-written postcard featuring an illustration of one climbing-inspired sex position, delivered right to your door.
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$20 USD
All the fun of the CLIMB-A-SUTRA, emailed to your inbox in PDF format.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$45 USD
MORE climbing and MORE sex. A discounted rate for two books, plus only one shipping fee! Now you and your belay partner (or lover or bestie or mom) can each have your own copy.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
3 claimed
Ships to United States of America

YOUR Naughty Bits IN the Book

$100 USD
Send me a photo of yourself and I'll draw you into the book. Plus, you'll get a copy of the book to keep for yourself. Finally, you can become the sexy climber that you have always wanted to be.
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
2 out of 15 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

You AND Your Partner's Bits

$200 USD
Send me a picture of you and a (consenting) partner, and I'll draw you BOTH into the CLIMB-A-SUTRA. I'll even let you call dibs on a position. Plus, you'll each get a copy of the book. Hurray!
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Product Placement

$500 USD
Do you want to see strong naked ladies hanging off your custom climbing holds? Do you want your homemade quilted chalk-bag featured on the sculpted ass of a sexy climber? Let's talk.
0 claimed

Add 10 NEW illustrations!

$1,000 USD
For $1000, you can support the illustration and printing of 10 climbing-inspired sex positions for the CLIMB-A-SUTRA. As a thank you, you'll get a signed copy of the book!
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Upgrade to Hardcover

$5,000 USD
For $5000, the CLIMB-A-STURA book can be printed with a hardcover. As a thank you, you'll get a signed copy of the book AND a personalized postcard featuring one climbing-inspired sex position.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out


$20 USD
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
30 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
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