Short Summary
Contributors fund ideas they can be passionate about and to people they trust. Here are some things to do in this section:
- My name is Curt McLean and I am a born Jamaican,but I live in Canada now. For the past years I have been going Back to my country to referee basketball games and there are a lot of kids that are in the community,some of them don't even have shoes on their feet,shirt on their backs and some have torn clothes on. I was so upset to see all these kids looking like they have no parents as I did my game. After the game was over I sat with some of them and bought them some food and asked where their parents are and and when they told me they don't no,it mad me cry.
- So at that point I said to my self,what can i do to help these poor kids who have nothing in life to look forward to?So as I see that they love the game of basketball why not go back and teach them the basic skills of the sport and show them some love that they can not get at home. All these kids want is some attention and love and that is what we are going to try to do.
- Just imagine how a child feels getting a gum or candy,with your help these kids can look forward to another day as we go into the community and have a camp for about 400 of them, clothes them,feed them and even supply shoes for them.I can just imagine how they would feel so loved and appreciative,I think that this will for sure make a life difference for the parents and the community it self would gladly embrace us for doing what we have done for their child and the life we have just changed.
Break it down for folks in more detail:
- The funding that is needed will pay for the following: we need 2 back boards and rims which is about $500 USD each,we would love to put some bleachers in so the parents and community can watch the games,there is not enough light there for night games so we would like to put one more light pole in,we also would like to re do the courts with new lines and rubber surface area as the bad weather really takes a toll on the concrete which is not good for the kids if the fall down. So in total for this court it will be around $50,000 or so. If we do not reach our goal we would fix what we can with what we get and continue to raise funds until goal is reached.
The Impact
Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know how the difference their contribution will make:
- I think this project is very valuable because of what you are doing to help keep the youth off the streets as if there is no basketball court means that they will have to roam the streets and get them selves in trouble with the law,so you are showing the kids that you care about their well being. I have been working in Toronto in the same kids of communities for many years now and I can say that I have changed many lives.
- Make it real for people and build trust.
Other Ways You Can Help
for all those that want to help but they cant ,we need t-shirts,running shoes,socks,clothes,basketballs,basketball uniforms and what ever else you can come up with,what ever is provided to us is much appreciated as the families will be so great full. So please spread the word about the inner city basketball camps to all your friend,co workers,family and employer and let them know to go to Indiegogo and pledge,thank you.