earn money + safe the planet at the same time!
self sufficient 100% solar powered crypto mining project + planting (fruit) trees
this will be (the first?) 100% solar powered co2 negative crypto mining + self sufficient community project
earn money + safe the planet at the same time!
idea is to hookup 10x AntMiner L9 with a massive solar power rig (the math says, need 30x 440W panels per miner are required + 4x15kWh LiFePo4 battery packs for 24-7 operation, alternatively, leave the batteries out and save 4000 bucks per miner, but then only run when enough power from the panels, so aprox 8h a day instead of 24h a day, will test both and see what works better)
total cost of the 10x AntMiner L9 project: 489100
what is in for you? A LOT
you can participate with as little as 1 buck, or 100 bucks to up to 1000 bucks and start earning right from the first bitcoin: if the math checks out, u could get ur money back in 1.5 years and have a lot more in 3 years (always depending on bitcoin price and other factors known and not known at the current monent)
the bitcoins will either:
1. immediately be sold at market price after every day of generation
2. receive the bitcoins directly into ur digital wallet
bitcoins will be accumulated over one month, and paid monthly either to your bank account or to your bitcoin wallet (transaction fees of bitcoin network are VERY high)
Now the best part: the location will be near a beach, in a sunny country in Southamerica (do not want to disclose exact location yet)
but when u are backing the project with at least 100 bucks = come and visit and make holidays for FOR FREE!
100 bucks = 1 week for free
1000 bucks = 1 month for free
10000 = 10 months for free and so on
the whole setup will be self sufficient structure (yes mobile tinyhouses shall be involved, but if the solar setup will look like in the AI generated image, unsure, maybe better a bigger roofing structure with tilting semi transparent solar panels)
the village shall be not only self sufficient in terms of 1. energy but also 2. water and 3. food
and yes when u visit you will get a taste of this independence + freedom :)
and maybe u decide to stay?
(if the beach is surfable dont know yet but would be a plus, but have already a specific spot in mind)
if u do not want to use the TinyHouses urself: u still win! if any additional income can be generated by renting out TinyHouses (for cheap) to visitors and non-backers will be made 100% transparent to all backers and yes u can also participate on that (after substraction of all costs such as cleaning and repairs)