Cocaine: A Short Film
Cocaine: A Short Film
Cocaine: A Short Film
Cocaine: A Short Film
Cocaine: A Short Film
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
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Cocaine: A Short Film
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
Fight for your life.
The team consists of four hometown friends from Northwest New Jersey. They grew up performing together in theatre and establishing The Group Theatre Too, the company that revived COCAINE Off-Broadway in New York City. Everything up to this point has been accomplished with the team's personal finances, resources and asking for every favor from every friend possible.
Justin Boccitto (Director, Co-Writer)
Justin is the Executive Producer of The Group Theatre Too, a theatre collective in Manhattan. For the past ten years the company has produced quality entertainment throughout the country. Visit for more information.
Victor Avila (Director of Photography)
Victor is graduate of New York Film academy and has been in the industry for over 15 years . He currently works at AbelCine where he helps fellow filmmakers attain the tools needed to improve their craft.
Jennifer Avila ("Nora")
Jennifer has been performing live on stage since she was 12 years old. She starred as "Nora" in the off-Broadway revival of COCAINE in 2014. Cocaine will be her film debut.
Nicky is a New Yorker from New Jersey. He has been acting professionally on stage, TV and Film since he was a child. He starred as "Joe" in the off-Broadway revival of COCAINE in 2014.
Nicky Romaniello ("Joe")
COCAINE is a modern rendition of Pendleton King's one-act play written over 100 years ago now being adapted for film. This gritty tragedy focuses on "Joe", an ex-prizefighter, and "Nora", his addict girlfriend. The couple is hitting rock bottom in a slum New York apartment, wrestling their demons of isolation, regret and obsession as time is quickly running out for both of them.
(From L to R) Actors Nicky Romaniello and Jake Allyne, D.P., Victor Avila and Director, Justin Boccitto.
This next phase of the filming process brings challenges that will only be achieved through raising our set goal, allowing for a professional crew, equipment and production value that can make the movie look and sound like a Hollywood film. No contribution is too small and the amounts to your right are just suggestions. You can donate whatever amount you can afford. Your support can bring this relevant story to its full potential. Please help a childhood labor-of-love be seen by the world!
(From L to R) Actor Nicky Romaniello ("Joe") and Director, Justin Boccitto.