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College Acceptance Sweaters

I want to give my resilient graduating seniors sweaters to the colleges they'll be attending in the fall. All are hard working young women from Los Angeles.

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College Acceptance Sweaters

College Acceptance Sweaters

College Acceptance Sweaters

College Acceptance Sweaters

College Acceptance Sweaters

I want to give my resilient graduating seniors sweaters to the colleges they'll be attending in the fall. All are hard working young women from Los Angeles.

I want to give my resilient graduating seniors sweaters to the colleges they'll be attending in the fall. All are hard working young women from Los Angeles.

I want to give my resilient graduating seniors sweaters to the colleges they'll be attending in the fall. All are hard working young women from Los Angeles.

I want to give my resilient graduating seniors sweaters to the colleges they'll be attending in the fall. All are hard working young women from Los Angeles.

1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$875 USD 16 backers
87% of $1,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk

Anything is Appreciated

$1 USD
Est. Shipping
May 2013
1 out of 1000 of claimed

A Hand Written Thank You Card

$20 USD
Est. Shipping
June 2013
3 out of 1000 of claimed

A Thank You Card From a Senior

$50 USD
Est. Shipping
June 2013
2 out of 1000 of claimed


I am the College Counselor at New Village Charter High School. We are an all-girls school located outside of downtown LA. I have worked hard to help all of my students graduate and choose a path for after graduation.

I now want to reward and inspire my current seniors who are choosing college as their next step. I have 10 girls who have accepted offers from 4 year universities and 10 who will attend local community colleges.  I am proud to say that this year I have seen my students accepted to top universities despite the challenges they have faced.  I would love to reward them and show them I am proud of their accomplishments. I want to give them a sweater of their respective colleges. 

I am asking for your help to fund my gift to my students. On average the sweaters range from $40-$60. I plan to have an event, somewhat like a college draft, where the girls will announce where they will be attending college in the fall. Please spread this link.


Universities and Colleges they will be attending:

Los Angeles City College

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College

East Los Angeles College

Riverside City College

Cal State LA

Cal State Sacramento

Cal Poly Pomona

Mount Staint Mary's College

UC Riverside

UC Berkeley



Thank you,


Nekeea Castro


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