Why Patria Coffee?
Patria Coffee began as a solution to the work-family balance; we converted our garage to a coffee workshop and to roast coffee and sell online. Now it's time to realize the vision of creating community-minded space.
We live and work here in the City of Compton. As of now there is not an independent Coffeehouse in the city. This is not because residents don't want one; currently our neighbors leave the city to catch up with a friend, work, or study. While there are a couple of big chain coffeehouses, there are few local alternatives for those who want ethically sourced, sustainably produced, organic options. In addition to creating a place to grab a cup of coffee or a snack, we want to amplify community enrichment already happening, like poetry and art nights or panels to discuss relevant issues, all while staffing with a local workforce that is paid a dignified wage.
What We Need & What You Get
If you help us reach our funding goal, we will be able to open our doors debt free, which will lead to the ability to hire local employees sooner and expand our opening hours.
Funding of the campaign will also support:
- Architectural and other professional services
- New Drain Vent Sewage system up to code
- New Electrical system up to code
- New Heating system up to code
- Title 24 Compliance (State energy efficient requirements)
- Building Permits
- Equipment
- Job Training
The Impact
Prioritizing both our local community and the communities of growers that source our coffee is important to us, and that is true for the process of opening this coffee house as well. For example, the work on the space will be completed by a contractor who gives employment opportunities to folks who may typically be shut out of the labor market for a variety of reasons. Before we open our doors, and after, our guiding value is "in the City, for the City."
Our efforts to open a community-conscious small business do not exist in isolation; there is already a groundswell of local businesses that believe that it is in their best interest to prioritize their neighbors and that running a successful business does not just mean maximizing profits.
If you share our value that access to quality coffee should not be determined by the neighborhood you live in, and if you believe that all communities should have environments where relationships and ideas can flourish, consider supporting our campaign.
Risks & Challenges
Sometimes when we talk to people about our desire to open a coffeehouse, the response we get is "...Compton, huh?" Our city still is famous for the wrong reasons, and some are skeptical that a business like this can be successful in our city. But we know that for every act of violence and tragedy that makes it onto the evening news, there are also other countless stories of families banding together through tough times, supporting their families, and celebrating the milestones of life.
Coffee does not have a high profit margin. However, Patria Coffee has a solid base of subscription and wholesale monthly sales that can already begin to cover the cost of overhead. Having a commercial space will only expand our opportunities to sell to other like-minded businesses and organizations.
Other Ways You Can Help
While it may be our names on this campaign, our doors will never open without the committed support of many people. Even if you are not able to contribute financially, please use your influence to share this campaign with your family and friends. Our funding goal is attainable if as many people as possible give whatever amount they are able.