‘Conscience studio project’ has been existing over a year now. From our (almost) and very modest
studio spot we have, that is my garage, we have produced some jingles, talk
shows and dramas (from our computers) to raise awareness for the oppress
working class and poor people specially those living in rural Nigeria who
unfortunately don’t have a voice that echoes to our political leaders and live
with fear because of some serious and dangerous groups. This situation makes us being keen to struggle even more to change the actual conditions of nigerian
society and reach all the rural-poor people and oppress working class all over the world. One society that is also your society, since we live on the same
Now we are lacking space to keep our ‘studio’ ongoing and we reach to
a point we wish for real to put into practice our dream to change our Planet
and impact people’ lives.
Our campaign description and what
you will support:
‘Conscience studio project’ used to consist
on a voluntary studio platform basically to compose and produce a clear message
to bosses and the ruling class across the world to stop all their gimmicks and
tactics of oppression. In the view of
the above the ‘Conscience project’ is planning now to start a Radio Station
with a protracted social media works. The name of the radio station shall be
operating frequency cannot yet be announced until we are registered with the Broadcasting Commission of our country.We plan to operate a Radio Station with an online
radio that can be streamed on across the world. We also plan to operate a
standard website to cue in all our audience from any path of the world. We
shall also centre our radio station work on campaign for love and end racism.
The magnitude of what contributors
will help us achieve:
With the above mission and vision enumerated we
wish to say that the CONSCIENCE RADIO
station will be a groundbreaking News-radio station that will encourage
progressive journalists, trade unionist, progressive Non-Governmental organizations,
progressive foundations, all strata of oppressed working class and the poor
across the world to report ongoing corruption, oppression and government
malfeasance in the world. Using text, phone calls, e-mails, photos dynamically,
the radio station with the website informs and prompts concerned the citizens
of the world and activist globally to act, denouncing officially-sanctioned
corruption, oppression, the material impoverishment of its citizenry, defilement
of the environment, and the callous disregard of the democratic principles
enshrined in the constitution. The radio station is to be formed in the spirit
of Article 19º of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, comprising of ordinary
people with overriding commitment to saying the truth and broadcasting it
without fear or favoritism!!!
What We Need & What You Get
CONSCIENCE RADIO’s mission is to provide trusted sources of
information, politics, social, economy and entertainment for curious and
thoughtful people in efficient, sustainable ways that meet the needs of the
oppressed people in the world while strengthening the civic and cultural life
of communities across the world that we serve.
Because the working class and the poor people that are creator of
the wealth cannot take it anymore. For peace to reign in the world injustice
and corruption must end because injustice to one is injustice to all.
The Impact
As a voluntary radio station that didn’t depend on bosses or big
corporate support, the CONSCIENCE RADIO’s vision is to be valued, vital and vibrant
service that is indispensable to listeners’ lives, inspires people to look at
the world in different ways and capitalizes on emerging opportunities to serve
our listeners/communities across the world. Our campaign values are again against
oppression and corruption, being totally keen on building a peaceful society
free from rancor, our communities and world in general, lifelong learning by
providing a service accessible to all.
We have manpower that is professional and responsive. They are
committed to creating engaging and appealing programs and services in ways that
reflect values of civility, respect, integrity and individual responsibility!
Overtime the corporate and political establishment has taking over
the media but the oppress working class, youth, the less privileged and the
poor has been left with no faith. For
the this reason we call on progressive journalists, trade unionist, progressive
Non-Governmental organizations, progressive foundations, all strata of
oppressed working class to place make a generous donation to this good step
towards attain a stage for all ranks to voice out their voices.
The donation will be use to get a complete Radio Station package
with a building complex in our location to kick start the good work for
humanity. The complete Transmission equipment will cost about $10,000 with
shipping and other contingency. Processing of licence with the National
Broadcasting Commission will cost about $100,000.
We promise to be faithful and itemized details of how the financial assistance raised for us is been spend:
Complete Transmission
Money required for renting 2 rooms or build a small
place to get Conscience radio available**:
*Please check
It is Category A and FCT means the Capital which is Abuja and the project belongs to
Category A, since we are from Abuja. Taking into account that $1 = N198,950 (Nigerian Naira), N20million=$100.527,80
(based on
**We thought we can build ourselves a modest spot with only two
rooms. One room is for our studio equipment and CONSCIENCE RADIO transmission
per se from there. The other one is for one bathroom and a small kitchenette
for our folks contributors on CONSCIENCE RADIO or even participant inviters. We
thought building this modest place since renting an apartment/house here in
Abuja is quite expensive. Actually it is more expensive renting an apartment
than building one place. You can check what I am saying just by google’ling the
actual prices in renting market in Abuja. As for us is more important to get
the Licence and Transmission Equipment to make the project available for our
community and world community by giving them a voice, a place where they can
express their thoughts, opinions and experiences they face every day. And, so we
are more concerned to build the place for this to happen. Because we know it
could be too much for you that are just like me and my peers, as university
students, to also contribute with this amount of money for us to have a place
for our radio station.
We shall be glad if you generously contribute to this project to
promote and serve humanity by helping us to make CONSCIENCE RADIO a reality and not just a dream. You will help our community, our rural people,
i.e. our society from every corner of the world.
Please just remember, you folks, that information is power and so we
need more information to change the world!
Thank you,
Conscience Radio Team
on picture: Fela Kuti
If you have any
suggestion to make this project reach his best, please we invite you to
write us to
facebook page is also available, please take a look, folks:
also invite you to be our friends on facebook: