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Coronavirus Protection Way Beyond The Mask:

Coronavirus Protection Way Beyond The Mask:

Coronavirus Protection Way Beyond The Mask:

Coronavirus Protection Way Beyond The Mask:

Coronavirus Protection Way Beyond The Mask:

Coronavirus, There Is A " Lot More You Can Do" other than Wash Your Hands & Wear a Leakie Mask.

Coronavirus, There Is A " Lot More You Can Do" other than Wash Your Hands & Wear a Leakie Mask.

Coronavirus, There Is A " Lot More You Can Do" other than Wash Your Hands & Wear a Leakie Mask.

Coronavirus, There Is A " Lot More You Can Do" other than Wash Your Hands & Wear a Leakie Mask.

Truman Gray
Truman Gray
Truman Gray
Truman Gray
1 Campaign |
Dallas, United States
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $1,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Capt. Gray, USAF Biological Warfare Officer explains how much more you can do to protect your family:

We have developed Pandemic Kits to protect your family far beyond the Mask / Wash hands.  We are seeking funds to fine-tune the kit for immediate deployment.  This will be First Come / First Serve:  Materials and supplies will collapse quickly as with China.  Our inventories and restocking ability is finite in a crisis.  Only those that think ahead will be prepared.

Capt. Gray:  USAF Biological Warfare Officer - Texas A&M Animal Nutrition & Genetics - Director,  (3,000+ families & groups preparing over 10,000 people for any and all of LifesChallenges)
As the Director of this large Family Preparedness Group, we are inviting you to step up and prepare your family to weather this situation.  It could blow over in America.  It could continue to double weekly into a crisis.  If you are comfortable with "it could blow over" then all is well for you.  IF NOT, then be prepared with one of the 4 Pandemic Kits  Phase  I  II  III  or IV. 

Your contribution will protect your family, state & nation.  All are depending on you and your timely decisions.  This could escalate into a crisis in less than a week's time.   Then supplies become critical and you are left out.  That is how a crisis works.  It doesn't care about you.  In a crisis only YOU care about YOU.  Your decision today will control tomorrow.

Those that select an appropriate Kit for your situation today are on the top of the list in the world.  NO ONE IS EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS.  If this situation evolves rapidly  AND YOU DONATED  to a  KIT PERK, we won't wait to perfect the pretty packaging, we will ship the ingredients to you immediately to make sure your forward-thinking is respected.

Initial stock is in place for those that react now.  Your funding will assure inventory and packaging ability.  A secure container for shipping these delicate products, special leak-proof& containers for intense concentrated essential herb oils & the support of a Compounding Pharmacy to fine toon the quantities and blends.                    Time is not our friend                             

What We Need & What You Get

We are asking for $1,500.00 for the design of special packing materials for these delicate & expensive, quality, concentrated essential herb oils, and other specific compounds.  Any additional funds will be folded into backup inventory.  The supply chain will collapse rapidly due to the crisis and the excess demand on limited world supply.  The more funds the better supply.

Your Donation to a specific Perk will provide you with that Pandemic Kit as described.  There are the Phase I  II  III  &  IV  Kits.  There is a video explaining in detail what to do and how to do it for each Phase / Kit.

                  There Is A Lot More You Can Do BEYOND Wash Your Hands & A Mask.

I am going to benefit by helping others - You are going to benefit by protecting yourself and you're loved ones, friends & neighbors.  The World Will Benefit because no one is telling us what to do   "except wash your hands and wear a stupid leaking mask".

You Needs to Know:  There is a " Lot More You Can Do to Protect yourself & your family from the CoronaVirus and most others ". 
                               You Are Not Being Told - WHY???
                                                                     Well, you are going to find out now. 

WE NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT:   Time is Not on Our Side:           Yes, that means You & Me.  If you believe that there is more than can be done than Wash Your Hands & Wear a Stupid Leaky Mask, then you are with me.                  ?? Time Is Of The Essence, Isn't It ??

Have You Ever Thought That  Helping The World & Humanity Was Beyond Your Grasp??  Well, my friend, this is a serious business and within your grasp.   You can save your own butt & help everyone else also.

This is Way Beyond a Mask:  CoronaVirus Defense:  Phase I  II  III  IV   "Protection You Are Not Being Told About".   Details and formulas to prepare at home for Self Protection.   CoronaVirus Herbal & Natural Defense & Scientifically Based Home Remedy.  Secrets No One is Telling You About. There is a lot more you can do. Time tested for thousands of years before Man Became Smarter than God.

WHAT WE NEED TO DO NOW TO MAKE THIS PROJECT HAPPEN: Put together the several kits that have been developed. & listed below. Need the resources to order shipping materials, raw undiluted essential herb oils, proper sized bottles and containers. Activate Compounding Pharmacy to assist in exact formula blends and quantities. Build and distribute complete kits so the family can prepare their own defenses. Written directions & formula instructions for each of Phase I, Phase II, Phase III & Phase IV Kit   These Kits can be emergency shipped within days.

INVENTORY IS IN STOCK FOR THE FIRST 100 Kit Donations. If a critical emergency arises, we will ship immediately and play with the pretty packaging later.

Why Me:  Why Us:  Why isn't your Doctor telling you these lifesaving processes??  Why aren't the people we trust telling us??  Why aren't the Politicians telling us??  Your Doctor spent about $150,000.00 going through medical school where all this stuff was taught as quackery and didn't make any money for the Drug Companies and can't Patton a natural compound.

Just Ain't No Profit in Curing You and Yours.   Sad, but I fear it's true:
I need to prepare Survival Kits for you & me.  I need to produce the designated kits containing everything you need to mount a successful defense against the Coronavirus, any virus or bacteria as well as BiologicalWarfareAgents of which this may be one.  My first fear as a USAF Biological Warfare Officer.  It appears that may be the case.


YouTube Training & Warning Video Presentation on Each Phase & Kit:  Instruction Videos  (not a Hollywood production) but YOU need the information now.
 We Have To Let The World Know -                PLEASE tell those you care about.                             

 YouTube Production showing & explaining procedures,  and specific applications. Kit I:  Phase I

KIT I: Nasal Fogger, to Combat Inhaled Virus & Bacteria: Phase I Package. (6-10 refills for one person, OR 3 refills for 4 people OR up to 45 refills for the 1/3 oz, mini carryall mister)

Quality container box to use and store materials and instructions. (a combination of 4 anti-viral substances to assure ultimate Self Defense for your family.  Anyone will probably do the job but if you are like me, I want 400% protection for me & my family, rather than 100%. The kit will include the 1.5 oz. nasal fog container and a 1/3 oz. mini carryall spray & all ingredients to makeup 6-10 refills for one person  OR  2 refills for 4  OR  up to 45 mini carryall spray refills.  Full detailed instructions will be on the inside of the kit lid with easily identified formulas and measurements.                                                                                                    (  $43.00 + shipping )

Free: liquid hand soap booster SAMPLE ( $9.95 value ) (treats 3 - 8 oz, soap dispensers) – (see instructions below)

YouTube Production showing & explaining procedures,   specific applications. Kit II: Phase II


KIT II: Mouth, Mask & Essentials Purification Protocol: Phase II Package. Kit will make (10 / 2 oz. misters or 30 / I/3 oz. mini carryall spray.)

It provides a special 2 oz. mister to complete the breathing tract process by spraying under your tongue and in the mouth. Includes the I/3 oz. mini carryall spray. It can be dripped into the eyes for more complete environmental coverage. It provides a designed misting process to purify and recondition the mask at home or on the go. It provides an abundant spray pattern to cover one's hands, hair, face, beard, shoes, cell phone, computer keyboard, etc, etc, etc.  4 Anti-viral substances to complete the Self Defense protocol at home OR on the go, of which you can now do instead of hiding in you closet.                                                              ( $49 + Shipping )

Free: liquid hand soap booster SAMPLE ($9.95 value) (treats 3 / 8 oz, soap dispensers) – (see instructions below)

See YouTube Production showing & explaining procedures, mixes, and specific applications. Kit III: Phase III

KIT I I I : Super Mouth Wash and Ultimate Sanitizer: Phase III Package. Kit will make ( 10 / 34 oz. Bottles of Mouthwash / Sanitizer. OR 8 / 34 oz. bottles and 34 / 2 oz. Personal Carry Spray Bottles) Kit III has all the components to build the Mouthwash & Sanitizer solution.
Sanitizing mouthwash to be used several times daily.  Fills 12 – 16 oz. sprayer for utility decontamination.  2 oz. carry spray for daily travels. Sanitizer for kitchen cutting boards & Produce purification.                                                                                            ( $59.00 + Shipping )

Free: liquid hand soap booster (treats 10)– add to your liquid hand soap and mix thoroughly. (see instructions below) ($16.95 value)
See YouTube Production showing & explaining procedures, mixes, and specific applications. Kit IV: Phase IV

KIT IV: Bulk Master Refill & Backup Supply:
Contains refills for Phase I II III & IV Refills for all Kits in one package & provides reserve supply.(Nasal Fogger (P-I )  Mouth / Mask (P-II) - Mouthwash & ultimate sanitizer ( P-III ) - Compound for (P-IV) Nebulizer. Free: liquid hand soap booster – add to your own liquid soap.                      (see instructions below)                                                                                       ( $68.00 + Shipping )

Free: liquid hand soap booster (treats 10)– add to your liquid hand soap and mix thoroughly. (see instructions below) ($16.95value)
LIQUID HAND SOAP & BODY SANITIZER: ANTI-VIRAL / BACTERIAL BOOSTER: Sterilizes your hands, hair & body by cutting off bacteria, virus, mold spores & any other contaminants on your skin leaving a fine protective coating of the essential oil film. Still best to spray hair & body with Phase III solution. If too strong dilute in a separate sprayer for the shower. Treats 10 / 8 oz. Hand Soap containers ( 10 drops / 8 oz. soap.  Empty soap container into a glass and add 2 oz. or more water with the 10 drops so as to mix well before refilling soap containers.  Keep leftover to refill at a later time or add to another.    About a 2 - 4 Year Supply.                                                                                                                                                                                                   $16.95 + Shipping


Family Combination Perk V Phase 5 (Combines Phase I II III & IV into one complete package) Provides everything needed to perform all 4 Phases. All the delivery bottles, essential bulk product to perform all services of the 4 Phases with multiple refills for each. Provides a family of 4 with all necessary product and delivery bottles/sprays & misters for each person. Included: 4/1/3 oz mini personal sprays, 4/1.5 oz. nasal fogger, 4/2 oz. day carry sprayers.

(Not included: Nebulizer & 16 oz, utility sprayer)      ( $236.00 value)   ( $131.00 + Shipping )

Free Field Test: liquid hand soap booster (treats 10)– add to your liquid hand soap and mix thoroughly. (see instructions below) ($16.95value)




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Choose your Perk

KIT II: Mouth, Mask, etc, etc

$43 USD $58 USD (25% off)
KIT II: Mouth, Mask & Essentials Purification Protocol: Phase II Package. Kit will make 10 / 2 oz. or 30 / I/3 oz. 4 Anti-viral substances. Provides protection for mask, hair, eyes, hands, cellphone,etc Makes mobility possible. Carry protection with you at home or on the go. Free: liquid hand soap booster SAMPLE ($9.95 value)
Included Items
  • Herb oils, 2 oz.& 1/3 oz.spray
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 out of 150 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

KIT I I I : Super Mouth Wash +

$49 USD $65 USD (24% off)
KIT I I I : Super Mouth Wash and Ultimate Sanitizer: Phase III Package. Kit will make ( 10 / 34 oz. Bottles of Mouthwash / Sanitizer. OR 8 / 34 oz. bottles and 34 / 2 oz. Personal Carry Spray Bottles) Free: liquid hand soap booster (treats 10)– add to your liquid hand soap and mix thoroughly. (see instructions below) ($16.95 value)
Included Items
  • Super Protection Plan (10)
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

KIT III: P-1 Nasal Protection:

$59 USD $79 USD (25% off)
KIT I: Nasal Fogger, to Combat Inhaled Virus & Bacteria: Phase I Package. (6-10 refills for one person, OR 3 refills for 4 people OR up to 45 refills for the 1/3 oz, mini carryall mister) Quality container box & stored materials. ( 4 vials/formula) Full detailed instructions.
Included Items
  • Herb oils, 2 oz.& 1/3 oz.spray (10)
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America

KIT IV: Bulk Master Refill Kit

$68 USD $90 USD (24% off)
Contains refills for Phase I II III & IV Refills for all Kits in one package & provides reserve supply. (Nasal Fogger (P-I ) Mouth / Mask (P-II) - Mouthwash & ultimate sanitizer ( P-III ) Compound for (P-IV) Nebulizer. ( $68 +$9 shipping=$77 Donation ) Free: liquid hand soap booster (treats 10) ($16.95value)
Included Items
  • Herb oils, 2 oz.& 1/3 oz.spray (10)
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

Family Combo Perk V, Phase 5

$131 USD $236 USD (44% off)
Family of 4 packs. Bulk product adequate to fulfill all 4 Phases with multiple refills. Included all sprayers & foggers for 4 people. This is a complete system with long term survivability. Full instructions to guide one through resupplying all 4 Phases of protection with multiple refills. The Hand Sanitizer is provided as a Free Gift.
Included Items
  • Herb oils, 2 oz.& 1/3 oz.spray
  • Bulk Product Items
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
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