A Tale Of Curses and Growth
The art of VolkenFox and writing of Mickey Bamboo will be joined together in this illustrated story of Andrew, an affluent wolf whose narcissism and wealth has gotten him everything he always wanted, until his family sees that he has gone too far. Now that he is lined up to be the figurehead of the family business, his relatives change reality itself into order to keep him from ruining everything they had spent their lives building. Now left with his reality changing him from a spoiled socialite to a massive mutt-child who is more obsessed with his own geeky desires than pursuing anything beyond his own selfish interests, Andrew is faced with the growing realization that his new identity is taking over completely.
What We Need & What You Get
We believe with at least $500, we can bring you a solid illustrated story featuring male transformation and weight gain which includes the additional themes that the community chose when we first proposed this idea. Using $500, we will be able to bring you a story of at least 10,000 words and 5 illustrations or more. Stretch goals are also included, so as we receive additional funds beyond the initial goal, we will continue to "fatten" the word count, "swell" the amount of illustrations, and "expand" the breadth of how far Andrew’s transformations shall go.
Contributors of five dollars or more will receive an advanced copy of the illustrated story upon completion. Approximately one month later, we will release the e-book for sale to the general public.
Stretch Goals
Our stretch goals include the following:
Further stretch goals will be added should we fulfill the current list.
Considering how many words and illustrations we will be providing, this project will be a large undertaking. While we feel we can handle this workload, as Volkenfox has already posted multiple E-Books already and Mickey has numerous stories completed and available to read online, timeliness will still be the biggest factor we need to consider. If we just fall short of our goal, we will try to bring you an abridged version of our story nonetheless.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand not everyone can afford to contribute, and that's all right! You can still help us out by spreading the word to your friends.