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Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric Dollard, replicate by John Polakowski and inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. Demonstrates Formative Forces.

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Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator

Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric Dollard, replicate by John Polakowski and inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. Demonstrates Formative Forces.

Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric Dollard, replicate by John Polakowski and inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. Demonstrates Formative Forces.

Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric Dollard, replicate by John Polakowski and inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. Demonstrates Formative Forces.

Cosmic Induction Generator designed by Eric Dollard, replicate by John Polakowski and inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla. Demonstrates Formative Forces.

Aaron Murakami
Aaron Murakami
Aaron Murakami
Aaron Murakami
3 Campaigns |
San Luis Obispo, United States
$7,657 USD 42 backers
58% of $13,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Who I Am & How I Became Involved With The Cosmic Induction Generator

My name is John Polakowski and I went to school at CalPoly for Computer Engineering but soon realized that my true interest is with the Electrical Sciences. You might know me as jpolakow from Energetic Forum. My main focus there has been researching the work of Eric Dollard who is a world renown master of Electricity.  He is the only person alive who has replicated Tesla's real wireless transmission technologies and has even improved upon them! 

I'm honored because Eric Dollard has taken me under his wing as his “apprentice". This relationship has resulted in quite a few amazing experimental devices that demonstrates many electrical phenomena that defy conventional theory. You can see a great deal of my work that has been freely shared for the last few years in the Eric Dollard discussions here: John Polakowski Cosmic Induction Generator

When Eric Dollard was homeless and needed a place to stay, I invited him into my home and he stayed there off and on for about a year and a half. During his stay, we grew to be friends and his genius in the electrical sciences was instantly apparent. It quickly became my mission to help disseminate his knowledge of Tesla, advance the science of Electrical Engineering, and recreate the mind-blowing experimental setups he had formerly done that defy conventional theories. (As seen in the Borderland videos) 

Here's a screenshot in the video of Eric receiving a radio signal out of the ground at the beach, using a copper screen as a ground plane:

Receiver connected to ground plane (in the water)

Before EPD Labs was founded (Eric's non-profit organization), I was helping him by publishing his work on Energetic Forum. Eric definitely lives up to his world renown reputation as a Tesla master and I’m very adept at fabricating experimental devices from his plans. So, our unique skill sets complement each other. My primary work with Eric at his lab is focused on actually building the equipment and that has continued since the time of EPD Labs' inception to the present day. My abilities to recreate the works of Eric Dollard with actual working experimental models has already been demonstrated over the years in Energetic Forum. 

What Is the Cosmic Induction Generator?

above: Eric with one of the original Cosmic Induction Generators

One of the most awe inspiring experiments by Eric Dollard was called the Cosmic Induction Generator (CIG). So named because the CIG produces intense lines of dielectric induction that cause a plasma to form which takes on the shape and form of a galaxy in space (the Cosmic aspect). The aspect that is extraordinary is the plasma doesn’t take on random shapes or motions- it forms a mini universe! Witnesses to the original experiment described the plasma as being “alive”, “conscious”, and having a “memory”.

The goal of the CIG is to emphasize the living aspect of electricity, as part of the Formative Forces described by Goethe. Read: Cosmic SuperImposition, Wilhelm Reich This display of the galaxy was termed the “galaxy in a bulb”, because the plasma formed in a burned out incandescent bulb. Unfortunately, the “galaxy in a bulb” was never caught on film, but some other pictures were taken that display interesting effects:

Dendritic, root like plasma structure in bulb showing the organic nature of electricity:

Interesting plasma formation:

Beautiful Golden Ratio Discharge:

This one is very mysterious. First notice the organic plasma formation, but also notice the "figure" that appears towards the bottom of the picture:

Is it an image artifact? Or is it an entity that decided to appear when living electricity is present? Amazing!

My Replication Of The Cosmic Induction Generator

Currently, my singular goal is to recreate the former glory of the CIG, prove electricity is alive, and catch the “galaxy in a bulb” on film for all to see!

Please keep in mind that the Cosmic Induction Generator demonstration is only one of countless experiments that I will be able to do with these exact same coils and power supplies - so you any funds donated to this campaign are not just for the Cosmic Induction Generator, it is for a lot of different experiments that will be possible with the same equipment!

For the Cosmic Induction Generator project, I have already designed and built the Tesla coils, a few HV power supplies, and this includes fabricating custom parts for a 1 kW amplifier/transmitter that will be the high power driver for the Tesla coils. There is a big difference between being able to design something on paper and being able to actually build it. Fortunately, I am quite capable of both! :)

The purpose of this campaign is to raise funds that will allow me to continue my research with Eric, construct pieces of equipment to do a demonstration at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference, and enable me to travel to the conference itself. By contributing to this campaign you are helping to ensure the CIG is demonstrated at the conference! Also my presentation goes hand in hand with Eric’s material for the conference, so he will be able to use my equipment to enhance his own presentation.

This campaign is particularly relevant to the home experimenter or hobbyist. A few years ago I was an average electrical experimenter who had no idea about Eric Dollard, or Tesla Coils, or alternative science. Through lots of hard work, dedication, studying, and more hard work, I was able to directly work with Eric Dollard. I am proof that anyone can do it if they set their mind to it!

How You Can Help Advance The Cosmic Induction Generator Project

The most immediate goal for funding is to be able to make a demonstration and presentation at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. To do this a couple things need to be accomplished:

-Equipment is needed to be built that will drive the Tesla Coils with more power at the conference. Parts and Materials need to be bought. Also some additional tools are required.

-Truck repairs - my truck died in the middle of the desert on a trip to the lab! The truck is desperately needed to transport all the equipment from where I live in San Luis Obispo, Ca to the conference in Idaho.

-I need to take some time off from work so I can visit Eric Dollard at the lab and prepare our presentations for the conference.

The conference organizers will be covering travel and lodging expenses during my trip to the conference.

Any funds received above our goal will help pay for further improvements and upgrades to the Cosmic Induction Generator.

We have acquired two large AM 5000 watt transmitters as you can see above. They're quite a bit bigger than the bench top Navy transmitter I'm currently using for my experiments! One is paid for already and the other we need to pay $3500 for it to be free and clear. When we have 3-phase power hooked up, that is 10,000 watts worth of power we will be able to use to power the largest Cosmic Induction Generator known to man! This will be on a scale that Tesla himself would have built in order to demonstrate these principles. You can see the size of my current coils, which are good up to a couple thousand watts total. The coils that will be built for the monster size demonstration you can imagine will be quite a bit bigger! This will be the largest demonstration ever shown that will demonstrate not only the formative forces on a very large scale, it will be the largest demonstration of synthesizing and de-synthesizing energy right from and into counterspace! 

Furthermore, the electrical flames that are emitted from the capacitor rings around the coil are capable of playing the most high fidelity audio that you have ever heard in your life. Some people play music on their Tesla coils, but that is limited to a small frequency range - the CIG used as an electrical flame plasma speaker is something completely different and not many people have ever witnessed this very rare aspect of this technology.

Because of my commitment to the success of the Cosmic Induction Generator project, I have overextended myself financially by spending money on parts, materials, and tools. Other aspects of my life have been badly neglected so I am living on scraps! My truck repairs have been neglected because the success of the Cosmic Induction Generator is more important - but I do still need my truck! Every extra bit of money and time is spent working on this project because of  its profound importance to the advancement of Teslian electrical sciences.

Donating to this campaign, however large or small, will help to keep the momentum of the CIG replication moving forward. Even a single dollar makes a difference in my life! Anything you are able to contribute to this project will be very much appreciated. Regardless of how much money is raised, I am committed to finishing the Cosmic Induction Generator. 

In addition to the unit I will be displaying at the conference, I am also building a 1 kW version that is ten times as powerful. This is the unit that will make the amazing plasma displays come to life! I have already started to build it, and it is coming together great. I’ve made lots of custom parts for this piece of equipment, I have really put my heart and soul into making sure everything is perfect! It is powered by two 4-250 vacuum tubes with a plate voltage of around 5,000 volts! Any additional funding will go towards completing this larger version of the CIG. Some pictures are below as well as lots more in the gallery!

Front panel of the transmitter:

Upper RF deck with 4-250 tubes:

Aluminum piece I fabricated (the copper piece is the ground plane) :

Here is a housing I made for the 829B driver tubes:

Here it is with the tube installed:

The bottom RF deck:

Back of the tube housing with fan to cool the tube:

What This Means To You And The World

This campaign is important to anyone who follows the work of Eric Dollard or is interested in Tesla. Eric has been gaining momentum lately, and his writings are receiving greater attention. By supporting me you are helping to bring Eric's visions to reality. Now it is time to bring his dreams to life. If you are able to contribute to this project you are helping to ensure the genius of Nikola Tesla and Eric Dollard isn’t lost. This benefits not only you, but all future generations who can use this knowledge.

Completing the CIG will bring more awareness to some non-conventional aspects of electricity that have been forgotten or ignored.  Mainstream science has become too entrenched in their own paradigm to consider new discoveries, like living electricity. Change must be brought about on a grassroots level; presenting equipment that shows physical proof of things not explained by current science. The CIG is the perfect candidate for this- it has already been done before! We are recreating something that will bring more attention to the work of Nikola Tesla and Eric Dollard.

Throughout my build I’ve already been posting pictures of my progress; so everyone will get to continue to watch things come together and be a part of the reconstruction of Eric Dollards famous CIG. I’ve already demonstrated my dedication to this recreation- I’ve been working on the CIG for over a year now! I am fully able, motivated, and qualified to complete the CIG if I have the funds to do so!

Some people have a hard time understanding Eric’s complex technical language. One of the most important reasons for me to give a presentation at the conference is that I am able to act as an “interpreter” for Eric. I started out as someone just like you, so I’m more able to explain complex topics to ordinary people who have a tough time comprehending Eric’s theories. I can help “translate” Eric’s comprehensive understanding of electricity into terms the average person can understand.

By donating to this cause and helping to realize the finished product, it is proof that anyone who takes the time and energy can do this!

You Should Donate If:

- You would like to see a demonstration of the Cosmic Induction Generator at the Energy Science Conference. Even if you can't attend the demonstration will be captured on video.

-You would like to see the Cosmic Induction Generator finished, and living, organic, plasma forms be demonstrated

- You would like to see Eric Dollard's research continue

-You would like to see other designs of Eric Dollard replicated

-You think there is phenomena not completely investigated by modern science, and you would like to support its investigation

-You would enjoy and feel good about being part of something larger than yourself, that aims to vindicate the work of Nikola Tesla

Other Ways You Can Help

Of all people I definitely understand if you are not able to contribute financially, I'm broke myself! There are other ways to help and raise awareness :

  • Let people you know about the recreation in progress of the Cosmic Induction Generator. Spread the word to make this happen!
  • Know of a resource I should know about? Let me know!
  • Follow along on the build, I will be providing updates
  • Share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter!
  • Make an intention for this project to succeed!

Thank you for your consideration in supporting my project!

John Polakowski


John Polakowski's CIG replication in Eric Dollard's thread: 

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

Post 5

John Polakowski's Homepage: John Polakowski Science

2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference: Energy Conference

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CIG Presentation

$100 USD
John Polakowski will be giving a presentation and demonstration of the Cosmic Induction Generator at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference. You will receive a free download of this presentation when it is produced.
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July 2014
18 out of 25 of claimed

Presentation and Autograph

$250 USD
Get a copy of the Cosmic Induction Generator Presentation and an autographed photo of Eric Dollard.
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
4 out of 25 of claimed
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