If you've made it this far...
your curiosity has been piqued about a band called "Couriers" and this new EP that we're working on. As the name implies, we are couriers, or messengers of the Word of God. By no means the only or even the best messengers, just five guys from Minnesota who dream of sharing our passion and love for Christ through music. This campaign is dire to our success and future endeavors as a band. We are all full time students in our junior years at our respective colleges, so money isn't abundant. The greatness that will be produced out of the funds donated will be on a level most bands our size do not get the privlidge of creating. This has been our greatest musical works to date, and something that ourselves and others have told us will blow listeners away.
Recording is much more complex than it seems...
Recording is such a small word for a massive process. To enlighten those who do not know, the process of "recording" and EP/album/song or even anything is broken up in the various steps.
- First, obviously content must be created. Any musicians or music entusiasts know that time spent mastering your individual crafts, writing GOOD original material, and smoothing out the rough spots is a lengthy process. While a labor of love, a labor nonetheless.
- Then comes "recording". This consists of recording the instruments and vocals into multi-thousand dollar equipment, running software that has a pricetag that'll make your head spin.
- Music recorded isn't near perfect enough to be released, thus it's tones, tempos, and overall effects are worked over in the production stage. This is what makes a recording. And going to Greg Lindholm from The Suit, our music will be recorded and produced on an amazing level of quality.
- Distribution comes next. We mass order prints of the album art for cases and CD's with our brand new music on it. No, we don't sit in our basement burning CD's with our computers.
This very intensive prcoess is very expensive but worth it to achieve an EP we can be proud of. We belive the content we've produced is worthy of the best because we've poured our hearts and souls into this unlike any other creation we've conjured.
What you'll get out of it...
We're offering many rewards for those who donate. Things like, merch, lyrics, digital downloads, physical copies of the EP, and other Couriers perks will be available. There is no minimum to donate, and we humbly accept all offers. All donations above $3 will get you a digital download. Anything $5 gets you a wristband. Anything above $10 gets you a physical copy.
We're very open to changing perks, just let us know what you want and we'll make it happen.
"...and with my song I praise Him" (Psalms 28:7)...
The world we live in is supplemented by media that is upsetting in our eyes. Not just because it doesn't conform to our beliefs; we actually appreciate the variety, but because it's flat out toxic content. Songs that degrade people, mock others, or lack musical effort aren't worth the time of our population, yet is more widely available than healthy, loving media. It'd be easy to conform to those methods to make mass amounts of money and fame, but that's not what we feel the world needs. We've worked diligently to create poetry, art, and music that will be a breath of fresh air, yet familiar enough to not be too abstract.
What we believe our music can do for the greater good is provide a hand. Not just any hand, but one that may appear familiar. It may look like your own tattered hands. The people in Couriers have lived very diverse and experienced lives so far in our ~20 years of existence. We relate heavily with those around us that are afflicted.
That being said, this music is all about a road to redemption. A full synopsis will be made available to get the literal meaning behind the metaphor. We have heard many great things about the music we released prior, and that was before we truly could capture our emotion and raw human experience in our music. For those we've impressed in the past, we feel this will blow those expectations away.
Money isn't everything...
We understand that money isn't always an option to give. But we never expected to achieve success on any level with only money. We've gotten here so far on our own college incomes and prayer of friends and family. Our band has grown by word of mouth and social media. All ways that people have helped out Couriers besides monetary donations are equally important, but unfortately we can't pay Greg with kindness (I'm sure he'd accept it if he didn't have his own bills to pay, he's a great guy!). But aside from affording physical entities, love, respect and compassion go a long ways. Please, share our campaign (the folks at Indiegogo/Facebook/Twitter etc. made this very easy to do), keep us in your prayer groups, or just give us your honest feedback. We love it all, as we love you all.
We're calling out to you, become a courier. We will march to a new beat and anthem. If you seek to pave the way of love and aid, your contributions will not be wasted here.
With love, adoration, and humility,
W E // A R E // C O U R I E R S