Creature Feature Quarterly vol. 3 for OSE...
It has been a busy (and interesting) year for me. I have been getting a lot of commissioned work lately while still plugging away at my own monster-making efforts. And, I figured it's time to release a 3rd volume of Creature Feature Quarterly for the Old School Essentials fans.
In the past, I've used Kickstarter but this time I thought I would give IndieGoGo a try.
Backers will get to vote on what monsters make it into the new volume.
I have selected 40+ monsters for you to vote on. I have compiled them all into a PDF which is available on DriveThruRPG and my Drive (links below). The PDF includes images of the creatures, some descriptive text and a general HD value. There is a link in the PDF that will take you to a poll over on my Patreon.
Here's a link to the PDF hosted on DriveThru:
And my Drive if you prefer to use that:
The final product will include 16 of the selected monsters. Each monster will get four pages each covering stuff like:
- Extensive Fluff including Descriptions, Lore, Ecology, Adventure Seeds and some ideas for memorable Loot.
- Paper Mini designs for EVERY monster! Designed for easy print and play so you can easily get them on your table quick!
- VTT tokens for EVERY monster if you prefer to play your oldskool on Roll20, etc.
- The PDF is formatted to be easily printed at home on A4 sheets as A5 facing pages. (DIY!)
Risks & Challenges
There is very little risk of the project not reaching completion because it is a compilation of materials already published via my Patreon. And IGG backers get to select which of the potential monsters get into the new collection. The only hurdle is getting it all laid out in LibreOffice (which has been a bit buggy lately), but I think I can handle it. I have ran similar campaigns in the past with no problems.
(the links below go to earlier volumes currently available at DriveThruRPG)